Training for marathon



  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Total milege I put in last week is 30 miles for training. So far so good. Last three miles is getting to me lol
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    I don't about you, but man I hate this time of year with all the food(s)/sweet(s) pass around. I do have weakness for cookies! (home made!) Still, a personal struggle and doing best I can controlling my hands from taking more lol! When last time you got attack by food! Nope never been attack but my hands do walk to the tray lol:p
    Even if I put in the miles, if I stop training I afriad I blow up like a balloon.

    Yoyo diets are not heathy! Sure anyone can loose 10 to 20 pounds in a week. But its really just water weight. (well depending on how big the person is) and you get it back easy with friends. Take if from a guy who was over 220. With lots of issues. Like every fat person, all we see in mirrow is the fear of going back there.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Its been a min from writing a post. But finsih a 5 mile race this past weekend at the beach. Night race, time 43 mins some sec. Broke my time. But I over done it
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Was training this past friday night. Not my best training week. Because of race I drop my training to 14 miles: I could only fiinish 12, My body just gave out. I think it was because I may have over dress a bit. One of my shirt ended up being drench! So when I walk to drink water. Could just really hit! Snap the heat from my body! Good thing there was a gas station near by to stop warm up. But could not finish or walk the rest.

    Joggers knee: Not a good feeling, its not the pain thats gets me. Its the weakness. No strenght in the mussles. So got few choices. I could a few days or reast of week off (don't like that). Could cut back my jogging this week by 2/3. It won't be a total waist. Rest Ice Compression Elavate (R.I.C.E.) my leg as much as I can. Hard choice.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    lol it maybe not joggers knee. Another week no jogging. Boo, I miss jogging 25 plus each week.
  • jacqueline7599
    jacqueline7599 Posts: 159 Member
    Well I start training today for a 1/2 marathon. Did one last April. I don't know what made me sign up for another. I wanted to start training in Oct but with my job I couldn't. Now I can. Hopefully no injuries before it like last year which really messed up my training.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    13shark77 wrote: »
    Anyone ever jog in snow? What kind shoe to were? just in case it snows here

    I wear trail shoes, preferably my big-lugged Salomon Fellraisers

    I was wondering about these - how do you like them?

    For their intended purpose, they are great. Definitely not an all-purpose trail shoe. I wear them when I know I'm doing lots of climbing and/or out on crappy trails.

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    I'm training for my first half, which will be the end of Feb. I'm using the couch to half marathon training. I did my first 5 mile (long run) on Saturday. But it is a mix of running (3/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile)..... Any recommendations on eating prior to running the half... of how soon BEFORE my half before I get a new pair of shoes.

    if i were you, and you're doing a half at the end of february, i would get new shoes now and start to break them in. i think i read somewhere that it takes about 25-50 miles to "break-in" a pair of shoes, and that their ideal running range is between 50-200 miles.

    as far as eating, that is something you need to experiment with. personally, i have a cup of coffee and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich about 90 minutes before my race, and a banana 30 minutes before. hydrate the days leading up to the race, as over hydrating on race morning will most likely result in extra bathroom breaks. speaking of bathroom breaks, force yourself to sit on the can before you leave your house.

    if you're planning on taking nutrition during the race, that is something you need to practice while you train. most people find that taking solid food, even gels, while running can cause GI issues. many people find that if you take some kind of sports drink that you'll be fine. remember, your body can really only absorb about 60g of carbs an hour, so you don't need to over do it. a half marathon is going to take you about two hours, you should have plenty of glycogen stores to see you through most of it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    13shark77 wrote: »
    lol it maybe not joggers knee. Another week no jogging. Boo, I miss jogging 25 plus each week.

    have you tried KT tape?
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    I just change shoes in Nov after putting in 500 miles in them give take. Idk, Doc not sure, looks to be nerve damage from not only jogging but lost of weight at the same time. that didn't give the body a chance to get use to condition of change even though its been slow lost of 6 lbs. and even though 25 lbs pounds don't seem a lot. The body haven't got use to the change. So there a few things I don't know?
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    This suxs, Well Im done for training for marathon this year. I try again next year. lol or any type of 5ks for next few months. don't worry I'll be back when recover
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I'm training for my first Marathon in May! so I'll be training through the Summer here in Australia, but I trained for my half marathon last winter. So far I prefer the winter training haha...even when I got wet sometimes. I was wondering, how can you tell if you need new footwear? I haven't changed mine as often as 6 months.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 2015
    mzbek24 wrote: »
    I'm training for my first Marathon in May! so I'll be training through the Summer here in Australia, but I trained for my half marathon last winter. So far I prefer the winter training haha...even when I got wet sometimes. I was wondering, how can you tell if you need new footwear? I haven't changed mine as often as 6 months.

    I change my every 6 months, sometimes a little longer. It all depends on how much I jog per week. Still, I been doing this for past 8 years. You will notice notice a diffirences in your shoes as time goes by examples: you may notice shin splints, soreness in feet and cafts. These are just a few signs that I know when its time to look into new shoes.

    I still, use old shoes as great walking shoes and for outings as well. As for training! I love summer months morn than the winter!