Older Runners - Anyone start late in life and have success?

I ran in my late 30's and early 40's but then life got in the way and basically stopped. Menopause then hit and now I've put on lots of weight. I would like to get back to running and would love to hear success stories from runners who took it up or went back to it later in life. I need inspiration so send pics if you have them.


  • evilyns
    evilyns Posts: 3 Member
    I've just started running at 47, six months ago I would've said I don't run even if you chase me with a gun. Start slow and set a small goal, I am looking at doing a 10k in April. The first day that I ran 30 minutes without walking I was excited!! Remember that if you are moving you are lapping the people on the couch every step counts.....Good Luck
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    I am forty and just started running 2 years ago. My older brother is 54 and he started running when he was 42 and now runs 2-3 marathons a year as well as countless 5k, 10k, 15k and half marathons. He is who got me into running.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I am 44 and have been running in earnest for a little over 2 years now--my mantra always used to be "I only run when chased." I finished my first half marathon (in under 2 hours!) just last month (see profile pic). I attribute nearly all of my success in losing weight to running and maintaining a calorie deficit. Plus now I get grumpy if I don't get to go for a run!
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I am 44 and have done C25K a couple times in the past few years, and plan to do it again starting in spring with the hopes of doing a marathon one day! I have an awesome co-worker who told me that she has done 5 marathons since she started running after 50! Super inspiring.
  • mcdance15
    mcdance15 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone. Gives me hope that I can get back to it too.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    I started when I was 45, and am now 50. So far, no major disasters that weren't self-inflicted (as in crashing into a road sign while I was fussing at my running buddy...). I've run a total of about a dozen 5k's but mainly just put in the miles for stress relief and because its fun for me.
  • asbgirl65
    asbgirl65 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 49 and just started running 3 1/2 months ago. Prior to that, I didn't run because I didn't think that I would like it. I used the C25K app and have now run two 5Ks and will be running my 3rd on Thanksgiving. I am now considering a 10K this spring before I turn 50. It's fun to be part of the running community.
  • scottsharp69
    scottsharp69 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 45 and started running almost a year ago. I have run my first 1/2 marathon and many 5ks, and 10k races. I am feeling great and maintaining a level weight. It had been nearly 20 years since i last ran more than to not get wet from the rain.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2014
    I am 46 and started 3 years ago (check my profile pics) running along with a calorie deficit the weight came off. I am am sure you can locate the before pic and that was actually take 3 years before I started exercising so I was actually bigger than that pic. But again a calorie deficit is what causes weight loss not exercise. Exercise helps maintain a deficit or create a larger one and many other health benefits.
  • imju5tme
    imju5tme Posts: 85 Member
    edited November 2014
    Check out Perry Newburn if you want to see successful runners who started running later in life: http://m.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503426&objectid=11355483
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    I started running when I was about 29 or 30. Not late in life, but not in high school either. I was inspired because I went to a marathon and watched my aunt (a lifelong runner) cross the finish line. She looked positively exhausted and elated. I WANTED to know what that felt like, so I began running. That was all it took. I ran lots of marathons and half marathons in the years after that.

    Then, when I was 40 I gave birth to my first baby, followed by my 2nd the next year. They are 3 and 1 1/2 now, and I lost a TON of my endurance over the last 3 years since they've been born. But I'm starting over once again and just taking it slowly. I'm starting with c25k and my goal is to be back up to my long distance days after a few years. :)

    It's harder now to squeeze the time in, with having my little ones, but it's so good for them to know that mommy has a healthy hobby. And they like it when I push them in the jogging stroller. So it's a win-win.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    "Late in life" makes me think 70's! I'm 56 and just started jogging (because I don't think I'm fast enough for it to be called running) three weeks ago? I jogged/ran 2 12-minute miles this morning before work without stopping. No aches or pains. I'm actually enjoying myself.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Started at 44, 86kg, now 45, 57kg. I now run 2-4x a week, 5-12k, depending on the day and what I feel like doing ;-)

    I started running, because I wasn't able to get my hr up enough through nordic walking anymore. I just started out slow on the treadmill, but without a real plan. Just ran slow and as far as I could, then walked, then ran some more. As soon as I was able to pace myself, I started running outside. Through uphill running and the added strength from the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workouts, I was able to increase speed and stamina.

    Start slow and listen to your body. It will tell you how much how soon.
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm 48. About a year and a half ago, I started running for the first time since I was in my early 30's. Back then, I never went further than 3 or 4 miles, and that was only for a very short time. I was never really a runner.

    Until now.

    Last Spring I did a 15K and finished in the middle of the crowd. I did several 5ks as well. While training for a 1/2 marathon, I tried to push too hard too fast and had a knee injury that sidelined me for a couple of months. I tried again and lost another month due to injury in my other knee. Now, I'm back at it and TAKING IT SLOW and am back up to 3 mile runs 4 days a week. I'm training for a half marathon in the spring. The knees are holding up well; I'm just having to be super careful not to succumb to another overuse injury. That is probably the biggest problem with running when you are older. Injuries happen far more easily.

    But the rewards! The rewards are amazing! I am honestly in the best shape of my entire life. I think I could run circles around my 20 year old self. .... and not even get winded!

    I love running and hope to do it another 20 years.
  • liltarn
    liltarn Posts: 18 Member
    I started walking/jogging last year after I could no longer afford a gym membership. I was 46. 1 year later, 21kg lost, I'm two weeks away from running my first half marathon. I never thought I would be a runner as even when I was younger I never enjoyed it. Now I love the time to myself and the mental and physical challenge of it. Build up slowly, listen to your body and enjoy.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I recently bought a new pair of running shoes to train for a triathlon next summer. Of course, then I broke my leg, riding my bike. But I wasn't going to start until the spring anyway. I ran in my 40s until I fell a couple of times, then switched to lower impact, but I think the Brooks shoes I bought will help me.

    You're pretty young, so I doubt if you'll have problems
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I have a few friends here who are 40+ and all can whoop my butt. Being an adult onset runner is limiting in terms of recovery, but you'll still make good progress.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I'm 53 and started running last year. At first it was just because my daughter ran and she challenged me to run a 5K with her. Then a few months back I joined the running challenges on here and suddenly went from 30 miles a month to about 140 miles a month. Just did my first 10K a few weeks back in under an hour and I'm signed up for my first HM in the Spring and have never felt better. Before this the only time I ran was in high school when I played sports and it was punishment or from the police, but that's another topic entirely.

    Welcome back to running.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    I don't think anyone is ever too old to start running. If you feel healthy, why not give it a go. You can follow a program or do a walk/run combo. Speaking with your healthcare practitioner may also give you some confidence to start running.
  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 235 Member
    Started running to burn cals at 63. I have done two 5K'sand the Denver Rugged Maniac Mud/Obstacle course 5K and do 12 minute miles. Old and slow but they know I am there. Signed up for the Rugged Maniac again next August. I compete with myself!
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