Older Runners - Anyone start late in life and have success?



  • craigmc1960
    craigmc1960 Posts: 20 Member
    edited November 2014
    I was 109kg late June last year. I ran a marathon by mid October. 14 weeks training and 14 kg lighter I ran my first marathon at age 53.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    You should google Margaret Haggerty. She is my inspiration. She went to a stop smoking seminar at age 64, was told to put down the cigarettes and get off the couch. She started running. She just completed the NYC Marathon and is now 91 years old. YES, 91. She is in Guinness Book of world records as the oldest person to have run a marathon on every continent. I've had to privilege to run races with her and she is amazing - a tiny lady with white hair, amazing blue eyes and a megawatt smile. If she can do it - so can you! (and me)
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Started running 3 years ago at age 47 and after a 16 year hiatus. After losing eighty pounds (260 to 180), I've completed 4 full marathons and 12 halves and lowered my marathon time from 4:56 to 3:46. Planning to qualify for the 2016 Boston Marathon (if my training continues as scheduled).
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    edited November 2014
    40, started when i was 38ish, Had never run more than a few steps to get to the table before that. Old... depends on perspective i suppose. I think running like all sports can be started at any time as long as you have realistic goals. If your looking to set a world sprint record... maybe not so possible. If your looking to run a 5k, 10 k, what ever at a respectable time for your age bracket etc then yes, absolutely its possible. Set small, measurable, OBTAINABLE, goals and reset as you achieve them. Only you can set your goals, go try a run or a walk or a combination and time it, set a goal to beat it slightly, by a minute, or two minutes, what ever and work towards that.


    old me


    first half after about 2 years of running starting on a treadmill walking to a half under 2 hours.

    Good luck
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I started running just a month ago. I'm 38 years old. My first 5K Race was a hit that I did another one, not so great that time but next year I will be participating in more, in the meantime this Winter, going to be making it goal daily to run on the treadmill.
  • mcdance15
    mcdance15 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for all the inspirational comments. I downloaded the CK25 app on my Ipad and will get on the treadmill tonight. Wish me luck or at least not to break something.lol
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    Good luck! I started running at 47. My first goal was to run a 5k. My second to run a 5K in less than 30 - made a 29:03. Next summer I hope to run a half marathon. Watch out - you may get addicted!
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    I was 109kg late June last year. I ran a marathon by mid October. 14 weeks training and 14 kg lighter I ran my first marathon at age 53.

    You're going to make me cry!!
  • AniLandSmiles
    AniLandSmiles Posts: 89 Member
    kgb6days wrote: »
    You should google Margaret Haggerty. She is my inspiration. She went to a stop smoking seminar at age 64, was told to put down the cigarettes and get off the couch. She started running. She just completed the NYC Marathon and is now 91 years old. YES, 91. She is in Guinness Book of world records as the oldest person to have run a marathon on every continent. I've had to privilege to run races with her and she is amazing - a tiny lady with white hair, amazing blue eyes and a megawatt smile. If she can do it - so can you! (and me)

    In my class room, I have articles on Gladys Burrill and Harriet Anderson stuck to my filing cabinet by my desk. Check them out, you WILL be completely inspired!!!!
  • stephxfit
    stephxfit Posts: 30 Member
    My mom started walking in her late 30s after her doctor tried to put her on meds for low bone density. After a year of walking her bones were above average. She got bored with walking and started running in her early 40's. She started with 5ks and has now done multiple 10ks and 2 half marathons! She loves running. A side note, she had a hysterectomy in her 30's, I know it's not *quite* the same as menopause but still thought I'd mention it. It is NEVER too late! The human body is capable of adapting and changing drastically :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I started running just after my 45th birthday. I realized how sedentary I had become and had started walking a few months earlier. Then I read about C25k and decide to give it a go. My sister, who is two years younger, had been running marathons and half marathons for a few years and I figured if she could run with her asthma, bad feet and general clumsiness, then I who had always been the healthy, athletic one could, too. 3 and a half years later I have finished more than a dozen half marathons and lots of shorter races. I'm not fast and never will be, but I put in the miles and cross the finish line. I will also never run a marathon because I'm only "half" crazy. :lol:
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