Short People Unite!



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    5'1 here, sw 130, gw 105, cw 102.
    BMR = 971
    TDEE= 1165 couch potato
    TDEE= 1335 3x week
    TDEE= 1419 5x week
    Have my calories set at 1200 and that gives me a loss of 1 lb every 3-4 weeks, or room for a really good dinner out at the weekend with a huge piece of cheesecake included.
    I have been maintaining for a few years now and come back to count calories for 3 month a year just to reenforce my portion sizes.
    I have never been anyone's friend, but wouldn't mind making friends with a couple of little pixies, especially ones that are in the same age range - being an older pixie is even harder!
  • abbeyjones1994
    abbeyjones1994 Posts: 188 Member
    Hey everyone! Fellow shorty here. I am 20 years old and 5'2.5" (because the half inch means everything) and currently at 133.6 lbs. Started at 155, goal weight is 120 for now, I think I'll probably try for 5 more when I get there, but we'll see. I currently eat 1260 and have the entire time I've been on MFP, but I'm thinking I will probably up my calories when I get down to 130. Feel free to add me!
  • cacri
    cacri Posts: 12 Member
    edited November 2014
    I'm 5ft and need to loose about 15-20lbs. It doesn't sound like much but it is when you are not very tall. My legs will not fit into tights. I'm limiting my calories to 1200 a day or less with moderate exercise. I have a bad knee (going for x-rays this thurs) and asthma. However I cycle everywhere so that counts for exercise, right?

  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    4'11 1/2 (I round to 5 feet sometimes...haha). I originally lost 85 pounds on here, now I'm 107. Not super happy yet with where I am - so trying for the last 5, give or take.
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    21 tomorrow, 5'2", and 179.2lbs, my first goal is 136lbs because that's the start of a healthy BMI and I haven't had that since I was 14. After that probably 120-125lbs, it all depends on how I feel. I reached a low of 142lbs last year but it didn't last and my weight slowly climbed back up, but I'm determined to do this since I've been able to before. Right now my exercise is intermittent so when I set up my TDEE-20% I did so at sedentary, a few pounds ago, and got 1498 calories so I'm sticking to that and lowering it every 5lbs lost.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    mellyish wrote: »
    21 tomorrow, 5'2", and 179.2lbs, my first goal is 136lbs because that's the start of a healthy BMI and I haven't had that since I was 14. After that probably 120-125lbs, it all depends on how I feel. I reached a low of 142lbs last year but it didn't last and my weight slowly climbed back up, but I'm determined to do this since I've been able to before. Right now my exercise is intermittent so when I set up my TDEE-20% I did so at sedentary, a few pounds ago, and got 1498 calories so I'm sticking to that and lowering it every 5lbs lost.

    Happy birthday!
  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    OMG! I think I found my people in this! I'm 5'0" tall and it pains me every time I gain a pound. Everything shows and it is already hard enough trying to find clothes that fit for "our" height. Forget about regular exercise pants, I always have to buy the capri version since it's waaay too big.

    I'm almost 35 years old, SW 161, CW 137.4, GW 110. I'm pretty excited that I have 27 more pounds to go, as I haven't been in this weight range in like over 2 years. I consume about 1000-1200 calories a day, but depending on my workouts, may up it to 1500. I replaced a lot of my carbs with protein to help muscle growth and recovery. It's been working so far and I am happy with my current progress. But, it would be nice to have a flat stomach day I hope =)
  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    mellyish wrote: »
    21 tomorrow....

    Happy Birthday too!!!!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    5'2" and no longer obese, just overweight - hurrah I think? It's a little intimidating knowing how much more I'll have to lose just to be considered 'healthy' according to BMI. On the other hand it's nice knowing that if I do lose this couple of stone, it'll definitely show!

    Other advantages to being short include not having to worry about leg room on airplanes, and not bumping my head on our sloped ceilings. There is always a silver lining.
  • lohkin
    lohkin Posts: 43 Member
    4'10.5" here :) I am 36yo, trying to get from 164 to 140. I would love to get lower. Mostly, I am tired of being labeled as 'obese.' My taller friends are always telling me "that's not a bad weight!," but I don't think they understand the plight of the short girl when it comes to how we carry it.
    It is nice to see others around my same height/weight on here.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    cacri wrote: »
    I'm 5ft and need to loose about 15-20lbs. It doesn't sound like much but it is when you are not very tall. My legs will not fit into tights. I'm limiting my calories to 1200 a day or less with moderate exercise. I have a bad knee (going for x-rays this thurs) and asthma. However I cycle everywhere so that counts for exercise, right?


    cycling everywhere is great plus you can eat some of those burn cals back! I have asthma too and find going cardio helps me manage it better. I know cardio isn't too fashionable but found good for chest and cellulite ;)
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    5'3.5 " maintaining 119 lbs on 2100 calories a day average. Lost 53 lbs eating at around 1900 gross calories.
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I am 5'2 and 140lbs. I just recalculated my tdee and it is 1535 for sedetary, which I am currently due to bronchitis. Once I beat this and get back in the gym I will have a tdee of 1700..

    The more I lose the lower that number gets and the harder this gets.

    I've lost 31lbs so far
  • MarissaPalm
    MarissaPalm Posts: 123 Member
    I am also 5'0'' and a 1200 calorie eater as well. As others have said, if I were to eat 1500-1600 like most people on this site say is what I ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY need to eat to lose weight, I'd still be 35 lbs heavier than I was 7 months ago. Started at 173, currently 138. Looking to get down to 135-130. Exercise 3-5 days a week. Feel free to add :)
  • kckc69
    kckc69 Posts: 46 Member
    OH mY GOSH!!!!!! I am sooooo glad to find this thread. 4'11 here and I eat between 1000 and 1200 per day, any more than that and I certainly would NOT lose. Ive been on my Journey for 18 months now and so far lost 21kg / 45 lbs. Its been slow and consistent, with only sporadic exercise, so now I have the eating sorted for my lifestyle its time to shock my bosy with the exercise to push me further. I still want to lose another 15-20kg but my body is used to my lifestyle now and for the past 3 months I havent moved, so Ive started running and going to start adding some weights. I LOVE MyFitnessPal its been such a godsend in keeping me honest. Feel free to Add me. Im so glad to see others that have the same sort of calorie limit, alot of people dont get us shorties dont need as much to fuel our bodies. My best friend is 6'4 and cant believe the calories I am limited to, but unlike him I dont need anywhere near what he does!!!
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    5'0", have 90 lbs to lose. I can't say that I have much sympathy to spread, though. I am what I am. I have my complaints, like finding clothes - always either too tight or too long. But I've never wanted to be taller. I'll gripe that NASA not hiring astronauts who are under 5'2", but I don't gripe about being shorter than 5'2".

    I guess I have a bit of that stereo-typical "short-man syndrome". I'm able to take charge of things and, somehow, being short makes it easier. I mean, I can boss around somebody that's a foot taller than me and they'll laugh, but they still do what I say. Being able to laugh seems to lighten the order.

    And at some point in the last few years I started to categorize what is changeable, and what is not. I see no value in dwelling on that which cannot be changed. I can put on a few pounds and it will show. But I can also lose a few pounds and it will show. Weight is changeable.
    I never thought I would be happy to say I am Overweight!
    This I know! I can't wait to be Overweight!
  • I feel your pain. Welcome :)
  • 5'2" here and still wanting to lose 10lbs ...for the last 3 years. Just can't seem to make it work. I'm doing the 1200 calorie thing which worked for one pound but now I'm stuck! AND HUNGRY. Maybe a need more, to keep my metabolism from crashing or maybe I need to balance out my nutrients. It's quite frustrating but hey as long as I'm not gaining so that I'd have to buy a whole new wardrobe I'm good! :smile:
  • Hi,
    5'0 and 8 pounds to lose .
  • Short girl here. 5'2" and 207 at my heaviest. Current 189, goal 130. I've been walking many miles a week with a friend and haven't lost anything so it's definitely time to modify my intake! Good luck everyone!!