Donating Platelets (,or Blood, or Plasma) and Calorie Loss



  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    edited November 2014
    Can't you just do something selfless without thinking about how many calories you're burning while doing so? I mean, really. My first thought would be "I could potentially be saving lives by donating blood", not "I wonder how many calories this burns!"

    I donate triples so I actually help save three lives each time I donate. I really want to know how I'm doing ANYTHING wrong asking a question to get an accurate number after DONATING without any thought but that for my grandpa and grandma who both died from cancer, and my step-mother who is going through chemo right now for cervical cancer. But my platelet donation doesn't matter any more because now I'm counting calories. I guess I'll stop donating. And yeah, if you get cancer and go through chemotherapy I hope you don't need one of my units of platelets that I'm apparently too selfish to donate freely. But you probably wouldn't want my platelets anyways; they aren't good enough. And no, I'm not directing this at anyone specifically; I'm just wondering why a simple answer can't be given without jerks coming out to put me down for... for what really?

    Honestly, it doesn't really matter WHY you donate, it just matters that you do. A lot of places will pay for you to donate platelets just to get people in. Blood is blood and your intention doesn't "taint" it. The fact you are actually donating when so many people are not is great.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Can't you just do something selfless without thinking about how many calories you're burning while doing so? I mean, really. My first thought would be "I could potentially be saving lives by donating blood", not "I wonder how many calories this burns!"
    ^^^^ this.

    I donated blood today and the last thing on my mind was "I wonder how much this burns off"'s a gift for a stranger in need.

    Maybe one day I might need a pint or two. :o

    Also, I'm going into the Air Force as a PJ. If you don't know what that is, it's a medic. I'll be saving lives every day. I guess because I want to bet into shape and at a healthy weight though that those lives I'll be saving mean nothing. There's such a thing as being proud. Sure, too much pride and you will fall, but give me a break people... seriously...

    Good on you for donating. I don't see anything wrong with your question, it's good to be curious.
  • iallfree1
    iallfree1 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'm not sure if this is in the correct category but I figured that the Fitness and Exercise has to do with losing calories just as donating whole blood or blood parts.
    Anyways, to get back to the original point of this post... I donate platelets once every other week and I was looking for information on how many calories that would burn for me. I've read posts that say donating a pint of whole blood helps you burn around 600 calories as your body replenishes what was taken away. I've also read that replenishing plasma burns about the same amount of calories. The thing is, I can't find any information on platelet donations. If anyone has any information on this it would be greatly appreciated. If it makes any difference, I always give a triple donation. Thank you for any information you have.

    I wondered the same thing. I have been giving plasma for a couple weeks now and notice I go over my daily caloric intake, at least it's not a total binge. I've stopped at only 200 over . I've come up with a new incentive. Instead of weighing myself at home, I'll weigh myself at the CSL plasma place (and get paid doing so) hahah. Weight Watchers in reverse and you're helping science out.


    I don't care if it is a new low- whatever works I definitely need it.

    I think people with the smart as$ remarks miss- understood what you meant.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    necro thread
  • iallfree1
    iallfree1 Posts: 2 Member
    leggup wrote: »
    I don't think this is a stupid question at all. After blood donations (especially right after), it's common to feel fatigued/hungry/dehydrated. After donating double red blood, I give myself an extra 250-500 calories, depending on how I feel. It's not about, "Woo hoo I earned more calories! Donating blood is exercise!" It's more about trying to bounce back afterwards. That said, it's not like blood/platelet donation means that you immediately have to replenish those calories. Your body will naturally replenish the platelets in about 7-14 days. Over those 7-14 days, the process of creating new platelets/stabilizing your body back to its normal platelet count probably does not use very much energy. If you're feeling weak after donating, I suggest upping your fluids and eating at/near maintenance levels.


    It is exactly what I thought too!