What changed, besides weight, after losing a lot of weight?



  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I started respecting myself and I think when you do you don't let others disrespect you, also changed jobs which is big for me, I stay somewhere for ever, so got confidence.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I think a lot has changed in my life with my weight loss. Weight loss journeys are such personal, (and at times) all consuming things that its made me very aware of the amount of energy I put into myself, and now I try to put that energy in to others in my life. It led me to change my major three quarters of the way through university (still graduated on time though, I'm a little determined), find a career I never would have considered because it forces me to interact with and take criticism from strangers face to face every day, and I've noticed I'm a lot more committed to things than I used to be; I never flake out on things anymore, if I say I'm going to do it, I'm going to and that's helped improve all areas of my life from my relationships to my career (I just got a promotion because of it actually!) and so on.

    I think weight loss shows most of us what we're capable of. The dedication we can have, how goal oriented we really can be, and how much we care about our lives and to an extent how others perceive us. I know that since losing the majority of my extra weight I carry myself differently (and not just because my knees don't hurt), I talk about and see myself differently and I'm a lot less negative or hard on myself than I used to be.

    I think the emotional and mental health changes may actually be bigger than the external, physical ones.
  • bstoudt369
    bstoudt369 Posts: 76 Member
    Aleishia22 wrote: »
    Am I going to lose friends because I'm not the " funny fat one" anymore?

    If you do, they weren't really friends to start with and you are probably better off without them.
  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    I run now. If anyone had told me that I would be running a year ago I would have told them they were nuts. Bicycling sure, I love to cycle!, but running! WOW!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    For me I went from being a SAHM to a waitress/bartender. I have gotten rid of a lot of negative people in my life and replaced them with positive people, I don't have time to be around negative people, I will not allow myself to be sucked into that again, I'm way to positive to be around negative things. I work with a lot of women and honestly I don't care for a few of them, only because they are negative or have a "I'm better then you" attitude and I'm not here to be better, I want us all to succeed. The things I use to care about, like I use to want to lose weight to impress people, but that changed after I started feeling sexy, I don't care who is impressed, I'm doing this for me and no one's approval is needed, this is about me, this is the one thing in my life I have for myself, this is the only thing in my life I am selfish about and I don't think it's selfish at all, I spend 95 minutes in the gym 4 day's a week, that's my me time, funny thing is, that's the 1 time each day for them 4 day's I feel the most relaxed yet I'm so exhausted afterwards because I worked hard but yet it's my me time it's my down time away from being a mom, a wife, a house keeper, a waitress, a bartender, it's just me. I use to run out of breath walking up my stair case, but now I jog 20 minutes at 15 incline and 4.0 speed. I use to hate to run, now I run just for the hell of it. I love squats, I once hated them. So much about who I am changed with who I once was.
  • SarBear00b
    SarBear00b Posts: 188 Member
    I love this post!!! Congrats on all of the positive changes =)
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    Well, I stopped drinking as much, win-win. and I love to cook and I learned to nourish my body rather than eat from emotions. I also learned to love fitness and loving the way thin / strong feels, I love love lifting. and I love my workout buddy shes inspiring . I also now can dance (we have lots of dance parties) without losing my breath and ache from moving to fast. Exercise freed me of most of my anxiety and depression, I feel free again.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    bstoudt369 wrote: »
    Aleishia22 wrote: »
    Am I going to lose friends because I'm not the " funny fat one" anymore?

    If you do, they weren't really friends to start with and you are probably better off without them.

    I agree 100%.

    Plus, honestly, I think most of the time when people say hurtful things in a "joking" manner, they are not joking, they are telling the truth in a way they think they can get away with.

    I did not lose friends when I lost weight, but some of my friendships did have to adjust a bit.

    One of my friends lost over 100 pounds and lost quite a few friends in the process. No longer being the fat one can really alter the dynamics of superficial friendships.

    I think you should start looking for more friends who can be more supportive. And if you don't lose your old friends, wonderful, you just have more friends than you did before.
  • mckat08
    mckat08 Posts: 79 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    I hope this doesnt sound too conceited, but I feel pretty lol. I had felt unattractive for so many years, I just assumed I'd still feel that way, only thin.

    Not conceited at all. You look beautiful AND thin. What an amazing transformation.

  • BrittTomore87
    BrittTomore87 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't need the approval of others any more. I've gone from a girl who hated running up and down the soccer field to running 6 miles for fun. I'm a lot happier than I have been in years and I'm starting to feel pretty for the first time in my life.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I feel comfortable all of the time. I move around so much more...like skipping, jumping, dancing, etc. Not only because I am lighter, which is part of it...but more because I feel unafraid of what others think or of how I might look to them. It's pretty great!
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you to all the awesome replies to this post. I am so pumped to see people getting their mojo's back! It's reading things like this that makes me realise just once again that we are on the right track. In the end, it's worth every single sacrifice and change in behaviour.
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    Attitude to everything! I have a can do attitude to everything I attempt now rather than half arsed attempting at things and falling short. I actually expect to win and to complete the things I start.

    Love your positive attitude. Go get them!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    I hope this doesnt sound too conceited, but I feel pretty lol. I had felt unattractive for so many years, I just assumed I'd still feel that way, only thin.

    Me too, but I'm uncomfortable still, so I just made an appointment with my therapist to address this.

    I'm like, I feel attractive, but don't look at me. ;-/ And that's in spite of appearances to the contrary.
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    For me I went from being a SAHM to a waitress/bartender. I have gotten rid of a lot of negative people in my life and replaced them with positive people, I don't have time to be around negative people, I will not allow myself to be sucked into that again, I'm way to positive to be around negative things. I work with a lot of women and honestly I don't care for a few of them, only because they are negative or have a "I'm better then you" attitude and I'm not here to be better, I want us all to succeed. The things I use to care about, like I use to want to lose weight to impress people, but that changed after I started feeling sexy, I don't care who is impressed, I'm doing this for me and no one's approval is needed, this is about me, this is the one thing in my life I have for myself, this is the only thing in my life I am selfish about and I don't think it's selfish at all, I spend 95 minutes in the gym 4 day's a week, that's my me time, funny thing is, that's the 1 time each day for them 4 day's I feel the most relaxed yet I'm so exhausted afterwards because I worked hard but yet it's my me time it's my down time away from being a mom, a wife, a house keeper, a waitress, a bartender, it's just me. I use to run out of breath walking up my stair case, but now I jog 20 minutes at 15 incline and 4.0 speed. I use to hate to run, now I run just for the hell of it. I love squats, I once hated them. So much about who I am changed with who I once was.

    Your last sentence is utterly profound! You are still you, only better :) And when we surround ourselves with positivity (whether is be people or just our thoughts), we breed positivity. I now believe that sometimes we need to be a bit selfish and that this selfishness is actually a good thing.
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    weavernv wrote: »
    I run now. If anyone had told me that I would be running a year ago I would have told them they were nuts. Bicycling sure, I love to cycle!, but running! WOW!

    Nuts are good ;) You just showed yourself (and everybody around you) that you are actually much stronger than what you thought. Awesome!
  • RiseandGrind77
    RiseandGrind77 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm down 40 lbs and one thing I notice is the general attitude of random strangers. Seems they are nicer to me, as if I was easier to approach in some odd way. The other slight bonus is I actually get flirted with once in a while. It's stupid but from someone who almost never experienced that, it's kind of nice.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I lost 70 lbs and gained a ton of excess energy. I'm like a crazed ball of energy from the second I get up to the moment I go to bed. I find it incredibly difficult to just sit still. I'm going to start running (who knew???) after my knee gets over surgery in a few weeks, because there's only so many hours in the day and I need to burn this energy SOMEHOW!

    Shopping for clothes is still pretty frustrating for me, since I've gone from tricky-to-find size 16/18 petite, to tricky-to-find size 2/XS petite. From one end of the scale to the other!

    I get different reactions from people now. At the gym, I get looked at with "interest" by some guys and with the slightest hint of dislike from ladies who are slimmer than I was a year ago, but who wouldn't know that looking at me. Relationships with friends/colleagues are largely unchanged once they get used to how I look now.

    I've also rediscovered my love of cooking. I have acquired (thanks to ebook settlement credits through Amazon..) an amazing collection of diverse recipe books, which I have adjusted to create some pretty fabulous meals which also meet my targets of more whole grains, more healthy fats, more lean protein and less saturated fat. I always loved cooking, but now it's more of an exciting challenge rather than something I just do because I'm Mom.

    Oh and my blood pressure has dropped 20 points at least.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    mamadon wrote: »
    I hope this doesnt sound too conceited, but I feel pretty lol. I had felt unattractive for so many years, I just assumed I'd still feel that way, only thin.

    It doesn't sound conceited at all. I find myself taking way better care of myself...primping. I'm more interested in clothing, skin creams, wearing a little make up. Most of all, back to the OPs question, I don't hide in my house any more.

  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Energy now I have run in 10k, 15k and training for a half marathon.

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