Mom's and Dad's looking for support



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    It's all about portion control my friend. You can do it!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My first successful one arm push up! :D
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Anyone like the Total Gym?? I am about to get a used one from and wondering if it's okay?
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    One of my friends has one. He seems to like it. I don't think he uses it as much as he should.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I got a good workout in today. Took it back to T25 Beta - Speed 2.0. I didn't start to lose steam until the last 5 minutes or so. So I felt pretty good. Dripping sweat all over the place. Good times. I feel good too. Hopefully I can get back to a regular schedule soon. I hope you are all doing well. Stay with the fight!
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    New mom of a 4-month-old baby girl! She is going through the dreaded 4 month sleep regression currently.
    I find my biggest challenge is exercise! By the time I get home from work at 7 it's dinner time then bed time routine for baby girl. I know I could work out at 10pm but by the end of the day my motivation is LACKING lol.

    Just taking one day at a time!
    Feel free to add me. =)
  • Cherona37
    Cherona37 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello all,
    I noticed a few people talking about having a Fitbit. I've been thinking about getting one since I've been hearing good things about it from a few friends also. I wonder if I'd make it through 1 day without my 2 boys getting it off my arm...ha ha.
    What do you like about your Fitbit?
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    Cherona37 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    I noticed a few people talking about having a Fitbit. I've been thinking about getting one since I've been hearing good things about it from a few friends also. I wonder if I'd make it through 1 day without my 2 boys getting it off my arm...ha ha.
    What do you like about your Fitbit?

    I have a knock off fitbit. It cost me $18 on amazon! It counts steps, distance, sleep, calories burned AND has caller/text/notification ID for your android or iPhone. Search "best origin activity tracker" on Amazon. It should be the first one that pops up!

    It keeps me way more accountable because getting my 10,000 steps in for the day is always in the back of my mind! It's also cool knowing how many miles I've walked while at work. Yesterday I walked 4 miles!

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Cherona37 wrote: »
    Hello all,
    I noticed a few people talking about having a Fitbit. I've been thinking about getting one since I've been hearing good things about it from a few friends also. I wonder if I'd make it through 1 day without my 2 boys getting it off my arm...ha ha.
    What do you like about your Fitbit?

    I like that it keeps track of my steps, calories burned, activity level, and sleep patterns. I have the flex. I would like to have the Surge because I am very active and would like to have one device to track all my stuff instead of 2-3. I have had mine for a year and a half now.
  • Mountaingirl33
    Mountaingirl33 Posts: 80 Member
    I have two under three years old. Feel free to adde. 'Same boat!
  • lovingallanimarilyn
    lovingallanimarilyn Posts: 3 Member
    I have a two-year old girl and I've managed to lose 5.8lbs during my journey so far. It's been a challenge considering my husband is not interested in eating healthy at all or exercising but, I myself take it very seriously.

    I take my daughter on long walks in the mornings and a park trip - and 3 days ago started jogging after work with a close friend every day.

    Today I'm feeling extremely lethargic, almost like I want to give up! I don't plan on giving up, but it's been a struggle. Im slowly cutting out all junk food, but, if I really want something I'll eat a very small portion of it.

    Feel free to follow me on my journey :) I also have an Instagram account @lexis.claire
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    Hello and welcome all newbies! I am trying to get back on track after last weekend's excesses. School is finishing up, so I will have to see just what kind of healthy choices will abound.

    What do you all do for vacation time? Do you take a vacation from MFP as well? Do you try to log in and track things? Some advice would be welcome. I am not sure what kind of Internet access I may have.
  • k_nelson_24
    k_nelson_24 Posts: 251 Member
    I am too OCD to take a break from logging on MFP! It has become a part of my everyday routine.
    Even when I am not proud of the things I've eaten, I still log what I consumed! I just feel that it makes me stay accountable so I can pick up where I left off the next day.

    My advice for vacation would be to stay mindful of what you're eating, but don't kill yourself trying to eat healthy and proportional 100% of the time. As long as it's back to normal when you get home you shouldn't reverse too much! Remember: in order to stick with something for the long term it needs to be manageable! Don't do it if you wouldn't do it for the rest of your life. There's always going to be those days where you eat worse and in larger portions! Consistency is key.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I don't take a break from MFP when I am on vacation. That is why I am at 220 days right now :) I just got back yesterday from a family reunion in Minnesota and I still logged. I may have missed a couple of meals to log, but I still made some kind of log for the day. that is where the consistency comes in. That is where you show you are willing to do what others are not to achieve your goals.

    Now. my consistency with my exercises has been off for the past couple of weeks, so I will be correcting that this week. Even when on vacation I still try to exercise too. Whether it be walking, swimming, running around witht he kids, or actually setting aside 30 minutes to get in a good HIIT set or 3-4 mile run. It all depends on how bad you want it and if you are willing to do whatever it takes.

    Happy to see some new faces in here. Keep up the good work.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Back in the saddle and doing well so far. Got a good workout in with my man Shaun T, read for about 15 minutes of The Slight Edge, and had a great breakfast with my family.

    For those of you that might not have seen my post, I am hosting a 3 day refresh/detox group starting July 6th. I figure with all the weddings, reunions, and such I have been going to, it is probably time to flush the system and regroup. If any of you would like more info or are interested, send me a message, and I would be happy to share the details with you. There is a small investment involved, so I will throw that out there right now. :smile: Have a great day everyone!
  • babyblues0184
    babyblues0184 Posts: 10 Member
    Mother of two beautiful girls 11 and 10. 10lbs down in 22 days would like to lose at least another 70lbs. Some days it is hard to stay motivated! Feel free to add me.
  • jaxxeemom
    jaxxeemom Posts: 36 Member
    Mother of 2 boys 5 & 3... Need help/motivation! I work full time as well, there is no time in the day except early early mornings... Cardio Tennis at 7:30am tomorrow yay!
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    Mom of a 2 1/2 year old. Just one kid, and I already can't keep up with him. Dunno how you guys do it. I work full time too, so between work and household chores, I'm left with very little time for exercise. Heck, I'm left with very little time for sleep. But to squeeze in some exercise, I walk around the block during lunch breaks, and ujam classes twice a week. And lately, with better weather, I get to walk with the family after dinner too. :-) Family time and exercise (it's the best kind.) I just started MFP 23 days ago --- and I'm loving this community. Hope to meet more friends.
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    Mom of a 2 1/2 year old. Just one kid, and I already can't keep up with him. Dunno how you guys do it. I work full time too, so between work and household chores, I'm left with very little time for exercise. Heck, I'm left with very little time for sleep. But to squeeze in some exercise, I walk around the block during lunch breaks, and ujam classes twice a week. And lately, with better weather, I get to walk with the family after dinner too. :-) Family time and exercise (it's the best kind.) I just started MFP 23 days ago --- and I'm loving this community. Hope to meet more friends.
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry... dunno why that posted twice.
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