Mom's and Dad's looking for support



  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    edited September 2015
    I am starting slow too. My brain says move it Lynda, my everything else says....overload. My 17 year old daughter has her driving permit, she works five nights a week. I take her to work, pick her up from work at 11 pm...have to get to bed so I can get up at 5. My husband is a night owl. He works very late hours sometimes so we hardly have time for each other. This is not a good thing.

    My 13 year old needs help with her homework each night. I am also in battle of the bands at work (we join a band with co workers, six people to a band and our employer pays for us to have lessons, and practice and after 6 months we battle it out). I have NEVER played piano and am learning, so I have to practice one hour each night, make dinner and find time to get a brisk walk in. For the past two nights I will go for a walk when the sun is setting. I am in TX and it is still quite warm during the day here so I prefer night walks. I take my 17 year old to work, rush home eat dinner, practice, then the 13 year old and I will put leashes on our two dogs and walk 1.5 miles around our neighborhood. It is better than nothing I guess.

    If I sit down and think of all the things on my to do list, I will get stressed out. LOL so I don't think about it. One day at a time, One task at a time.

    So this week I have modified my eating behavior some. This is a huge accomplishment since I tend to obsess over food and diet. I have been drinking a protein shake for breakfast (I really struggle to eat breakfast so drinking seems to work). I eat either a skinny burrito from Costco or fat free re-fried beans for lunch with salsa, dinner has been a bowl of cheerios because I have been craving it. Last night, before my walk, I baked low fat apple crisp and really struggled with portion control. That mentality of "scarf it down and diet tomorrow' lingered last night. I did not cave. I picked another crunchy morsel from it and then went to bed.
    Sharing a pretty pic- Taken while on my walk last night. As I was walking down the final stretch of the neighborhood, there is a small hill, the view from the top- I love catching pics of sun sets and rainbows.

    I am determined to enter my 40's with a healthier slate. 9hiy6971nbfx.jpg
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 168 Member
    Whew! parent teach conferences (check) got a plan in place for my oldest. She inherited some of my procrastinating qualities. I am reminded to continuously work on momentum, my "one word" for this year. Sometimes I loose it for a bit but the great thing is you can always pick it back up again. Making the best choice in the moment you need to make it and then acting on it defines my version of momentum. I've spent too many "moments" just thinking and not acting over the years because of fear, doubt etc. I hope you all have a prosperous and productive day today:) -Nancy
  • exstromn
    exstromn Posts: 168 Member
    Remember, age is nothing but a number. I am 38. I took a fitness profile assessment a few months ago and it said I have the fitness ability of someone in their lower 20's. You know I was happy to see that. If you continue to eat right, exercise daily, and remain consistent, you can be fit and healthy. Did I achieve this over night? Oh heck no. I got serious back in 2013 and have been going mostly strong since then. So don't think you are to old, or it is to late, or that you can't. Keep telling yourself you are never to old and you can do it. Just have a little patience. One day you will wake up and all will be different! :wink:

    Love these pics! These women are beautiful and such good role models. Proof its NEVER too late:)
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I got a nice 5.5 mile run in this morning. The air was a little crisp, so that was refreshing. Here's to another great day!

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    exstromn wrote: »
    Whew! parent teach conferences (check) got a plan in place for my oldest. She inherited some of my procrastinating qualities. I am reminded to continuously work on momentum, my "one word" for this year. Sometimes I loose it for a bit but the great thing is you can always pick it back up again. Making the best choice in the moment you need to make it and then acting on it defines my version of momentum. I've spent too many "moments" just thinking and not acting over the years because of fear, doubt etc. I hope you all have a prosperous and productive day today:) -Nancy

    Momentum is a great word. Mine is consistency. it's kind like riding a bike. When you first start pedaling, it is hard. But as you build up speed and you are consistent with that, it becomes much easier and you keep moving. But what happens when you start to slow down? If you don't pedal, you stop. Then you have to start all over again.

    Much like focusing on your nutrition and fitness. When you start off eating right, and stick with it, eventually it becomes easier. The same with working out. Sure it is hard at first, but if you keep going, you build momentum. By staying the course, you are being consistent. Eventually, it all becomes easier! :smile:

    Who else is being consistent and keeping their momentum?
  • korenelm
    korenelm Posts: 7 Member
    Mom of 3 - and want to loose weight for Baby #4!!! Would love support!!!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    korenelm wrote: »
    Mom of 3 - and want to loose weight for Baby #4!!! Would love support!!!

    Congrats on #4. How old are your kids?
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    HAPPY MONDAY! I got a good set in this morning for Chest and Tris. Maybe too good. I'm pretty sore. A good sore at least. That means I worked hard. How about you? What's on the calendar for today?
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Good Morning! So, last night I was able to participate in running club. Haven't done that for a while since I work evenings now. Boy was I off to a rough start. I was late showing up after dropping my daughter off to gymnastics, so I had to high tail it after the group. I saw then 2 blocks away when I parked so I was like man, here we go. 8 min pace to catch up to them. Then when we got to the park, we did relays. Each lap for the relay was about a 1 min sprint. We did about 6 of those. Then a 1 mile jog back. I was spent. :) And of course what was today? LEG DAY! Ahhhhh! Lets just say I lightened the weights a little bit so I could get through each set without killing myself. As much as I wanted to skip this morning, I knew I couldn't. Those are the moments when you truly decide what you are made of and WHY your goals are really important to you. Now on to chores and such before work. What have you done so far today? Have a great day everyone!

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Good morning and happy Thursday. Part of my accountability is sharing with you, leading from the front, and showing that I'm in the trenches with you.
    Today I got a nice 4. 25 mile run in. The first 2 were at a 10k pace, then a mile of sprint intervals. 6x30 sec sprints with a min rest in between each run, and a mile cool down.
    Breakfast is egg whites with spinach, bell peppers, and a hint of green chili. Oh, and my cup of coffee B)
    If you haven't gotten out there and crushed your exercise yet today, then I hope you will this evening.
    Make it a great day! :D

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    When my daughters were small, I was so busy carrying, lifting, walking, and generally moving around after them that I never had to worry about my fitness or weight. It's admirable to get the whole family involved in fitness activities, but please make sure to reserve free time for kids and adolescents. They need unstructured time to think, daydream, read, develop other self-selected hobbies, and do nothing. I teach seventh and eighth grade and see the effects of over-scheduled kids.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Yup. my kids get that in too. My wife is a school psychologist so she knows all to well about that. We have nerf wars, build forts in the living room with sheets and chairs, go on walks and hikes, and all kinds of stuff. Either this weekend or next we might head up to the city of Estes Park the mountains. This time of year all the elk come down from the higher elevation and can bee seen all throughout the town. So many that traffic will be stopped and you can hear them bugling away. It's really awesome!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Well, this past week and a half has been rough for me. Since spraining a muscle in my hip/tailbone area last week I haven't been right, even with going to my chiropractor. A couple of extra visits and I am still tender. Needless to say, I haven't been working out, for fear of making it worse :( Also, with that mild depression state, I have not been watching my nutrition well at all. As much as I try to lead from the front, sometimes I get knocked down too, and it is just as hard for me to pull myself back up. Hopefully after this week all will be back to normal. Keep fighting on. You all are doing great.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    How is everyone doing? Sorry I have been silent for a while. I had an injury and it put me in a weird funk, so I needed to take a break. I hope you are all still pushing hard and working towards your goals.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member

    It's Here! The Triple Threat!
    The HalloweenThanksgivingChristmas Festivus for the rest of us season!
    This is the time of year that is the most stressful for so many people. You have friends coming over, family asking when you are coming over, in laws, food, food, and MORE Food! Yikes!
    During these next couple of months, the average person can put on 10-15 pounds. Can you believe that? You have been working so hard to look and feel amazing, and now it is in jeopardy! Well not this time! I have a plan to beat this, and I want to share it with you!
    First, lets set a goal. Our #1 goal... to not gain any weight. Why? Because we want to look our best for those holiday parties, we want to impress our friends and family, but most importantly we want to enjoy these holidays GUILT FREE! Simple right! It can be. All it takes is a little discipline and enjoyment in moderation. What would be even better? How about losing those 10-15 pounds instead and starting off 2016 right!
    How are we going to do this? Well, right after Halloween, were going to go through a little 3 day detox...a little refresh to cleanse out all that sugar you just took in from all your kids halloween candy, that Double Venti Pumpkin Spice latte from that coffee joint around the corner, and get your body ready for action.
    After that, we have about 3 weeks before Turkey Day, to get in a little exercise every day, eat a little leaner, a little cleaner and be ready to enjoy some good home cooking. Because truth be told, I'm going to enjoy myself, and I want you to enjoy yourself too. That 15 pound turkey, pumpkin pie, stuffing with gravy, cranberry sauce, and of course probably some pumpkin spice ale. Yup, can taste it already. Then when we have had our fill, we're going to rinse and repeat and push on through Christmas to 2016!
    So what do you say? Does this sound like something you want to do with me? If so, Like, Share, Comment, or send me a message and I will send you the details of what to do to get things rolling. Lets finish out the year strong!
  • PhilP0wer
    PhilP0wer Posts: 76 Member
    Ha Ha. That's funny! It didn't take any of the upcoming major holidays to throw me off. I took the fourth of july off and here I am just restarting my workouts. If you don't mind I'm going to add you. You sound like you have things figured out
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    We just had five birthdays this past month, and all that proved to be quite the caloric challenge!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    PhilP0wer wrote: »
    Ha Ha. That's funny! It didn't take any of the upcoming major holidays to throw me off. I took the fourth of july off and here I am just restarting my workouts. If you don't mind I'm going to add you. You sound like you have things figured out

    Go right ahead. A lot of trial and error to get to where I am today!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    ronronronj wrote: »
    We just had five birthdays this past month, and all that proved to be quite the caloric challenge!

    Yeah, that will do it! Get back on track now and it will make next year easier!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Well, I definitely had more candy than I should have. So I will be spending the next 3 days detoxing. Not like I have in the past as I am still lifting, and don't want to hurt myself with not enough nutrition, just cleaning it up a lot. How did you do over the weekend?
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