Mom's and Dad's looking for support



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    edited May 2015
    @JLDRKSJ - Thanks for joining us. I prefer outdoors too!
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    Hello and Happy Monday, everyone! I overdid it a little bit this weekend (thanks to Mother's Day), so today is a restart "back on track" (lather, rinse, repeat). I'm getting better at refusing soft drinks and trying to keep down my restaurant portions, but I think some of these sauces at Asian restaurants can be really thick and add to the carb/caloric intake. Having Mother's Day chocolate around the house doesn't help matters.

    My older son had a French assignment to make a food item and narrate the preparation (and eating) process in French. This means yours truly was on the hook for making brownies (full of butter, sugar, and heavy cream ganache -- everything good for you). This morning, he went to school and forgot to bring the brownies! The school is in walking distance, so I got to drop things off and continue to have a nice walk. It was definitely more humid today, so maybe I sweated more weight off. An excuse to drink more water, too.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    What a nice way to get a walk in. I read the slight edge for about 15 minutes, then did 40 minutes of lifting (chest day), and have been working on the computer the rest of the morning. I will hopefully get outside this afternoon for a while. The sun is shinning, but not very warm today. Have a great day everyone!
  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    Even with Mother's Day treats I am down .4 on the scale. Hubby and I are starting the 30 day squat challenge today. I'm looking forward to doing something good for my body and getting my husband involved.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Awesome. That squat challenge is brutal.
  • catjan
    catjan Posts: 106 Member
    Uk mum of 2 primary school girls. Working & volunteering & keeping house & juggling after school activities & enjoying family weekends. Happy for anyone to add me
  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome catjan! Day 1 of the squat challenge done!! Feeling good!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I am a father of a 9 year old girl and 4 year old boy. So hard sometimes to find time to do anything. Drive kids to school, go to work, pick kids up, do their homework, play with them, make their supper, play with them, put them to bed. labor of love, but there needs to be time for self love. Would love to know how to get that last part done without sacrificing time with the kids. Feel free to add me.
  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey Charlie003. I use my lunch hour and right after the kids go to bed. There are tons of short but effective workouts out there to try. I have just started to take the time for myself as well. I walk the dog with my daughter after dinner. It gives us time to do something one on one and then some form of exercise after they go to bed. I used to go to the gym on my lunch hour. I have found a gym close to the office so I may start that back up.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    @Charlie003 I feel your pain. I go through the same thing here. Plus add in Track, gymnastics, and soccer. Luckily 2 of those three just finished for us, but I'm sure we will fill it with something else. What I do is schedule an appointment for myself, and stick to it like a doctors appointment. I know I usually would have about 40-50 minutes when I got home from work, so I would schedule my workout for then. Today I was up at 6:00, so I did my workout then, then got the kids ready for school. Worked out pretty well. Maybe that is an option for you. early in the morning.
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    ronronronj wrote: »
    The scale said 159.2 this morning. Hadn't had a reading like that in a looooong time! Thanks for the encouragement.

    Congratulations that's awesome
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    I either workout in the mid morning or early afternoon depends on my day. Right now my husband had Back surgery so been little different schedule since iv been taking care of him and my 2 girls are working, so been getting them to there jobs. On a brighter note girls are 17 yr.old and 18 yr.old and be getting liscense soon, We just bought them cars.
    My 18 yr.old I took in almost 2 yrs ago and have raised her since then as our own, so in my eyes I have 2 girls actually I have 4 kids 2 step children also, one girl and boy. My step daughter is having a baby and my step son is getting married in October. So in my eyes I have 4 kids and grand baby on the way.
  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    Nice big family, tonedby46. I too have a big family. I have 12 year old boy/girl twins and a 17 year old son, my husband has 17 year old boy/girl twins and a 23 year old daughter. We are the new Brady's (I need an Alice). They are all MY kids. the younger steptwins are at my house 1/2 of the time as they share a true 50/50 custody. The oldest is married and moved away. I love having a house full!!
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    Spaniel5 wrote: »
    Nice big family, tonedby46. I too have a big family. I have 12 year old boy/girl twins and a 17 year old son, my husband has 17 year old boy/girl twins and a 23 year old daughter. We are the new Brady's (I need an Alice). They are all MY kids. the younger steptwins are at my house 1/2 of the time as they share a true 50/50 custody. The oldest is married and moved away. I love having a house full!!

    I love have having a full house also, there's also lots to do, but I love my children.
    Wow 2 sets of twins that's cool.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope you have a fantastic day.

  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope you have a fantastic day.


    Got day two of the 30 day squat challenge done.

    Drink water like a camel today!!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Consistency and the compounding effects; The little things you do to help or hinder your ability to reach your goals.
  • tonedby46
    tonedby46 Posts: 93 Member
    Consistency and the compounding effects; The little things you do to help or hinder your ability to reach your goals.

    Thanks Mike it was very informative, and helped.
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
    I've noticed that my best weight day is Friday and my worst is Monday because of all the eating out that tends to happen on weekends. However, I am getting better with the water consumptions and the walking. Today, I weighed in at 159.4. While that is not my lowest weight the past few weeks, it's the best "Thursday weight" I have had. It gives me room for improvement for tomorrow (especially if I mow the lawn).
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    @tonedby46 Thanks Holly. I appreciate that.

    @ronronronj Keep at it. everyday you make positive habits, you will receive positive results!
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