How much cardio do you do a day?



  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    7 days a week I run 5 miles. I have not started any weight training yet. As soon as I introduce weight training, I plan to reduce my running to 3 days a week and weight train 3 days a week.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I haven't worked out this week from being sick and lazy, but when I do its about 30-45 min 5 days a week of cardio. I won't go any longer than that unless its Zumba or dancing. I just got into jogging/running and I love it. I just want to do it every day for some reason. I usually do weights 3 times a week, but slacking big time on that and haven't done it for a couple months.
  • vanseters1956
    I'm a crossing guard so after the children are in school, I'm required to stay on post for approx 40 min. I usually take this time to walk briskly at my station. 2x's daily. I cover about 5 - 6 miles daily.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I do a mix of cardio and strength training. I fit my workouts around my husband's shifts so they're not the same every week. I'm on maternity leave so don't have work to worry about yet.

    This past week I've done...
    Mon - personal training session, 1 hour
    Tues - spinning, 45 mins
    Wed - off
    Thurs - spin fusion (spinning and boxing) 45 mins
    Fri - gym session with a friend, mix of weights and cardio, an hour
    Sat - aerobics, which involved a bit using the bands today
    Sun - fitball (mix of exercises using gym balls, weights, squats, abs etc), 1 hour, followed by spin 45 mins

    I also walk every day to either take my son to school, or collect him, and to take my daughter to nursery, so usually a couple of miles a day, and more at the weekends.
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    Depending on time of year anywhere from 10 to 20 hours a week, mix of cycling, swimming, running.
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    You can make it work! I use to only be able to work out in the am- found it to be near impossible to work out later in the day. But, that all changed when I got a job. I typically work 730-330 or 8-4 and go to the gym right after. It's just a new lifestyle you have to adapt to and make work- you can always fit a workout in! I just go after and do 30 min on treadmill and 30 on the bike and then my ab/leg/arm routine- go home eat dinner and make my food for the next day.

    It might not seem fun and you might be tired, but you have to remember why you're doing it and how amazing you'll feel in the long run!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Are you doing steady state or intervals? If you are worried about cutting back your time, try a HIIT program.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Does running to the refrigerator count?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    For me, somewhere between five and ten hours a week.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I'm a runner, so I put in at least 9 miles a day.
  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    edited November 2014
    randomtai wrote: »
    Does running to the refrigerator count?
    I wish MFP had a like or thanks option lol.

    OP, I do anywhere from a half hour to hour 5 days a week.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    30 - 40 minutes a day, 5 - 6 days a week.
  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm a busy mom with 5 kids. There is NO TIME in my day, literally. But....I MAKE TIME because its important to me. Most days I do 60-90 minutes of exercise. I focus more on High Intensity Interval (HIIT) routines because I can incorporate GREAT cardio work and strength while keeping my heart rate way up and burning all those extra calories.

    Don't worry. If you want it bad enough you will find the time/energy to do it. If some days you just don't have the time or energy, you can compensate by eating less calories.
  • lcphipps
    65 minutes every day....then 30-40 min of weights.
  • fabulousmomma
    fabulousmomma Posts: 172 Member
    jquijas wrote: »
    Honestly I do 30 mins of cardio twice a week total. I lift 6 days a week though. You are going to have people give you a hard time about doing so much cardio and you should lift and blah blah blah. The bottom line though is if you love to run, then run. It isn't my cup of tea hate it with a passion actually but I see the benefits. If you are talking about cardio in terms of losing weight then it isn't necessary to do cardio at all, it simply comes down to calories in vs. calories out. That's the long answer
    Short answer I do 30 mins of HIIT twice a week and it is enough for me :smile:

    Yes, exactly what he said! Bottom line calories in equals calories out! For myself I prefer to lift weights and do planks and squats. Cardio ain't my thing, lol. For some it is and that's fantastic!
    So dont you worry about not being able to do as much cardio, you'll work what you can in to your schedule!
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    edited November 2014
    I do at least 45 minutes to an hour of strength training/weight lifting a day, 6 days a week. I make sure I do at least 15-20 minutes of cardio a day, 6 days a week after my strength training. My favorite thing to do is anything that works my legs and I love getting my heart rate up so I just have to do cardio to feel accomplished after a work out!

    On my days off from work I'll usually do 30 minutes of cardio in the morning then an additional 15 minutes after my weight lifting at night.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I do like 2 hours a week. Bleh. Cardio.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    edited November 2014
    arditarose wrote: »
    I do like 2 hours a week. Bleh. Cardio.

    It does get boring, Glad the snow is here, shoveling the driveway 2 x a day is more fun!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I do like 2 hours a week. Bleh. Cardio.

    It does get boring, Gad the snow is here, shoveling the driveway 2 x a day is more fun!

    It's not even that it's boring for me I just...hate. it. I have no driveway to shovel, or car for that matter. I need to find something new.
  • redfisher1974
    redfisher1974 Posts: 614 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I do like 2 hours a week. Bleh. Cardio.

    It does get boring, Gad the snow is here, shoveling the driveway 2 x a day is more fun!

    It's not even that it's boring for me I just...hate. it. I have no driveway to shovel, or car for that matter. I need to find something new.

    I understand, Hope you find something new!