

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I don't love working out. It is like washing dishes, brushing my teeth or paying bills. I do those things whether I love them or not.
    I do like being stronger or more flexible. I do want to be healthy.
    I don't want to be older and not be able to play with my grandchildren or be stuck in a chair because it is too difficult to move. I don't want to always be walking behind everyone else because I can't actually keep up. I don't want to be out of breath from climbing stairs.
    I made a commitment to myself to do something active for 30 minutes minimum every single day. I don't do the same thing every day. I hope I can make it a lifelong habit.

    You can lose weight without exercising and eating junk food but there are a lot of benefits to eating healthy foods and being more active. Maybe do shorter workouts for awhile- 10 minutes at a time is better than zero minutes. Try new things. Find an exercise buddy.

  • chantalebelle
    thanks everyone, i know i either just need to do it or i need to suck it up. it is hard though. and id love to work out outside but it's -25C here right now and only getting colder so not really an option :( as of now, ive been working out to videos online like fitness blender or p90x videos. maybe i'll try something like riding the stationary bike or something for now and see if that gets me going. i just wish there was a magic button we could press and not have to worry about working out or eating whatever you want lol
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Do it. I have to spend a good portion of the afternoon at the gym because I'm off work and need to get my steps in, along with lifting. Not entirely thrilling, but a good book while I'm on the elliptical and treadmill will make a difference.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Our priorities are shown by our actions.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    edited November 2014
    I hear people all time that "love working out" and "feel so good when they work out". ok, i believe that you might feel good after because you have all those feel good hormones rushing through your body but like really? I guess i've just been less motivated lately and i don't know why. id been working out since september about 5 days a week, and then 1 and a half weeks ago i just stopped. i haven't worked out in the least in this time, i've been eating worse and i just have no motivation. and whats funny, is now that i stopped working out, i just happened to check what i weighed and of course now i lose 2 pounds. i want to be fit, and i want to be healthy, and i know i should do it but i just would rather sit and watch 2 episodes of my favorite show than do an hour of cardio. bah.

    I'm with you so I go to the gym when Supernatural is on and walk an episode. Kills two birds with one stone. :smile:

    ETA: I am referring to morning reruns. I don't only go once a week. LOL
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I could have written this a few months ago. I worked out only so I could eat more. I hated doing it and didn't even put my all into it because I hated it so much. Then I discovered weight lifting! I hate cardio in all shapes and forms but lifting is so much more fun. I love lifting!

    If that's too big of a jump for you, try getting a step counter and work extra steps in your day. You're not actually doing a cardio session but you get more movement in and can eat more.

    Or just don't work out. You don't get to eat as much but you can still lose weight without working out.... But I would really say try lifting!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I hear people all time that "love working out" and "feel so good when they work out". ok, i believe that you might feel good after because you have all those feel good hormones rushing through your body but like really? I guess i've just been less motivated lately and i don't know why. id been working out since september about 5 days a week, and then 1 and a half weeks ago i just stopped. i haven't worked out in the least in this time, i've been eating worse and i just have no motivation. and whats funny, is now that i stopped working out, i just happened to check what i weighed and of course now i lose 2 pounds. i want to be fit, and i want to be healthy, and i know i should do it but i just would rather sit and watch 2 episodes of my favorite show than do an hour of cardio. bah.

    I don't enjoy working out... But I like food and I like looking good naked, so it's a necessary evil....
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I hate working out too. This time of year I suck it up and do it anyway, though I prefer more 'fun' workouts like spin classes as opposed to boring cardio. The rest of the year, I try to fit in stealth workouts that don't feel like exercise -- I cycle to/from work 7 months a year, I go dancing, I do active classes and social activities, I ski in the wintertime. The trick is to get moving, not necessarily to spend all your time in the gym. Some people love the gym, but if you hate it, find other ways to be active!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    personally, i've grown to become a cardio and endurance junkie. to me there is nothing more exciting than exploring my city by bike or by foot, or discovering a new trail or new road that i've never been on. love it. could do it all day.

    i have grown bored with lifting. staying in the same room for an hour is boring and unentertaining to me. i lift 1-2 times a week, but what i really look forward to is my long run and ride.

    but it's winter time, so even the most dedicated can be pushed indoors, so i see what you mean. just know that 30-45 minutes of indoor cycling can be worth 60-90 minutes out on the road.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Find an activity that doesn't feel like working out, or that you truly enjoy.

    For me, those things include Zumba, Swimming, Walking a nice scenic path, and Hiking.

    Sports are great for physical activity that's fun. Swimming too, depending on which kind you do. Zumba/Dancing... are all fun things.

    You just gotta try different things and see which you like the most. You don't need much motivation for fun stuff... just sayin'. :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Quality over quantity. It doesn't have to be 60 min. of cardio. I burned myself out that way. Thankfully, I was able to regroup by doing HIIT and heavy (for me) lifting. Now I only do 30 min. cardio sessions 3x week. I feel like I gained so many extra hours in my week by giving up that 60 min. cardio session mind-set.
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    603reader wrote: »
    Why not watch the two episodes on your show while doing cardio? Makes it a little less tedious...

    I second this. I enjoy exercise when the weather is nice because I like to be outside, but when it's too cold and dark and wet to go out, I usually end up doing something in front of the TV.

    I'm with these guys. I always bring my phone with me to the gym and catch up on shows I've missed while on the elliptical or bike. It makes time go by much faster, and I get to enjoy it (for the most part). By the time my show is over, I'm usually warmed up and motivated to work out more...or my workout is over. :)
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    but it's winter time, so even the most dedicated can be pushed indoors, so i see what you mean. just know that 30-45 minutes of indoor cycling can be worth 60-90 minutes out on the road.

    I've found it's the opposite. Indoors, you can turn the resistance down and cheat on a spin bike. On the road, if the road goes uphill, you're going uphill, no way around that.

    Then again, there are no red lights in a spinning class, so...
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited November 2014
    So don't "work out". Try to find something you like to do that gives you some exercise - walking, hiking, biking, skating, kayaking, swimming. You get the idea - find your passion and then it's not a chore. One article I read suggest you "be it, not do it". As in, "I am a hiker", "I am a runner", "I am a swimmer".
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I can't wait to workout each morning, I'm almost shooing the family out the door to work just so I can get on with my thing :-D you find something you actually like doing, start off with just 15 mins, do it consistently and in no time you'll be factoring more workout mins into your day and loving it :smile:
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited November 2014
    ps you can watch your favourite show AND workout if you've got a tredmill or some such machine...or like me, I run in place/ strength train just so I can watch my favourite programmes and the time just whizzes by :)
  • april32many
    I'm not sure what part of the country you live in but I do wonder if it has to do with less light and the seasonal change. As soon as spring hits, you can't keep me from being outdoors and running or, at the very least, walking and doing crazy amounts of yard work! Be gentle with yourself and just do things around the house. Dips, lunges, squats and, maybe, just maybe, once your heart ramps up you'll motivate and get to the gym again!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    When summer rolls around, do you want to LOOK like you've been sitting inside and eating all winter? I don't. That's why I drag myself to the gym.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    but it's winter time, so even the most dedicated can be pushed indoors, so i see what you mean. just know that 30-45 minutes of indoor cycling can be worth 60-90 minutes out on the road.

    I've found it's the opposite. Indoors, you can turn the resistance down and cheat on a spin bike. On the road, if the road goes uphill, you're going uphill, no way around that.

    Then again, there are no red lights in a spinning class, so...

    outdoors, if the road goes uphill, you can get off and walk, or just avoid the hill...

    you can cheat yourself in a million ways in any kind of workout.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Get into kickboxing or martial arts, best fun workout ever, swimming, deep water jogging, dancing, biking, rowing, weight training-hiking, running, rollerblading-fun to me at least. Sledding is cool