

  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    I like the little plate idea but i think my eyes would feel deprived. Another plate idea is those picnic plates, the divided ones with one big section and 2 little sections.

    An ex of mine tried it on my suggestion and he lost a lot of weight. You put your lowest calorie items (broccoli, salad, etc.) in the big section, then you put your meat and fat or calorie packed items (mashed potatoes, pasta, etc.) in the two smaller sections. If you have more than 3 dinner items then you put the worst 2 or best 2 together depending on how many calories there are in each dish.
  • Nimco4930
    Nimco4930 Posts: 58 Member
    The idea of using little plates is a very good one! I try to do this. Or use a larger plate but try to fill at least half of it with veggies. I've learned that adding veggies is a good strategy. Granted, it's easier if you like veggies...

    Something I used to do when packing a sandwich to take to work: instead of making a regular sandwich, I used just one slice of multigrain bread (something with fiber in it) cut in half, with a normal serving size of meat (usually turkey or chicken), & then piled on the veggies... lettuce, spinach, tomato, cucumber, sprouts.. Then I started having carrot sticks or apple slices on the side instead of chips. Much more filling, & involves a lot more chewing, so it gives your body a little more time to process the fact that it's getting filled up. It takes your body some time to figure out that it's not hungry anymore. Weight Watchers (I used to be in) advises their members to put their fork down between bites & chew longer, instead of mindlessly gulping the food.

    Yes, I also have a bad habit of not making prepared-packed lunch with me, which I am hoping to start to incorporate into my daily schedule.

    Also, the sandwich idea, is great though I am not the biggest fan of snacking, and the vegetable ideas, are great I'm a big vegetable eater, so I will definitely do that.

  • Nimco4930
    Nimco4930 Posts: 58 Member
    CarrieCans wrote: »
    I like the little plate idea but i think my eyes would feel deprived. Another plate idea is those picnic plates, the divided ones with one big section and 2 little sections.

    An ex of mine tried it on my suggestion and he lost a lot of weight. You put your lowest calorie items (broccoli, salad, etc.) in the big section, then you put your meat and fat or calorie packed items (mashed potatoes, pasta, etc.) in the two smaller sections. If you have more than 3 dinner items then you put the worst 2 or best 2 together depending on how many calories there are in each dish.

    Thanks for that Carrie, now it's all up to me to start introducing it slowly into my life.

    Many thanks guys, you have all been extremely helpful and very kind. :)
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    Drinking water also helps with the cravings. I try to drink at least 16 ounces of water before I eat. It fills me up and I eat less. I'm also fighting to cut back on the processed foods and the high fat foods, believe me it's hard and I gave into my pumpkin pie craving last night. But all things in moderation, so I don't feel guilty.

    You can do this, to your success :)