Not eating for pleasure

Why? And how does it work out?

I see quite often people in here stating that they now eat only to fuel their bodies, not for pleasure. Are those the same people who used to be overweight? And eat for pleasure then? How can you just switch? Isn't that a recipe for disaster...? Making it sooo easy to slip back to old habits? I am eating both for health and for pleasure now, trying to be sensible and kind to myself at the same time. I cook most of my meals from scratch, and they all taste delicious. I never eat anything I don't like, but I don't eat everything I like at once either.


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    My friend told me once that food is not for pleasure. I laughed in his face (well, via text).

    You can, however, eat for both. I eat higher in protein than I used to to fuel my workouts, and I make sure I am eating enough calories, but I choose foods that I love to comprise this intake. I also don't just eat chips and candy all day for my carb intake because I'd get way sugar-rushy and feel sick.

    Balanced diet. Anyone saying htey don't eat for pleasure either hasn't been eating that way for long or is a miserable person.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member

    I eat to fuel myself, but I'll be damned if I'm going to eat something I hate to do that. I enjoy all the food I eat, but I don't eat just whatever I want.
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Everyone is different. Once you really set a goal and 100% committed, you can see food entirely as fuel. I for one, never could. But then I don't like drinking alcohol, and lots of people do. Same thing I suppose
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    I still really enjoy good food. I try to stick with the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time - eat for nourishment; 20% of the time - eat for pleasure.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    edited December 2014

    QFT! Seriously! I'm not an emotional eater. I'm not a binge eater. But if you think for a second I don't enjoy the food I'm eating… you're out of your mind!

    I eat to fuel myself, but I'll be damned if I'm going to eat something I hate to do that. I enjoy all the food I eat, but I don't eat just whatever I want.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.

    Indeed food is that interesting to some people. Clearly you don't feel that way or you wouldn't have to ask that question. But to some people it just isn't all that great, and that's just how they are. Foodies might be ridiculous to you, but sports enthusiasts are ridiculous to me. But because I don't care about sports doesn't make any difference in how much other people love them. I just have to accept they feel that way.

    In regards to the forum excitement on eating ridiculous amounts on Thanksgiving: This isn't just a weight-loss forum, but a fitness site. I will always love eating, and most of my friends list will too. This site is a great way to still eat foods you love, be ridiculous sometimes, but stay focused on health as a long-term goal.

  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.

    Yeah I am one those people. Call me ridiculous if you want but I take pleasure in the simple things in life. Amazing tasting food that I made:) Now I make amazing tasting low calorie, low carb food.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.

    If food was not interesting or enjoyable, why don't you just take a slab of meat, microwave it and eat it without any additions? Would you be equally happy if you had all your nutrients in pill form or through a tube? The answer is simple: because food IS supposed to be enjoyable. That's how our bodies are built. If food was not innately enjoyable, the art of cooking would not have evolved.

    Now there may be some kind of misunderstanding. Some people prefer to eat only when hungry, but that is actually the exact opposite of "eating only to fuel", since the first few bites of food after hunger sits in are the most enjoyable.

    There is also the distinction between the feeling of pleasure derived from food and artificially attaching certain feelings to food, like feeling good about yourself when you eat salad, or consider sugar to be the devil that will cause you to instantly gain 15 pounds. Now that I'm against. Once you attach terms like good, bad, guilty, fattening, superfood, comforting.. etc to food, it stops being the simple pleasure it is and moves into the territory of obsession, stress, self-worth measure, and emotional eating.

    In my case, eating for joy has helped my weight loss tremendously. In the past I used to eat food just because it's there, even if I didn't care much for it. When someone offered me a doughnut, for example, I used to eat it all without thinking twice, just for the sake of the act of eating. Now when that happens, I simply say "no, thank you". Not because doughnuts are some kind of deadly diet sin, but because I don't like them enough to warrant spending calories on them. Now everything that goes into my mouth, including higher calorie "evil" foods, has to be something I really like and derive pleasure from, since my calorie budget has a limit. And the moment something stops being enjoyable and turns into a mere act of stuffing yet another piece of chips in my mouth, my meal ends there.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I do both. For me, breakfast and lunch are simply fuel (but I still eat things I like ok). Dinner might be fuel or it might be good or a combination. Most importantly, I save calories every night to eat snacks, because that is what I like best.
    I have to eat a lot more protein than before I started this, so I've had to acclimate to the idea of eating very monotonously to have calories in the evenings, and for breakfast and lunch that is something I can do forever. I put my interest into the evening.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    edited December 2014
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.

    No, the reason people are overweight is because they eat too much. People seem to enjoy junk like dominoes, McDonald's, crappy American chocolate etc. I'd hardly call that stimulating your taste buds.

    There's no reason you can't enjoy tasty food. When food is really good you don't have to have huge portions of it.

    There are plenty of chefs who aren't overweight. There's a show here called The Great British Bake-Off. The woman, Mary Berry, on that is slim and she can still make yummy food.

    I'd much rather make myself a stir fry with ginger, chilli etc that shove some tasteless crap in the microwave.

    Personally I eat when I'm hungry, but I make sure it's foods I enjoy.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    From this foodie... screw you

    My weight gain was 95% medical, not everyone got fat shoving cheeseburgers and ice cream down their throats. It's my love of food that also encouraged my healthiness because I can cook AMAZING healthy food. Guess you don't care about that though, cause you'res not a "foodie". I'm also a yelper, le gasp!
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    edited December 2014

    In my case, eating for joy has helped my weight loss tremendously. In the past I used to eat food just because it's there, even if I didn't care much for it. When someone offered me a doughnut, for example, I used to eat it all without thinking twice, just for the sake of the act of eating. Now when that happens, I simply say "no, thank you". Not because doughnuts are some kind of deadly diet sin, but because I don't like them enough to warrant spending calories on them. Now everything that goes into my mouth, including higher calorie "evil" foods, has to be something I really like and derive pleasure from, since my calorie budget has a limit. And the moment something stops being enjoyable and turns into a mere act of stuffing yet another piece of chips in my mouth, my meal ends there.[/quote]

    HALLELUJAH, SISTER, my sentiments exactly! You have nailed it.

    I have a similar system: I ask myself if the food I'm about to eat is more important to me than another pair of size 6 super-skinny jeans (my new size). It's all a matter of choices. Don't get me wrong-- I love to eat! However, the way I use food has changed. I look forward to my meals not so I can stuff myself to the gills, but because I know that I'm being responsible to myself and doing something to help my body. The healthier foods taste better and make me feel great. Surprisingly, what some people call "bad foods" don't seem all that tempting to me anymore. They're just "there". Makes me wonder whether I actually even liked the junk I used to eat, or if it was just mindless consumption...
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,072 Member
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.
    First of all, it is not just a weight loss forum.
    For some people it is about fitness, nutrition,recipes, maintaining weight, entertainment, there is even a section specifically for - gasp! - gaining weight.

    The reason anybody is overweight - they eat too many calories.

    One can be a healthy weight and enjoy food, enjoy cooking, even enjoy photographing food.
    My father is in his mid 70's - he enjoys food, he enjoys dining out. He has always been slim to the point of underweight.
  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    edited December 2014
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.

    To make your argument valid, I shall peer-review this, and make some annotations.

    "Is food really that interesting? Yes. I think foodies are ridiculously on point with this. One of the reasons anybody is overweight is because he/she goes over their daily calorie intake often. Enjoying foods in moderation is the way to go. You can enjoy food, live to eat, and still achieve your goals. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a public forum that not only discusses weight loss issues, but also weight gain, weight maintenance, offers support, and so on. FTW!"

    All done! :)
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    I LOVE food. I cook and bake and it brings me joy. I got fat because I stopped my super active job and ate more out of boredom at my new job. Activity went down, calories went up and I wasn't paying attention. Then I was too lazy and content to really care to do anything about it. Then I was like "damn I miss my bikini, time to lose weight".

    I don't label myself a foodie but I do eat for joy. Good food is one of life's greatest pleasures to me. I'm currently losing about 2lb/week loving everything I eat. Probably loving it even MORE because in a deficit you better make EVERY CALORIE COUNT! Lol

    And as for this being a weight loss site. Pffft. After I've lost all this weight I will be reverse dieting and trying to GAIN weight (more muscles!) in a body recomp.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Is food really that interesting? I think foodies are ridiculous. The reason anybody is overweight is because they get so excited about stimulating their taste buds. You see it all over the Thanksgiving threads here: "I ate 8000 calories today, YOLO!!" On a weight-loss forum. WTF.


    ^^Really? Seriously, I do not understand the "eat to live" thing. How can you become overweight if you just eat to live? I am not trying to be a smart a**, I just don't get this.

    I love food! I love to cook and bake and I am good at both, and I have been doing both for most of my life. I have lost a lot of weight on MFP (160# +) and have been maintain for 1 year now, but, I will always love to eat and, I will always struggle, to stay a normal weight.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I love food, but some people are less interested in it and I respect that because we are all different.