


  • maria0elisa
    maria0elisa Posts: 199 Member
    amy0louise wrote: »
    I'm 5'4 female 24 years old. 105ish lb
    If I spent the entire day in bed m, hypothetically 1500 cal would not make me gain?

    Are you looking for your BMR? If so, you can use an online BMR calculator. Here's the one I use:

    Using your info, your BMR is 1300. That's what you would burn doing nothing but laying in bed all day. However, since none of us do that, you ought to look at your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). If you are generally sedentary, that number is 1560 calories. If you're looking to maintain (since this is the maintenance forum) then you should be eating at least that much every day - more if you are exercising.

    Hi jeff, thanks a lot for posting this link. I'm new to maintenance and had never heard of BMR, so I found it v useful.
    Luckily, at loss I was eating 1350 which is what the BMR calculator recommended for loss based on my sedentary lifestyle (and what you described based on the hypothetical "lying in bed all day" scenario... I sit in the house all day studying at the moment so it's really not that different!)

    My BMR for maintenance is exactly the same as what MFP recommends, so I'm happy to be starting out on the right track!

    How many cals per day do you maintain at?

    Hey Amy. Sorry, I just now saw this post. At 6'4" and 182 pounds, I maintain at ~2300 calories per day. I have a desk job and am not generally active outside of the gym, so I use the sedentary activity level and log my exercise.

    You should be eating at TDEE, not BMR. If you're generally sedentary, use the sedentary activity level TDEE as your calorie level to maintain.

    Oh ok that's good to know, thanks very much for your help! :)
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 235 Member
    Life is unpredictable. You can go from active to sedentary in a flash. It's possible to lose weight and hopefully maintain during sedentary periods. For me viewing my limited food allowance as medicine and choosing carefully. Using limited active periods to get in modest dog walks, overdue chores & a bit of weights as exercise has worked.

    Took half a year to lose 14#s yet I finally succeded. Now the trick will be to stay here with all my lovely "new" friends - 2 boxes of forgotten clothes and continue to work towards peak wellness.
  • bunnypy
    bunnypy Posts: 109 Member
    U would gain, try the link below...
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 235 Member
    According to the calculator above I could eat 1724 for maintenance and 1379 for weight loss. That's 179 calories more than MFP for weight loss and a generous amount for maintenance. I could live with that if it's true. This is first concrete answer to what should I aim for in maintenance. Thank you.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    This is first concrete answer to what should I aim for in maintenance.
    There are no concrete answers with calorie calculators. The term calculator is inaccurate. They should be called calorie estimators. A calorie calculator will give you a ball park estimate of the calories you require.

    To fine tune your number your need to test the estimate. Eat at 1724 for about eight weeks and then reevaluate your progress. If you gain, dial the cals back by 150 cals and retest. If you lose, add 150 cals and retest. Eventually you'll find a number that is accurate for you. The key to testing your number is consistency with activity level and diet (accurate tracking).
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 235 Member
    Way to complicated. I think I will take it one day at a time and see where I land. Constincey in activity level is not the hand I was dealt. It's just fun now to be able to eat more & have days I'm prompted by MFP to do so.