Whats your take on fruit (sugar)?



  • GeeWillickers
    GeeWillickers Posts: 85 Member
    The only weightloss enemy to a healthy individual with no medical conditions is making excuses and not taking responsibility for your choices plus decisions.
  • Unknown
    edited December 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited December 2014
    The OSE ending means "sugar":

    Fructose is "a fruit sugar"
    Galactose is "a milk sugar"
    Maltose is "sugar you buy at the mall" (no. I joke. It is a real thing, a product of starch digestion by amylase, but not at all important to someone dieting.)
    Etc. Many sugars.

    Your body can absolutely tell the difference between all the different sugars and (assuming you're healthy) can break them all down (well, most - we don't break down cellulose ["fiber"] , we just poop it out, but the body knows what to do with it.) People often say their body cannot tell the difference and I'm not quibbling over it, but people with healthy bodies have bodies that can tell the difference.

    In the end after the digestive system does it's job and subcontracts some of the work to liver, you have a bunch of glucose, which can be used for energy now or stored (as glycogen or in fat tissue) for use later.

    I really don't see why anyone dieting would give a hairy rat's *kitten* about different sugars and whether or not their body could tell the difference, etc.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I really hope people who can have fruit won't give it up because it has sugar in it. You NEED sugar! You can't live without it. Your brain runs on it. If you really and truly didn't take in any, your body would make it's own. Sugar is THAT important. You cannot get sugar out of your body even if you try. So, don't try. :)
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Re fruit in winter vs. summer, I really noticed due to logging that I eat FAR more fruit in the summer (I was never over my sugar in February through April, and over constantly in June through September). I'm eating less again--I just love local summer fruit so much.

    I'm definitely going to go look for cherries and at least pick up some pears.
    I eat more fresh in the summer. Winter means frozen berries, which are still good, but very tart. I have to add blueberries and blackberries or I can't even eat the others. They also ooze as they thaw. I crumble my Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Apple Crisp bars (I swear I don't work for them) into the mix and it just looks like slop. But they granola soaks up the juicy ooze and OMG, it's all so good!!!

    I just had a Honeycrisp Apple. :)

    Oh, I'm totally with you on fruit and sugar.

    Just bought my pears and some Rainer cherries from far far away, as that was all they had. I eat blueberries and raspberries all winter and we still have lots of apples, but it's just not the same. I need to figure out what to do with the tons of cranberries I still have, too.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I really hope people who can have fruit won't give it up because it has sugar in it. You NEED sugar! You can't live without it. Your brain runs on it. If you really and truly didn't take in any, your body would make it's own. Sugar is THAT important. You cannot get sugar out of your body even if you try. So, don't try. :)
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Re fruit in winter vs. summer, I really noticed due to logging that I eat FAR more fruit in the summer (I was never over my sugar in February through April, and over constantly in June through September). I'm eating less again--I just love local summer fruit so much.

    I'm definitely going to go look for cherries and at least pick up some pears.
    I eat more fresh in the summer. Winter means frozen berries, which are still good, but very tart. I have to add blueberries and blackberries or I can't even eat the others. They also ooze as they thaw. I crumble my Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Apple Crisp bars (I swear I don't work for them) into the mix and it just looks like slop. But they granola soaks up the juicy ooze and OMG, it's all so good!!!

    I just had a Honeycrisp Apple. :)

    Oh, I'm totally with you on fruit and sugar.

    Just bought my pears and some Rainer cherries from far far away, as that was all they had. I eat blueberries and raspberries all winter and we still have lots of apples, but it's just not the same. I need to figure out what to do with the tons of cranberries I still have, too.

    Dry ice and a quick overnight. ;) I've had my fill on cranberries for a while. :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Quoting my MFP friend Jen, "Nobody's overweight because they ate too much produce".
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited December 2014
    Kalikel wrote: »
    The OSE ending means "sugar":

    Fructose is "a fruit sugar"
    Galactose is "a milk sugar"
    Maltose is "sugar you buy at the mall" (no. I joke. It is a real thing, a product of starch digestion by amylase, but not at all important to someone dieting.)
    Etc. Many sugars.

    Your body can absolutely tell the difference between all the different sugars and (assuming you're healthy) can break them all down (well, most - we don't break down cellulose ["fiber"] , we just poop it out, but the body knows what to do with it.) People often say their body cannot tell the difference and I'm not quibbling over it, but people with healthy bodies have bodies that can tell the difference.

    In the end after the digestive system does it's job and subcontracts some of the work to liver, you have a bunch of glucose, which can be used for energy now or stored (as glycogen or in fat tissue) for use later.

    I really don't see why anyone dieting would give a hairy rat's *kitten* about different sugars and whether or not their body could tell the difference, etc.

    When people say the body can't tell the difference, we don't mean it can't tell the difference between different sugar molecules. We mean that the body cannot and does not distinguish between fructose molecules in an Apple vs fructose molecules in a candy bar.

    Some people (the antisugar crowd) seem to have this oddly illogical idea that the human body digests fructose in a completely different manner depending on which specific food you consume it in. Fructose was an example, they believe that about every type of sugar.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »

    And how is added sugar different from other sugar? How is the molecular make up any different?

    I was at a talk several years ago about the manufacture of drugs. A university professor was giving a talk about how he's teaching his freshmen students to manufacture drugs at their bench blah blah blah something important about research and development or something. I don't know.

    Anyhow, at one point, he talked about how atoms attach themselves to other atoms, and how even though you might have the exact same atoms -- three hydrogens and two oxygens, say -- they might not attach in the same way.

    One the one hand you might get OHOHH but on the other hand you might get HOHOH.

    That's my example, by the way, and it might not be a real thing, so please don't let my example be the sticking point -- the point here is that the atoms don't always attach in the same way even though the molecular ingredients are the same.

    He said the problem with this is the side effects from the drug. The brand drug works just fine, but the generic drug has one molecule attaching at a different point along the chain, and bam, you are giving birth to babies with no spine.

    Every time I hear someone ask "how is added sugar different from other sugar?" I think of that lecture.

    (Here's a bit of marketing literature from Roche Labs that also explains the process, but in terms of sugar chains as part of their cancer drug development -- the section "Feverish search for robust processes.")
    This would make some sense of the added sugar was artificially created in a lab, but it isn't. It's harvested from sugar cane, sugar beets, or corn. Physically, molecularly, chemically, they are the exact same sugars found in natural sources. So your example doesn't work at all.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I've always believed that anything from the earth is a good food to have. But I am always hearing that sugar is the enemy with weight loss and this INCLUDES fruit. Is this the truth? I just don't see how natural sugars from the earth could really be that bad for you. I am confused on this matter.

    I don't feel that foods with sugar are enemies. Most vegetables also contain some sugar. It is all just food. If it fits your nutrition goals then eat it.
    I feel that eating fruit is great. Fruit has vitamins, minerals, fiber, and tastes good.