December 2014 walk/bike/jog 100 mile challenge



  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    Dec 15th 2.0 walking miles today....
    ...............5.2 Exercise Bike miles today...

    TOTAL THUS FAR 18.5 walking miles...
    ............................13.9 exercise bike miles...
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    5.2 miles

    50.12 total miles!

    Halfway there!! :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    WOWWWWWWWWW you're doing GREAT jesiann! :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    47 degrees and cloudy BUT my girls and I got in a 2.5 mile walk before the wind got up!

    21 walking miles as of December 16th
    13.9 exercise Bike miles.....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    3.1 miles

    53.22 total miles

    Jeannie, thanks again for being my accountability partner. ;)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    2.71 miles

    55.93 total
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    2.75 miles

    58.68 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    Wednesday 4 walking miles....
    Thursday 4 walking miles...

    TOTAL as of Thursday December 18th 29 walking miles....
    .............................................................13.9 exercise bike miles...
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Awesome sauce, Jeannie! :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    Thanks! We were away 2 days so we got in a lot of walking...

    today December 19th.............3 walking miles...

    TOTAL thus far....Dec 19th.................32 walking miles........
    ..........................................................13.9 exercise Bike miles..
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    3.7 miles

    62.38 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    WOOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOO we're both hanging in there!!!!

    Today I got in 3 miles myself.....don't know about tomorrow yet as it is a Church Day...

    TOTAL thus far December 20th .................35 walking miles...
    ...................................................................13.9 exercise Bike miles...
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Yeah, we really are getting this done! B)

    2.54 miles

    64.92 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,701 Member
    I will be happy..OH SO HAPPY when my normal self returns and I can do more....BUT I am not complaining....we are not having Church services tonight so the girls and I got in our walk...yahoooooooooooooooo

    Sunday Dec 21st.................3.0 walking miles....

    TOTAL thus far December 21st 38 walking miles....
    ...................................................13.9 exercise Bike miles...
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    edited December 2014
    473 miles on the bike sofar this month hoping to hit 900ish.
    Only been out for 1 run so far 3 miles but hopefully get out down the canal before work this week

    141.3 Today but brutal winds on the way out. Its been 4 months since ive done a century ride
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Wowza Gruff! That's fantastic! I miss bike riding. Used to all the time. Keep it up!

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    2 miles

    66.92 total miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    cheers jess, hopefully manage to work my nutrition out 5000cal deficit last week and im planning on more of these over the next few weeks. Finding it hard to get 5000+ cals in cleanly for a day
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Am I reading this wrong, Gruff?? You take in over 5,000 cals a day?!? Whoa... I'd be roughly the size of a barn after a few weeks of that intake!
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    My ride yesterday "burnt" 5800 cals based on gps, hr and power meter.
    From the research ive found the cals used based on time/distance is 40-50% acurate
    With a HR monitor -20-30% and power meter is 5%

    So i have to try and replace a reasonable amount