Whats your opinion on long distance relationships



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Found my husband that way. I commuted on a "3-CD" (three hour) highway every weekend for an entire winter. The long distance plan helped.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    My husband and I were long distance when we first started dating (about 2 hours). We were young and both in college; so we were busy during the week...but spent Fri-Sun together. We did this for 2 years, graduated, and both relocated to another state together. That was 15 years ago; so for us it worked. I think your age and flexibility are huge factors in success.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,723 Member
    My hubby and I did long distance for 3 years. I was commuting between London and Paris and he was in Amsterdam, so a 1 hour flight or 6-8 hours in the train. I was lucky to be making really good money at the time, so could afford to fly to Amsterdam 3 weekends a month, and he could afford to take the bus to Paris maybe once a month for a week. I was working as a fashion model, and he was an impoverished student so it was a clash of worlds too. It was hardest when the fashion business took me to New York and we were separated by a 7 hour flight.

    It did help that I knew that I would be retiring from the fashion business around age 25 and could then move to Amsterdam. We've been married for 26 years now.

    The most romantic long distance love story I've every heard is Luis Suarez and Sofia Balbi.
