Why don't people understand that my eating has nothing to do



  • ChristineMcGrae
    It is really tough when you have somebody else in control of the cooking.. I would just try talking to her about it but honestly at the end of the day if her feelings are hurt she will get over it eventually. You are doing this for you and not for her. Who knows when you start seeing results she may come to you and ask how you are doing it and take on some of the changes herself.

    I feel like this at work a lot also. Every Friday is goodie day where the management buys sweets and cakes for everybody. There is nothing that is bought that is healthy or good for you. As soon as my husband and I decided to take this seriously we have not cheated once and have been going strong for three weeks. I am not even tempted by it but I still get people who will bring over a slice a cake and keep saying 'oh come on it's one slice it won't hurt you'. Or I'll get the skinniest girl at work who will come over just to point out that I haven't taken anything and make comments such as 'I don't know how you restrict yourself to 1260 calories a day, I would just die. I probably eat that in one sitting' and then proceed to walk over and grab a doughnut and hold it up to show me as she walks back by me to go to her desk.

    It's all about just remembering that this is for you, not for anybody else. One day all of that will catch up with them and we will be the skinny girls. :flowerforyou: