Dieting and a picky eater



  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    backin3 wrote: »
    As a side note, if you don't like eating healthy foods, what are your kids going to grow up eating? Kinda scary thought IMO. My parents taught me to eat wholesome foods, and while I hated it at the time, the good habits have stuck with me, and I love healthy foods now. I have numerous friends who were fed what they liked as kids. Chicken tenders, hot dogs, chips, pizza, etc. They're some of the pickiest and unhealthiest eaters now.

    I think this is a terrible over-generalization. I was fed what I liked as a kid, and I am no longer picky. A lot of my issues with pickiness had nothing to do with "health-factors" of the food and all to do with texture of the food (e.g. I loved mushroom soup and the taste of onions, but I'd be damned if I wanted either mushrooms or onions chopped up in my food).
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    backin3 wrote: »
    Sure, you can lose weight by eating less calories, whether it's junk food or not. And yes, there is "good" and "bad" food. If it's simply about losing weight, you won't necessarily be HEALTHIER, just at a healthier weight, which will make you feel better. But actually start to CHANGE your diet, eat healthy, worthwhile foods, and you'll feel a ton better!

    What's more important, your health, or the food you like to eat? You may have to sacrifice if you really want health. Pizza is not a good food to be eating regularly. You need to add more lean proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. I'm not a pro, but I can already say you need to change your eating habits to really be healthy. You can teach your body to get used to most anything, including the foods you don't like.

    If there are "good" and "bad" foods, which ones are good? Which ones are bad? This is entirely subjective. I do no eat gluten because otherwise I get terrible digestive issues, but this is not a "bad" ingredient/food for most people.

    So lean proteins are good? Okay, I guess that means that I'm making bad choices by eating fish and red meat?

    I would never tell someone to forcefully eat food they don't like. Sure, give it a try, but if you try it and just do not like it then that's that. I tried papaya a few months ago and it was gross. Haven't bought another one since. Same with a few type of fish - I'm very selective about fish and dislike most of what I've tried. so I only eat the ones I DO like.

    I do know for sure though that pizza, donuts, bacon, these are all very good foods. Pizza can offer a hefty dose of carbohydrates if one is low on the macro, donuts can be great for carbs and fat for the same reason, bacon gives you some protein and fat, nothing bad about any of these.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    In my experience, I don't feel full if I eat what I have been eating and just cut back. And not feeling full is a problem for ongoing weight loss. If I am serious , I eat vegetables and fruits for health and watch the calories for weight loss. I start with those veggies I know I like and branch out from there. I have even discovered that pureed turnip with an apple or pear thrown in, doesn't taste bad. Not a favourite but surprisingly OK.

    And you don't want to set up future children for a struggle with being overweight and all the issues we know so well. So, if you want them to eat well, you have to eat well too. Getting started before you are pregnant so that you have a healthy pregnancy and be set to model healthy behaviour to your kids sounds like a great plan! Best wishes!
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    crap food sends signals to the brain which in return reacts telling your body to store, burn, hold water etc. IIFYM is alot of crap. its like taking a step forward then taking one back when you add junk food.

    Side note on IIFYM (because I doubt the OP's been here long): IIFYM means you look at the basic macronutrients of food--carbs, fat, protein. Look at what your food is made of and get a balance of the three that fits your weight loss and health goals. Then you can plan your "fun" food, and make better choices for what you're trying to do.

    Some people are really low carb, and save most of their carbohydrate macros for vegetables. Others have more room to play and can add a portion of ice cream at the end of the day which not only tastes good but can fill out the fat macro. At no point are they cheating on a diet, at no point can someone fit a metric ton of Little Debbies into their macros.

    The thought is that if your body gets all of its macro and micro nutrients then a slice of cake isn't going to cause plague, locusts, or boils.

    Other diets completely cut out groups of food as bad. They work because you remove obvious sources of high calorie, low nutrient food. They also make it very easy to feel deprived and like you weren't cut out to eat "healthy" so you go back to your old ways of eating.

    Take it slow and you'll figure this stuff out. Start simple and watch out for buzz words--including eating "clean" and IIFYM.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    backin3 wrote: »
    As a side note, if you don't like eating healthy foods, what are your kids going to grow up eating? Kinda scary thought IMO. My parents taught me to eat wholesome foods, and while I hated it at the time, the good habits have stuck with me, and I love healthy foods now. I have numerous friends who were fed what they liked as kids. Chicken tenders, hot dogs, chips, pizza, etc. They're some of the pickiest and unhealthiest eaters now.

    I grew up eating all of these and I still eat them along with other foods, my kids who are all grown now did the same, they aren't picky and eat very well balanced diets.

    OP you want to do something sustainable I was a yo yo dieter most of my life, because I thought you had to eat nothing but plain chicken and salads.. yea that didn't last long for me. Learning that I can eat everything I like just smaller amounts and lose is what truly helped me get started and stay with it.

    Now you will find foods that keep you feeling fuller longer than others, and help you meet macros better but that comes with learning. Don't go crazy making tons of changes in the beginning that just makes it harder.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    crap food sends signals to the brain which in return reacts telling your body to store, burn, hold water etc. IIFYM is alot of crap. its like taking a step forward then taking one back when you add junk food.

    Well for it being a lot of crap it was the perfect way to lose a lot of weight and reach goals I didn't think were possible so try again.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited December 2014
    As others have stated (minus the couple folks who buy into quackery), there are no good foods and bad foods. Eat the foods you enjoy, but eat them at a deficit. That being said, too lose weight and be healthy, you are going to need to figure out how to add some nutrient dense foods into your diet if you want to be successful and healthy. You are an adult, eat your veggies.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    crap food sends signals to the brain which in return reacts telling your body to store, burn, hold water etc. IIFYM is alot of crap. its like taking a step forward then taking one back when you add junk food.

    LOL then how do people who follow it lose weight, and have better health markers...

    or are you just trolling brah???????????????
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    crap food sends signals to the brain which in return reacts telling your body to store, burn, hold water etc. IIFYM is alot of crap. its like taking a step forward then taking one back when you add junk food.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - here is my suggestion:
    set MFP to 1 pound per week loss
    get a food scale
    weigh/measure/log ALL your food
    realize there are no bad foods and that you can eat the foods you like, just less of them
    if you want work out/move more/strength train whatever it is you like < not necessary but will improve overall health
    sugar and carbs are no evil and you can eat them and lose weight
    repeat until you hit desired results

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP I was a super picky eater as a child. I'm still kind of picky as an adult, even though I love food and people often describe me as a foodie - my sister snorted at that at Thanksgiving and said she didn't know picky eaters could be foodies...

    I grew up eating meat, potatoes, pizza, and pasta. I didn't eat salad until I was in college, I didn't eat vegetables other than corn until high school. I still don't care much for fruit - it's a texture thing. But as I got older and was in different social situations, I felt more pressure to eat the foods everyone else was eating and not be so picky. As I became more open to trying things, I found that I really liked things that I previously believed I hated, just because I had it in my head for so long. So keep an open mind, and try cooking the foods you don't think you like in new ways, might just be the way it's prepared. Like asparagus - my mother in law used to steam that stuff till it was stringy mush. But I love it roasted or grilled where the spears are still firm.

    To jump into the other part of this debate - you don't have to eat only fish, vegetables, and salad to be healthy or lose weight. The advice you've gotten about IIFYM is good, but even if you don't want to go that far to figure out macro ratios - you can start as others have suggested with just restricting portion sizes or looking for healthier ways to make the same foods.

    I have little kids and they like kid food: mac n cheese, chicken tenders, hot dogs. A lot of the time, I eat what they eat - I figure if I'm going to ask them to eat salmon, orzo, and asparagus one night, I should eat a grilled cheese and tomato soup with them one night as well.

    TL/DR - you don't have to go to extremes to meet your goals. Losing weight and getting healthy before pregnancy is a great idea - but there are many ways that you can do that so that it is a lifestyle change and not a temporary fix that you will abandon because it is so restrictive.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    backin3 wrote: »
    As a side note, if you don't like eating healthy foods, what are your kids going to grow up eating? Kinda scary thought IMO. My parents taught me to eat wholesome foods, and while I hated it at the time, the good habits have stuck with me, and I love healthy foods now. I have numerous friends who were fed what they liked as kids. Chicken tenders, hot dogs, chips, pizza, etc. They're some of the pickiest and unhealthiest eaters now.

    food is just energy that your body uses, period.

    look at it this way..

    calorie deficit for weight loss
    macro and micors for body composition and overall health .< You can still hit your macros and micros and eat pizza, chicken tenders, chips, beer, ice cream, whatever...

    Just google the twinkie diet. Guy ate nothing but twinkies, lost weight, and had better health markers...
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    berz82 wrote: »
    crap food sends signals to the brain which in return reacts telling your body to store, burn, hold water etc. IIFYM is alot of crap. its like taking a step forward then taking one back when you add junk food.

    You're really attractive. Let's just stick with that.