Help. Be kind though.



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It makes you healthier and keeps you fuller than junk.!


    That's my advice. If you believe that junk food will make her healthier and keep her fuller while she loses weight, you are free to give that advice.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I work out several times a week (Zumba onMondays and Wednesdays, elliptical (30 minutes) and walking (30 mins) on Saturdays and Sundays). I stay in my calorie goal range, and yet the weight doesn't go down. I am maintaining the same weight. It doesn't go up, it just sits right at 154 for 6 weeks now (I'm 5'2", btw). Any ideas on how to get this moving again? Keep in mind that I do have a thyroid thing that is medically under control.

    MFP has a hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism group:

    I'm 5'2", have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and started at 154 lbs. Twinsies!

    You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn. Weight loss is not linear, but if you've maintained for six weeks then you're eating at TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). People go crazy trying to calculate TDEE, but you've found it through trial & error.

    To lose .5 lb. per week, reduce your daily net calories by 250. At your size, anything more than 1 lb. per week is way too aggressive a goal.

    It's a cliché, but if I could do it you can, too! Feel free to friend me.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I've been feeling a bit discouraged lately. I work out several times a week (Zumba onMondays and Wednesdays, elliptical (30 minutes) and walking (30 mins) on Saturdays and Sundays). I stay in my calorie goal range, and yet the weight doesn't go down. I am maintaining the same weight. It doesn't go up, it just sits right at 154 for 6 weeks now (I'm 5'2", btw). Any ideas on how to get this moving again? Keep in mind that I do have a thyroid thing that is medically under control and also poly-cystic ovary syndrome and I've had a partial hysterectomy with the left ovary still intact. I do not take hormone replacement. I'm also 37 years old. I little more background: I'm a foster parent and pre-adoptive home. I'm stress level is manageable in my view. PLEASE HELP ME, but don't criticize me. I just don't have time to read mean things and they have no place in my life. So, if you have nothing nice or helpful to say, zip it.

    It sounds like you are a hard working person with a big heart.

    While my health problems are very different our weight issues may not be that different. In my case after a life time of yo yo weight I finally had to give up the carbs. <50 grams daily lets me eat nuts, eggs and some colored food.

    It was very hard for the first month. Protein intake is still around 15% but I flopped the Carbs/Fat so now Carbs are at 5% and saturated fats are at 80%.

    One doctor states just leaving off all soft drinks and drink water instead for one full year will give a 20 pound weight loss often.

    The fact that you are discussing your concern is a positive step. Keep in mind no two people are alike when it comes to weight loss. Some well meaning people (we hope) state it is only about Calories In Calories Out but sadly that is only one factor controlling our weight.

    Best of luck.