Do I have a tapeworm or something?



  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I'm glad you took the rational advice to visit the doctor. I agree that if you've got a doctor with (umm, I'll say this nicely) less than impressive bedside manner, they may tease you about the tapeworm concern. Shrug it off, as you already have in this thread (LOL and Stahhhp it already, to the jokers, at the same time, right?)

    But there are some really possible (yet totally fixable) situations that it could be: eating less than you need or less than you think (yep, really, people do also overestimate intake and underestimate calorie needs, too), IBS, stress, or a thyroid condition. Hopefully you will get your answer, and it will be 100% fixable. Good luck to you.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    ana3067 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    marissla wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for responding. I use cups and serving sizes to weigh my food. A week prior to this I was sort of eating a lot! (PMS) I probably ate 3000 calories a day, so maybe my metabolize is burning like crazy and I just lost the weight somehow. Another theory I have is I might have grown (?) so my fat might have stretched out because even though I'm 20, there's some cases where girls grow at this age, and I felt a little taller yesterday. I'll email my doctor and make an appointment, but besides that I guess I have to calm down and not freak out...
    I know this is sort of stupid, but I googled "how do you know if you have a tapeworm" and I had 8/10 of the signs...

    You have an explained constipation, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms of IBS Check
    You have a history of food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since. Check
    You have trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during the night. Check
    You get skin irritations or unexplained rashes, hives, rosacea or eczema. Check
    You grind your teeth in your sleep. No
    You have pain or aching in your muscles or joints. Check
    You experience fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or frequent feelings of apathy. Check
    You never feel satisfied or full after your meals. Check (?)
    You've been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Check

    Maybe it isn't such a good idea to do such things like this, I don't have really healthy habits of cleaning my be honest I barely ever wash my food... Oh gosh...
    But, yeah, I'll email my doctor and mention some of what you guys said + get tested for a tapeworm (if you can do that?).

    I can confirm I am the tapeworm, I am inside your intestines. Please feed me ice cream and pizza.

    Thank you,

    Tapey the worm

    DUDE, there's a book about tapeworms that basically ARE cognizant. They like take over the person's body and brain and some of them wind up living normal lives. Others are basically zombies.

    So you're totally creepin' me out here, man.


    You mean like the Goa'uld in Stargate?

    LOL actually, yes. Exactly like this, and when I was reading the book this kept coming to mind.

    Only they are a lot less power-hungry in this book, and there aren't any stomach pouches.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    edited December 2014
    Random interjection: I love Mira Grant. Her Newsflesh" series was awesome.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    marissla wrote: »
    Sorry for the late response, and I feel like I should be irritated, but the guy who made the "Tapey" joke was so funny LOOL! I made a call with my doctor an appointment, I'm scheduled tomorrow. Just out of curiosity, I weighed myself again today and I lost 1 more pound, and I ate 2,200 calories yesterday because of the fear of kept losing! First world problems, seriously, but it's scary.
    Also, I felt taller because I usually stand next to my mom and she's taller than me, but now I'm up to par with her.
    Another thing I haven't mentioned is that I'm a fidgeter. I have to move every 30 minutes, and I always bounce my legs or something. I googled fidgeting and it came up with that I can burn 500-600 calories a day!
    @ The tapeworm theory, I'm still kind of concerned of it because of today's weigh in, but I'll let you guys know what the doctor says then you can ridicule me lol.

    You're not going to stabilize in weight from one day of eating more calories. It takes some time. Calculate your maintenance needs from sites like or and see what numbers you get. If it's close to 2200 then keep eating that, see how your weight is on the scale after a few weeks.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member

    In this thread in October you had your TDEE calculated as over 2000 so why did you drop to 1700 a day and then act surprised that you started to lose weight?

    Its not tapeworm and you know you are eating under. You are 20 and it is a wonderful age, don't spend this time sitting at home feeding disordered thinking, get out and spend time with friends or make some new ones with a hobby. With a ED history you need to let a health professional help you with your concerns about stabilising your weight. Wishing you well and happy.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    edited December 2014
    marissla wrote: »
    Sorry for the late response, and I feel like I should be irritated, but the guy who made the "Tapey" joke was so funny LOOL! I made a call with my doctor an appointment, I'm scheduled tomorrow. Just out of curiosity, I weighed myself again today and I lost 1 more pound, and I ate 2,200 calories yesterday because of the fear of kept losing! First world problems, seriously, but it's scary.
    Also, I felt taller because I usually stand next to my mom and she's taller than me, but now I'm up to par with her.
    Another thing I haven't mentioned is that I'm a fidgeter. I have to move every 30 minutes, and I always bounce my legs or something. I googled fidgeting and it came up with that I can burn 500-600 calories a day!
    @ The tapeworm theory, I'm still kind of concerned of it because of today's weigh in, but I'll let you guys know what the doctor says then you can ridicule me lol.

    You are really reaching here friend...You have a tape worm, you've grown multiple inches, and burn 500-600 cals a day fidgeting. There is a point where googling can go too far and in your case I think you've reached it! On another note, weighing cups of things isn't accurate enough. I used to do that too until I got a food scale and realized that half a cup of raspberries is half of what the serving size is in grams. Meaning you would be undereating a lot after all of those miscounted calories added up. Anyway, I hope you get rid of your tapeworm and don't grow too tall!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edit because I have a feeling someone might say 'I don't eat raspberries' and that was not the point....haha any food for that matter!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When I increased my calories for maintenance I lost an additional 2-3 lbs. It was most likely some leftover water weight.

    If you continue to lose weight over the long term (several weeks) then increase your calories. Calorie needs do vary, and honestly 1700-1800 doesn't sound like all that much to me.