Blood panel - what should I get?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Only liver stress, only two things outnumber the churches in SF... restaurants and bars.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    try to drink like that now- and I'll bet you're liver will be even more stressed!!! LMAO
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    this thing I'm taking, had two drinks saturday... it was *not* good.
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    So how'd it go dbmata, did you faint? Or was there a Code White and security escorted you out?
  • Tortitudekitty
    Tortitudekitty Posts: 67 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    The standard panel should be enough, unless you suspect something isn't normal. You can rule out thyroid issues with Free T3, Free T4, and TSH.
    If you're curious, you could monitor C-reactive protein and Creatine Kinase, to keep tabs on inflammation & muscle damage.
    Testing vitamin D during winter is a good idea.
    Not sure it applies, but some of our forum members could use a psych test. B)
    LOL, I know I don't need one of those... I'm mentally touched.

    Noted, the T3, T4, and TSH.
    I'm not familiar with C-reactive protein or the role of Creatine Kinase, so I'll do some reading of them.
    The Vit D is a good thing to match, but I'm taking 10k IU daily of it.

    DO NOT TRAIN HEAVY for about a week prior to your test. If you do your doc will freak at the results.
    Haha too true. My GP went slightly pale when he did a routine liver function test and my alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was elevated to 81U/L (7.0-35.0 range).
    Need to do no heavies for 7 days prior to tests now.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    edited December 2014
    feralX wrote: »
    DO NOT TRAIN HEAVY for about a week prior to your test. If you do your doc will freak at the results.

    But if you normally train heavy more than once a week, the test won't give an accurate representation of your day-to-day average.. which is the whole point of testing.
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    feralX wrote: »
    DO NOT TRAIN HEAVY for about a week prior to your test. If you do your doc will freak at the results.

    But if you normally train heavy more than once a week, the test won't give an accurate representation of your day-to-day average.. which is the whole point of testing.

    True enough, training heavy is going to have you out of range at all times. But the doc isn't interested in this, he wants to know if the organs are functioning properly. If your numbers aren't hugely out of range when you take the week off its apparent to the doc that everything is functioning properly. If they're still out of whack with no training, there's a problem.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    So how'd it go dbmata, did you faint? Or was there a Code White and security escorted you out?
    I freaked the hell out right in the chair.

    I got to the lab, checked in. Then was made to wait. At this time, I was still keeping cool... then I was brought into the phleb area and sat in the throne of death.

    Oh gee, no bloodwork order. I need to go talk to the doctor. WTF?!? So the phleb walks to go talk to my doc. I'm sitting, on this throne of pain and hellfire... waiting. Beginning to get really out of my head. So she comes back, we're good to go.

    Right arm, amazing... I have no veins. Also, make a fist doesn't mean make a fist so tight all your knuckles crack in concert. She laughed, and I bit back a strong flight response.

    Left arm, there we go, proof of life and the red fountain. With her array of 4 vials, in goes the steel torture implement that must have been coated with something. It burned as if I had tried to stir freshly brewed coffee with my nose. Moments later we finish as another searing jag of pain flows through me once the needle is removed. I may have survived, but I feel violated.

    She looked at me with a smile, and said, "You're not a good candidate for this. You aren't comfortable are you?" I wanted to eat her heart.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oh for fugs sake- it's not that bad... and this is coming from someone whose had some REALLY bad experiences giving blood- you big giant baby.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yuh. I have only one good vein one good spot, and it is scarred from past flub-ups. Imagine the feeling of the needle slipping PAST the vein.

    Compounded with this, the A1C (diabetic) test is a fasting test so I have the test first thing in the morning dehydrated, low sugar and grumpy.

    Here are some innovations just around the corner:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm afraid of needles. Flat out, I will fight if someone approaches me with a needle, I have in the past.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    So, when will you know results?
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    feralX wrote: »
    So how'd it go dbmata, did you faint? Or was there a Code White and security escorted you out?
    I freaked the hell out right in the chair.

    I got to the lab, checked in. Then was made to wait. At this time, I was still keeping cool... then I was brought into the phleb area and sat in the throne of death.

    Oh gee, no bloodwork order. I need to go talk to the doctor. WTF?!? So the phleb walks to go talk to my doc. I'm sitting, on this throne of pain and hellfire... waiting. Beginning to get really out of my head. So she comes back, we're good to go.

    Right arm, amazing... I have no veins. Also, make a fist doesn't mean make a fist so tight all your knuckles crack in concert. She laughed, and I bit back a strong flight response.

    Left arm, there we go, proof of life and the red fountain. With her array of 4 vials, in goes the steel torture implement that must have been coated with something. It burned as if I had tried to stir freshly brewed coffee with my nose. Moments later we finish as another searing jag of pain flows through me once the needle is removed. I may have survived, but I feel violated.

    She looked at me with a smile, and said, "You're not a good candidate for this. You aren't comfortable are you?" I wanted to eat her heart.

    LMFAO!!! You've got a definite flair for the dramatic. You should write books ya big *kitten* :)
  • feralX
    feralX Posts: 334 Member
    Wtf. *kitten* cat is a restricted word on here? Vocabulary Nazis.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    I'm afraid of needles. Flat out, I will fight if someone approaches me with a needle, I have in the past.

    Do what my mother, a nurse, told my little sister to do----do not look at what they're doing (she would cover my sister's eyes with her hand). It helps. Lucky you're not a female. In pregnancy they want blood every month for a myraid of reasons. I went through 3, all c-sections and I don't want to say you get used to it, but the novelty of being stuck wears off. You'l live. Best. B)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    Wtf. *kitten* cat is a restricted word on here? Vocabulary Nazis.

    woooowhoooo woowowo *kitten* cat *kitten* cat

    and now I have it stuck in my head.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    I can't remember off hand but follow Sagi Kalev if you have a facebook, or his website. He's posted about ones that most docs don't even think to check for (esp. for someone like myself his info helped many -- often not getting the right panels and ending up not getting the right diagnosis). He's a wealth of information.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    feralX wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    feralX wrote: »
    So how'd it go dbmata, did you faint? Or was there a Code White and security escorted you out?
    I freaked the hell out right in the chair.

    I got to the lab, checked in. Then was made to wait. At this time, I was still keeping cool... then I was brought into the phleb area and sat in the throne of death.

    Oh gee, no bloodwork order. I need to go talk to the doctor. WTF?!? So the phleb walks to go talk to my doc. I'm sitting, on this throne of pain and hellfire... waiting. Beginning to get really out of my head. So she comes back, we're good to go.

    Right arm, amazing... I have no veins. Also, make a fist doesn't mean make a fist so tight all your knuckles crack in concert. She laughed, and I bit back a strong flight response.

    Left arm, there we go, proof of life and the red fountain. With her array of 4 vials, in goes the steel torture implement that must have been coated with something. It burned as if I had tried to stir freshly brewed coffee with my nose. Moments later we finish as another searing jag of pain flows through me once the needle is removed. I may have survived, but I feel violated.

    She looked at me with a smile, and said, "You're not a good candidate for this. You aren't comfortable are you?" I wanted to eat her heart.

    LMFAO!!! You've got a definite flair for the dramatic. You should write books ya big *kitten* :)

    I try to entertain. lol.

    snowflake - yeah, I never watch the actual act of attempting to wrest liquid life from my unwilling veins.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    So updating. My panel is good all across the board. Even my cholesterol is within the good range.

    Except for my testosterone. It's basically non-existent. Going on T therapy starting Friday.

    Time to get swole, eh?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    pump it up my friend!!!!