Sugar - possibly the easiest thing to cut back on for weight loss!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2014
    tigersword wrote: »
    :flowerforyou: I'll ask one thing:
    Next time someone asks: "I'm doing IIFYM how should I set them?" We'll all answer and provide them the support they need to do that well.

    The next time someone says: "I'm doing Low carb and looking for support", or "I'm looking to cut back on added sugar". We'll all answer their actual questions and provide the support they need to do that well.


    What typically happens?

    IIFYM macros questions get IFFYM answers

    Low carb, or low added sugar questions get IIFYM folks saying "just do IIFYM", or "why demonize?" "I eat all the foods just in moderation" or what not...

    in other words: "don't do what you want to do, do what I'm doing, because obviously I know better for you"

    Imagine if we (those doing something other than your version of IIFYM) went into the "what should my macros be" threads and said "just count carbs" or "just cut back added sugars?" Unhelpful, and disrespectful.

    and, finally, we're all doing IIFYM to an extent. I just also focus a lot on MICROS (and creating a long term healthstyle. so more of a IIFMH), and those doing low carb just have THEIR MACROS set different than YOURS (for their own healthstyle). Because it's not about you.

    What a wonderful world.

    If only this is what really happens. Nobody goes into a low carb thread and pushes IIFYM for the sake of it. People suggest it when an OP states that they are going low carb specifically for weight loss, and are under the erroneous assumption that it's necessary to go low carb for weight loss.

    Not everyone going low carb is doing it because they want to. And most of them don't even need to, but someone told them that's how they have to lose weight, so that's what they try to do. Then they struggle, because they don't enjoy the restriction, then they fail, then they post looking for advice. I try to tailor advice to what the OP wants to accomplish, based on info provided. I don't just blindly agree or disagree with any one plan or idea.

    False. But then, I knew that would be the response.
    Again, I'll ask you to look around. Look at the beginnings of low carb threads even ones just asking for friends.
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    edited December 2014
    no, i have 20 grams or less (net carbs). there are a lot of incidental carbs in things (and I try to get some fiber). also, i eat green leafy veggies. they have almost no carbs (hell, they have almost not calories at all). like broccoli, kale, broccolini, usually drizzle it in butter and have it with whatever meat i'm eating.

    i also eat a ton of nuts. they usually have a few carbs in them but are mostly protein and fats.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Ahh, net carbs. The marketing gimmick to trick low carbers into eating more carbs than they think they are.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I think when people say they eliminate sugar they mean processed sugar. I know that's what I mean when I say it.

    It triggers migraines for me if eaten in overabundance. I rarely indulge.
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    fiber isn't absorbed in the stomach or intestines.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »

    My only disagreement with the OP is why make it about sugar specifically.

    I guess added sugar is simply a convenient proxy to identify foods which are potentially high in calories and low in volume and satiety. It is by no means perfect of course but I doubt any method is in that regard.

    I think we are all just repeating ourselves at this point, but given the huge number of other foods that can be overeaten and don't add a lot of nutrients for the calories, I think focusing just on sugar is probably going to miss the broader issue for a lot of people and those who really do just overeat sugar almost certainly know it, so I'm not sure what the advice is supposed to accomplish.

    Also, as I indicated above, I dislike the idea that fat people must all be lacking self-control around sugar or got fat because we spend our days eating cookies. I like a cookie from time to time, like most people, but that wasn't my issue. People are better served by understanding the issues with their own diets than being scared to death about the power of sugar or the evils of sugar. (Not saying OP was doing this--I agree with much of what OP said--but the threads he seems to be defending, about Fed Up or with titles such as "sugar is the devil" (like that literally has been the title of multiple threads), are not consistent with a sensible and realistic at one's overall diet, etc. )
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    edited December 2014
    MrM27 wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    fiber isn't absorbed in the stomach or intestines.

    Are you sure about that?

    positive, with the caveat that the fermentation process in the colon does provide the body some energy, but it's a small amount, and I normally stick to mostly insoluble fiber anyway so I'm not worried about a couple grams of carbs getting into my body from soluble fiber.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    Ahh, net carbs. The marketing gimmick to trick low carbers into eating more carbs than they think they are.

    Y U no give "Like Button" in forums!?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited December 2014
    miketoryan wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    fiber isn't absorbed in the stomach or intestines.

    Are you sure about that?

    positive, with the caveat that the fermentation process in the colon does provide the body some energy, but it's a small amount, and I normally stick to mostly insoluble fiber anyway so I'm not worried about a couple grams of carbs getting into my body from soluble fiber.

    Gotta get that quick edit / wikipedia copy & paste in ;)
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    edited December 2014
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think when people say they eliminate sugar they mean processed sugar. I know that's what I mean when I say it.

    It triggers migraines for me if eaten in overabundance. I rarely indulge.

    Notice the key word in that phrase. I went ahead and bolded it.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The point of the thread was (and this is only my opinion and I did use the word possibly) sugar is a quick fix to reduce in order to get into a deficit.

    For some people, it probably is. My guess is that plenty of others have other issues.
    It's just my opinion, but I wouldn't want to reduce protein and I wouldn't want to reduce fat as both are essential macro nutrients and reducing either may reduce my required Micro nutrients (they may not, but at least with sugar there is no second guessing).

    But isn't it better to just understand your own diet and what you are eating rather than focusing on a quick fix that might not be applicable? I can think of lots of examples of people eating lots of fat and even protein-containing foods that would still be a sensible place to start with a reduction. For example, if you are Deirdre's person who thinks she is eating in moderation, saying "oh, my daily KFC and 500 calorie slices of pizza aren't a problem, except maybe I should add some pepperoni to that pizza for protein" would hardly be the answer!

    Of course, I also don't understand most of what goes on on the Chit Chat forum, so maybe I'm just weird. ;-)
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    miketoryan wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    fiber isn't absorbed in the stomach or intestines.

    Are you sure about that?

    positive, with the caveat that the fermentation process in the colon does provide the body some energy, but it's a small amount, and I normally stick to mostly insoluble fiber anyway so I'm not worried about a couple grams of carbs getting into my body from soluble fiber.

    Gotta get that quick edit / wikipedia copy & paste in ;)

    i'm not an idiot. i know the net calories isn't zero, but my total carbs is still under 30 grams a day. every gram of fiber isn't equal to a gram of starches or sugar, it doesn't cause a spike in insulin, it doesn't make me overeat, and it doesn't give me acid reflux like starches and sugar, so why would i care about 10-20 grams of fiber in my diet? we're talking inconsequential effects on my body.

    unless sharting myself to do death is a thing that i haven't encountered yet

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    miketoryan wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    fiber isn't absorbed in the stomach or intestines.

    Are you sure about that?

    positive, with the caveat that the fermentation process in the colon does provide the body some energy, but it's a small amount, and I normally stick to mostly insoluble fiber anyway so I'm not worried about a couple grams of carbs getting into my body from soluble fiber.

    Gotta get that quick edit / wikipedia copy & paste in ;)

    i'm not an idiot. i know the net calories isn't zero, but my total carbs is still under 30 grams a day. every gram of fiber isn't equal to a gram of starches or sugar, it doesn't cause a spike in insulin, it doesn't make me overeat, and it doesn't give me acid reflux like starches and sugar, so why would i care about 10-20 grams of fiber in my diet? we're talking inconsequential effects on my body.

    unless sharting myself to do death is a thing that i haven't encountered yet

    You sure about that? "personally i eliminated sugar all together" "my total carbs is still under 30 grams a day"

    And who cares about insulin spikes, protein is highly insulinogenic
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    edited December 2014
    there is incidental carbohydrates, i already wrote that. and even if i'm getting half a gram of carbs for every gram of soluble fiber i consume (worst case scenario?), my total carbs is still going to be well south of 30 grams.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    tigersword wrote: »
    I think when people say they eliminate sugar they mean processed sugar. I know that's what I mean when I say it.

    It triggers migraines for me if eaten in overabundance. I rarely indulge.

    Notice the key word in that phrase. I went ahead and bolded it.

    Yes, but the whole problem with this thread is that it's a relative term and everyone is talking around each other. I'm staying out of the whole thing. I see enough petty bickering with my kids.

    I do what works for me and my body. I don't see why that's a problem for other people to leave everyone else do too.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited December 2014
    miketoryan wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    miketoryan wrote: »
    fiber isn't absorbed in the stomach or intestines.

    Are you sure about that?

    positive, with the caveat that the fermentation process in the colon does provide the body some energy, but it's a small amount, and I normally stick to mostly insoluble fiber anyway so I'm not worried about a couple grams of carbs getting into my body from soluble fiber.

    Gotta get that quick edit / wikipedia copy & paste in ;)

    i'm not an idiot. i know the net calories isn't zero, but my total carbs is still under 30 grams a day. every gram of fiber isn't equal to a gram of starches or sugar, it doesn't cause a spike in insulin, it doesn't make me overeat, and it doesn't give me acid reflux like starches and sugar, so why would i care about 10-20 grams of fiber in my diet? we're talking inconsequential effects on my body.

    unless sharting myself to do death is a thing that i haven't encountered yet

    You're also not insisting that everyone else needs to do what you do, so I don't see what the problem is. You're just weighing in with your personal experience.

This discussion has been closed.