


  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    It super depends on where you carry your weight, how you dress and how much weight you have to lose.

    I think people started noticing on me around 30 pounds - and that's right when I started getting a few new clothing items.
  • victoriaalice40
    Thank you. I love all your comments and they are all very helpful. I guess I need to just not worry about it and just wait for a while because of how much I have to lose. Why cant I just wake up tomorrow and be at my goal? LOL!!! JK.

    I will keep trucking that is for sure. :smiley:
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I think it really depends on your size and shape actually. I have lost over 150 lbs over the past year and a half, and during that time I've seen reactions from old friends and new friends I've made along the way. When I lost the first 50 lbs people who knew me well kind of tilted their heads at me and said "Huh. You look different. Are you doing something with your hair?" At 60 lbs I told people I was working to lose weight and their reaction was "Oh, okay, that makes sense. How much have you lost? Like 20 lbs?"

    But now that I'm closer to a healthy weight, every 5 or 10 lbs I lose is VERY noticeable. I have friends I've made only recently who can tell right away and even over estimate my recent loss now.

    Think of it this way. Take a softball and a soccerball. Subtract about a 1/4 cup of volume from each. You can't tell with the soccerball -- but you can tell with the softball. The more weight you lose, the more you'll notice things like clothing sizes dropping too.
  • MsWendyjc
    MsWendyjc Posts: 63 Member
    28Ib down here in 3 months and everyones noticing!
    It's such a buzz, none of my slacks fit anymore and I'm fairly pleased to be turning heads when i walk down the street, even at my age .. Always do it for yourself and you will win, i'll admit it is rewarding and somewhat boosting to the journey when other notice but grab hold of what you notice and make it help you push to the next level :)
  • CamilleNoemi
    CamilleNoemi Posts: 28 Member
    I only lost 10 lbs, but I wasn't overweight. And I think I've gained some muscles and therefore I look a bit lighter then I really am.
    I got commented on it, but I think my face got slimmer. So people will generally notice it more.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I'm almost 40 pounds down and only a couple of people have noticed.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    No one at work has said anything about me losing over 20 lbs this year. I wasn't overweight to begin with (just a bit fluffy), so I think it's very noticeable. Aside from my mother-in-law, no one in my husband's family has said anything either, and they don't see me that often so you'd think they would notice. I think that people do notice and just don't say anything. My parents have no problem making comments like, "oh, you're getting too skinny" and "you're crazy if you lose a single pound more," so I'm not too bummed out about other people keeping their mouths shut about it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    As others have stated, everyone is going to be different. WTG on the loss!
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I think a lot depends upon your starting point - one person's 25 lb weight loss may be more noticeable than someone else's 40 lb weight loss. Also, some people may notice but won't say anything due to a lot of people's sensitivity to weight. I've had a guy ask me if a girlfriend had lost weight (she had lost 50 lbs); he said he wasn't sure if it was okay to say something.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I am just curious as to when others noticed you lost weight and commented? I have lost 12 pounds total in about 30 days but no one has said anything at work, or at home. I am losing weight for me, but I am just curious if it is even noticeable yet. I have noticed in the way my clothes fit and I know that is all that matters. But... hello??? ha-ha. I do have a lot to lose still, so maybe that's why. Encouraging yourself is hard sometimes.

    In my experience, it not about whether they notice or's more of the fact that talking about someone's weight is generally a bit taboo...even if it's to give a compliment.

    A lot of people will take, " look great, have you lost some weight?" to mean, " used to look like a big fat piece of *kitten*." People don't generally talk about each others least not to their faces.

    Also, this is going to depend on a lot of different of which is how much you have to lose. If you have a lot to lose, 12 Lbs isn't going to make much of a difference physically...if you have 15 Lbs to lose, there will be a pretty drastic change.

    I lost a total of 40 Lbs, the first 20 or so (220 to 200 Lbs) of which were hardly noticeable because I was losing weight largely from my extremities...people could tell there was something a little different, but had a hard time pinpointing what it was.

    From 200 - 190 I started to really change a lot in my face, which is when I started getting some comments..mostly from close friends and family members. My work colleagues never really said much until i started talking a lot about fitness, etc.

    My last 10 Lbs from 190 - 180 was like night and day. What's even crazier is that I'm back up to about 186 Lbs but I'm leaner at 15% BF than I was when I hit 180 @ 19% BF...which is also a pretty substantial change in my body composition.
  • missjazminenicole
    missjazminenicole Posts: 379 Member
    I am in week 10 and I'm 17 lbs down so far. I'm 5'4 at 203 now and no one has noticed. I can barely tell. I'm hoping by week 14 or so it will start being noticable. By then I hope to be down 27lbs total. i keep telling myself that in 6 more months everyone I know will be envious and ex boyfriends will be salty lol. Overall, I'm doing this for how good I'm going to feel at the end of it but the rest is nice motivation. Just keep forming good habits and then you'll be set for keeping it off as well :)
  • logicalinks
    logicalinks Posts: 89 Member
    It was around 30 pounds before people I see infrequently at work started doing double takes and/or commenting. The people I see frequently noticed it in my face around 15 pounds. I am losing top down, so my face was the first where it really registered.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member
    I really think it depends on your height, starting weight and how you carry your weight. For me, people started to notice around 15lbs.
  • rhtexasgal
    rhtexasgal Posts: 572 Member
    I lost 30 pounds before no one really noticed until I had to buy new pants and could wear a belt with them which emphasized my waist.
  • andymcclure
    andymcclure Posts: 40 Member
    Also, it seems to go in waves for me. I'll get lots of comments over the course of a couple days, then nothing for weeks.

    Another thing that can help is when you hit a milestone of buying new pants or something along those lines. A couple months ago, I hit a point at which I started tucking my shirts in more often, and that prompted a lot more commentary.

    Of course, you're doing it for you, and commentary from others is completely unnecessary, but it sure can feel good!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    I am just curious as to when others noticed you lost weight and commented? I have lost 12 pounds total in about 30 days but no one has said anything at work, or at home....I have noticed in the way my clothes fit and I know that is all that matters. But... hello??? ha-ha. I do have a lot to lose still, so maybe that's why. Encouraging yourself is hard sometimes.

    It is like others have depends on your individual body (height/size/weight). Also, people you see daily won't always notice as quickly as someone that hasn't seen you for a few months.

    For me - no one said a word until I lost about 30 notice immediately...down 164 pounds to date. Good luck to you.

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've lost 24 pounds so far (and very significant inches lost, too), and no one has said a word IRL. I don't think it's because nobody's noticed, it's that everyone I know was polite enough to NOT tell me I had gained so much in first place, so they're going to keep their mouths shut about the loss, too ;)

    I'd venture to say in some cases, some of you have equally polite people you know. There really is a societal "norm" to not others' weight, just like you don't EVER ask someone if they're pregnant until they say it first, or if there's a baby on it's way out, lol!
  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    I've lost 24 pounds so far (and very significant inches lost, too), and no one has said a word IRL. I don't think it's because nobody's noticed, it's that everyone I know was polite enough to NOT tell me I had gained so much in first place, so they're going to keep their mouths shut about the loss, too ;)

    I'd venture to say in some cases, some of you have equally polite people you know. There really is a societal "norm" to not others' weight, just like you don't EVER ask someone if they're pregnant until they say it first, or if there's a baby on it's way out, lol!

    That's definitely part of it, in the past I've heard people complain about people talking about their pregnancy or touching their stomach but that hasn't been my experience at all and I'm nearly 31 weeks. I think strangers are afraid they'll insult me if I'm not, or just don't care because they don't know me. I'm glad it works that way, anyone (family or friends) I have told or heard through someone else seem to think that once it's mentioned it's go time for super personal questions.

    Oddly, I have gotten a few 'have you lost weight' comments lately though. Erm no, I still weigh the same it just moved.
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    I found that people actually started to notice quickly for me. But I think its because I started losing weight in my face first... Actually that's how I knew I was gaining weight... Normally the first place I gain weight is my thighs, and the last place to lose is my thighs... So when it started to go to my face, I knew I was in trouble!!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I've lost 11 1/2 lbs now and the only person who commented has been my teenage dd. I don't think I look very different yet and I am still wearing all the same clothes. Maybe when I get down another 10 pounds it will be more visible.