I feel like my BMI is wrong



  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    edited December 2014
    Oh my!! I didn't mean to say say that! Breast size!!. I gave myself a good laugh..sorry about that.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Bodybuilders are quick to point out that the BMI doesn't take muscle into account and lists them as overweight when they aren't. However, it is a good gauge for the rest of us. If BMI says you're overweight or underweight, you are.

    No. Only bodybuilders. Nope.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    BMI is just a number used as a poor estimator of body fat percentage. It is not a magical guarantee of good health. Consider that your BMI also varies by the amount of muscle you have, your skeleton/frame size, and the length (weight) of your hair.

    Set your goal to a number where you think you'll be happy with how you look and feel. Small goals are great anyway, and a 30 lb weight loss would be a huge accomplishment. Focus on small, sustainable habit changes that you can keep up long-term (e.g. substituting salad greens for sandwich bread, walking for driving, or green tea for a nightly glass of wine).

    Once you achieve your short-term goal, you can reassess how you feel and decide if you want to continue losing fat or maybe focus on another goal, like cardiovascular fitness or strength.

    I personally am a woman 5'6". I know I feel happy and healthy at 170 - 180 because of the immense amount of muscle I carry. It's not supermodel skinny by any means (and I'd like to be 20 lbs thinner than that), but at 170 I can do everything I want, I fit clothes I like, and I'm happy with how I look.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    A few things to consider here. For one thing, as you lose weight, your boobs are going to shrink...they are mostly fat...and you will lose fat from everywhere. Secondly, BMI is a range in order to better account for various body types and structures...you have to take everything into account, just arbitrarily wanting to be at the low end of the range for example may not be appropriate for you...usually isn't unless you are a petite.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Boobs count! When you're thin, they'll be smaller.

    Bodybuilders are quick to point out that the BMI doesn't take muscle into account and lists them as overweight when they aren't. However, it is a good gauge for the rest of us. If BMI says you're overweight or underweight, you are.

    <<<Not a bodybuilder...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I have a BMI of 26.8 (Overweight) with 15% BF. At the very highest end of "healthy" BMI for me, I'd be around 10% BF...to get to the middle of the range, I would have to burn up muscle mass. Again...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I am fit and athletic.

  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    And yes. It was auto correct. I don't normally talk down to people.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    mygrl4meee wrote: »
    I am the same height as you. I weighed 272 and now weigh 171.0 and I still could lose more based on the size of my legs, arms and stomach.. my bra size was 42Dodd but now is a 38c. Chances are as you drop weight your brain size will shrink with the rest of you.

    That was an @$$hole kind thing to say. Thanks for your support, much appreciated.

    Actually, that was obviously an auto-correct gone wrong. She was talking about "bra size" throughout the post, it auto-corrected it to brain.

    BMI is not the be-all and end-all. Aim for a weight you will be happy with.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    OP you can request the mods to delete this thread if that is what you want.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    A few things to consider here. For one thing, as you lose weight, your boobs are going to shrink...they are mostly fat...and you will lose fat from everywhere. Secondly, BMI is a range in order to better account for various body types and structures...you have to take everything into account, just arbitrarily wanting to be at the low end of the range for example may not be appropriate for you...usually isn't unless you are a petite.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Boobs count! When you're thin, they'll be smaller.

    Bodybuilders are quick to point out that the BMI doesn't take muscle into account and lists them as overweight when they aren't. However, it is a good gauge for the rest of us. If BMI says you're overweight or underweight, you are.

    <<<Not a bodybuilder...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I have a BMI of 26.8 (Overweight) with 15% BF. At the very highest end of "healthy" BMI for me, I'd be around 10% BF...to get to the middle of the range, I would have to burn up muscle mass. Again...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I am fit and athletic.
    I apologize for including you in with the people who are pumping iron and stand corrected.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    A few things to consider here. For one thing, as you lose weight, your boobs are going to shrink...they are mostly fat...and you will lose fat from everywhere. Secondly, BMI is a range in order to better account for various body types and structures...you have to take everything into account, just arbitrarily wanting to be at the low end of the range for example may not be appropriate for you...usually isn't unless you are a petite.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Boobs count! When you're thin, they'll be smaller.

    Bodybuilders are quick to point out that the BMI doesn't take muscle into account and lists them as overweight when they aren't. However, it is a good gauge for the rest of us. If BMI says you're overweight or underweight, you are.

    <<<Not a bodybuilder...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I have a BMI of 26.8 (Overweight) with 15% BF. At the very highest end of "healthy" BMI for me, I'd be around 10% BF...to get to the middle of the range, I would have to burn up muscle mass. Again...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I am fit and athletic.
    I apologize for including you in with the people who are pumping iron and stand corrected.

    pumping iron =/= Bodybuilding.

    The point I'm trying to make is that people inappropriately apply BMI. They think because it's a range they have the "option" to be lower, middle, higher, whatever...when in reality, their genetics and overall structure are going to dictate a lot of that.

    A petite for example might look just fine at the very low end of a range...while someone with an naturally athletic frame and build will look ridiculous...but people don't know that...they just see the range and are ignorant as to how to apply it and also ignorant of the fact that it's really not the be all and end all...they're the same people that over focus on some arbitrary number on the scale instead of things that actually matter like their BF% and composition.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    BMI is a broad population metric. It a not intended to be accurate for individuals.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Wow.. I am not sure what to say to all the comments here..

    I will throw this off a bit... What if you have breast implants??????
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    There is no 'women's BMI' and 'men's BMI' because it's a wide range that just refers to humans in general.

    For the people who find it should never be applied to individuals-- What do you tell an underweight person here trying to lose more weight, to show them they don't need to? "You look too thin"?

    I think BMI is much more useful than the older measures-- insurance tables or someone's subjective opinion.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    edited December 2014
    gia07 wrote: »
    Wow.. I am not sure what to say to all the comments here..

    I will throw this off a bit... What if you have breast implants??????
    Most implants are going to add 0.5-2 pounds each, and 2 pounds is on the Dolly Parton side. If you have reasonably-sized implants, they wouldn't weigh enough to measurably impact your BMI.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Wow.. I am not sure what to say to all the comments here..

    I will throw this off a bit... What if you have breast implants??????

    Well, you would have to take that into account just like anything else. That's the point people are trying to make here. BMI is very broad...it's a reasonably good starting point but should be the only tool used to measure where you are. The reason BMI is a range is that so people can account for thing like bone structure and build, muscle mass, etc...including implants or whatever. Just arbitrary saying you want to be X on the BMI scale completely ignores all of the factors as to why there is a range.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    All that said - for most people, most of the time, BMI is going to be pretty close.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    edited December 2014
    There is no 'women's BMI' and 'men's BMI' because it's a wide range that just refers to humans in general.

    For the people who find it should never be applied to individuals-- What do you tell an underweight person here trying to lose more weight, to show them they don't need to? "You look too thin"?

    I think BMI is much more useful than the older measures-- insurance tables or someone's subjective opinion.


    it's body fat %, LBM, etc...

    2) The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a measure of relative weight based on the mass and height of an individual devised between 1830 and 1850 by Adolphe Quetelet...


    What methods do you consider older and outdated?

  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    In for fat people that dislike BMI
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    There is no 'women's BMI' and 'men's BMI' because it's a wide range that just refers to humans in general.

    For the people who find it should never be applied to individuals-- What do you tell an underweight person here trying to lose more weight, to show them they don't need to? "You look too thin"?

    I think BMI is much more useful than the older measures-- insurance tables or someone's subjective opinion.
    What methods do you consider older and outdated?
    The two I mentioned.

    I know what BMI is. Do you know when calories were invented? Is it relevant to their use today?

    Do you have a problem with me? Why not take it to a moderator or PM instead of pretending to schoolmarm all my posts. No one cares if you agree or disagree with me. State your point and move on. "I don't like BMI because it was invented before Facebook." Or whatever. This isn't a place where anyone gets to be 'right'.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    "I don't like BMI because it was invented before Facebook."

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    A few things to consider here. For one thing, as you lose weight, your boobs are going to shrink...they are mostly fat...and you will lose fat from everywhere. Secondly, BMI is a range in order to better account for various body types and structures...you have to take everything into account, just arbitrarily wanting to be at the low end of the range for example may not be appropriate for you...usually isn't unless you are a petite.
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Boobs count! When you're thin, they'll be smaller.

    Bodybuilders are quick to point out that the BMI doesn't take muscle into account and lists them as overweight when they aren't. However, it is a good gauge for the rest of us. If BMI says you're overweight or underweight, you are.

    <<<Not a bodybuilder...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I have a BMI of 26.8 (Overweight) with 15% BF. At the very highest end of "healthy" BMI for me, I'd be around 10% BF...to get to the middle of the range, I would have to burn up muscle mass. Again...not even close to being a bodybuilder...I am fit and athletic.
    I apologize for including you in with the people who are pumping iron and stand corrected.

    pumping iron =/= Bodybuilding.

    The point I'm trying to make is that people inappropriately apply BMI. They think because it's a range they have the "option" to be lower, middle, higher, whatever...when in reality, their genetics and overall structure are going to dictate a lot of that.

    A petite for example might look just fine at the very low end of a range...while someone with an naturally athletic frame and build will look ridiculous...but people don't know that...they just see the range and are ignorant as to how to apply it and also ignorant of the fact that it's really not the be all and end all...they're the same people that over focus on some arbitrary number on the scale instead of things that actually matter like their BF% and composition.
    I won't quibble over how the muscle was obtained. :)

    Except for the very muscular, the BMI is a good gauge. The underweight and overweight categories work well for the rest of us. If it says we are underweight or overweight, we can believe it.