Too busy to workout???

Hello everyone! I know that there are other topics posted about this but, I hear alot of people saying they don't have time to work out or they hate mornings etc.....To be honest, I can be that person at times!!

Would you comment below with your busy schedule! Sometimes it helps to motivate me if I can look and say...."SEE..they had success on a busy schedule!!" Include anything you want....workout plan, times, and success stories!!

Thank you in advance!


  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited December 2014
    Ha! I got this. Typical weekday below.

    6am - getup, get showered, get 4 year old and 2 year old dressed.
    7am - Feed everyone breakfast
    7:30am - Leave for daycare/work
    8:30am - Finally arrive at work after dropping kids
    5:00pm - Leave work, collect kids from daycare, commute
    6:30pm - Arrive home, cook dinner, eat dinner
    7:30pm - Kids bath
    8pm - Dishes
    8:30pm - Put kids to bed
    9pm - 10pm - go to the gym
    10 pm - shower, any remaining chores I can force myself to do, spend time with husband
    11:30pm Sleep

    Rinse and Repeat.

    Sometimes, to mix it up I'll also do a 30 minute gym session on my lunch since we have a little gym in my office building.

    Oh, I've been doing this for about 8 months and I'm down about 35lbs to 189 with another 45lbs to go.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Ha! I got this. Typical weekday below.

    6am - getup, get showered, get 4 year old and 2 year old dressed.
    7am - Feed everyone breakfast
    7:30am - Leave for daycare/work
    8:30am - Finally arrive at work after dropping kids
    5:00pm - Leave work, collect kids from daycare, commute
    6:30pm - Arrive home, cook dinner, eat dinner
    7:30pm - Kids bath
    8pm - Dishes
    8:30pm - Put kids to bed
    9pm - 10pm - go to the gym
    10 pm - shower, any remaining chores I can force myself to do, spend time with husband
    11:30pm Sleep

    Rinse and Repeat.

    Sometimes, to mix it up I'll also do a 30 minute gym session on my lunch since we have a little gym in my office building.

    Oh, I've been doing this for about 8 months and I'm down about 35lbs to 189 with another 45lbs to go.

    I don't get why you shower at 6am and again at 10pm... I'd pick one and save that 20-30minutes...
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    I get up at 5 am to go to work. Come back home at 7-8 pm. I work out at the weekend, there is a nice spinning class at 11 am. Because sleeping is importantn too ;)
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    Up at 4am
    At the gym by 5am, 45-50 minutes to workout
    Back home and shower, get ready for work and get to the train station
    Catch 7:06am train into the city for work
    Leave work at 4:30pm to catch 5:00pm train home
    Arrive home around 6pm
    Eat dinner, various chores
    In bed at 7:30pm, asleep around 8-8:30pm

    I am essentially gone 11 hours/day, and the last thing I want to do after I get home is go to the gym. If it were my ONLY option, I would do it but the mornings are way better because nothing can arise during the day that would derail my plans.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have a wife and two boys (4 & 2) and I'm the CFO of the company I work for which means I often work the typical 8-5 and then some more and my work phone is rarely not by my side. I also have a two hour round trip commute to work every day. At home there is always something that needs fixing or cleaning or cooking or the boys need this or that, etc. There is never a dull moment.

    During the week it is more difficult, but I made a deal with my wife that Tuesdays and Thursdays are my gym nights after work which can be hard on her because she's taking care of all of the domestic stuff those evenings until I get home. The other part of that though is that I take care of most of that stuff on Mondays and Wednesdays so she can have an hour or two of sanity. My other gym day is Saturday and Sunday is purely family time and my rest day.

    I also take my bike to work with me and ride during my lunch break on Mon/Wed/Fri.

    I think it's important to have a schedule and stick to that schedule as much as possible. There are times when I just can't make it to the gym because *kitten* hits the fan at work or whatever...but for me, simply being tired isn't a legit reason to skip the gym. Tired or not, if it's Tues or Thurs evening I'm there.

    I think it's also important to be realistic in what you can accomplish given your time restraints and do whatever you can do to get the most bang for your buck for that time. This is one of the reasons why I follow a full body lifting routine rather than a split type of routine...I can do it in 3 days rather than 4 or 5 and I can be in and out in 45 - 60 minutes. Unless I'm training for a ride, my bike rides typically don't go more than 60 minutes either...

    I think one of the reasons people fail at this is that they think they have to be doing exponentially more than they truly have it seems overwhelming and they are defeated before they even start. I'm sure most people could find 30 minutes 5x weekly to get in some moderate exercise...outside of more specific fitness goals, that's really about all you need to do.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    I have 3 little kids and both DH and I work full time. People are definately doing more than me, but here's what I've been able to keep up for the past 6 months (Monday/Wed/Friday):

    5am - up, outside running until 6am
    6am - back inside, hubby goes to work
    6-6:30 - shower, dressed
    6:30-7:30 - get kids up, dressed, breakfast, packed, out the door
    7:30-8:15 - drop off older 2 at school, drop off little guy at daycare
    8:15-5 - work
    5-5:30 - pick up kids
    5:30-7:30 - make/eat dinner, spend time w/kids, homework
    7:30-8:30 - give kids baths, bedtime for the kids
    8:30-9:30 - dishes, make lunches for next day, go through mail, clean up a bit
    9:30 - finally sit down with DH, maybe watch TV and try not to pass out on the couch
    11 - bed

    On the days it's just not safe to run outside (icy, too much snow, heavy rain) I'll do the elliptical or go to the gym from 9-10 while DH does the domestic stuff. Usually it's once a month or so that I have to do that though.

    On Tues/Thursdays I'm at work at 6am, then running the kids around to sports after school so I just couldn't fit it in there. I try to walk a lot on the weekends, usually take the kids for a walk around the neighborhood.
  • NerdieMcChub
    NerdieMcChub Posts: 153 Member
    I am not posting my whole schedule, but I have 3 kids... 1, 4, and 5.... 8 cats, disabled mom I help A LOT, and I'm managing a 4.0 in school and still make the time. It might not be much time, or as much as other people on my friends list, but I don't make excuses. I do what I can do.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have 3 kids (ages 4, 6 and 8), work 50 hours a week, have a husband that works a weird schedule (including about half of the weekends, and graveyard shifts every 3rd week), and 2 dogs including one that is diabetic. I lift twice a week for 45minutes, one weekday evening and one weekend. I found a gym with a daycare so I can bring the kids when my husband is working.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member

    5 am - GYM
    5:45 - 7:30 Husband leaves for work so I shower, get 4 year old ready for the day, make breakfast, pack lunches all alone
    7:30am - Leave for daycare/work
    8:00am - Arrive at work after dropping kids
    5:00pm - Leave work, collect kids from daycare, commute
    6:00pm - 7:30pm - Arrive home, cook dinner, eat dinner, do dishes, give kid a bath, put kid to bed
    8pm - Work on thesis for grad school
    9pm - 4:30 am - Sleep
  • oniwolf382
    5:45 AM - Alarm goes off to get out of bed (used to work out here)
    6:45 Am - Out of bed into shower
    7:15 AM - out the door to work
    8:00 AM - At work
    4:00 PM - Leave work
    5:30 PM - Get home, cook dinner (should go to gym here)
    6:30 PM - Veg/Unwind
    7:30 PM - Anxiety depression
    8:30 PM - should find something to do more productive than gaming
    9:30 PM - Watching anime typically
    10:00 PM - In bed staring at a ceiling
    11:00 PM - Tinnitus keeping me awake and can't sleep, more anxiety
    12:00 AM - Hopefully asleep, if not, could use a hug.

    This is typically every day... Sleep issues/anxiety/depression really chipping away at me.
    Yay for free time.... I guess.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    4:45AM - wake up, preworkout Quest bar
    5:00AM - work out
    6:30AM - shower and get ready for work
    7:30AM - feed the dog, pack my lunch, make protein shake
    7:45AM - leave the house for work
    8:30AM - work (I'm a legal assistant)
    5:30PM - leave work and brave horrendous traffic
    6:15PM - arrive at home, immediately change into pajamas
    6:30PM - feed the dog, cook, do dishes
    7:15PM - eat dinner, immediately followed my dessert
    7:45PM - walk the dog with my husband
    8:15PM - relax and watch TV
    9:00PM - bed (yes, at 9:00)

    No kids yet, but I still don't have much free time. Also, "too busy to work out" is a foreign language to me. You don't FIND time to work out, you MAKE time.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    5:30AM - Wake up, get baby ready for daycare
    6:30AM - Leave for work.
    7:00AM - Arrive at work.
    12:00PM - Squeeze in a few flights of stairs and/or take a lunchtime walk.
    4:00PM - Leave work.
    5:00PM - Arrive at home.

    Between 5pm and 7pm, it's a chaotic eat dinner, entertain the baby, and try not to go crazy kind of time.

    7:00PM - Get baby in the bath and ready for bed.
    7:30PM - Get baby to sleep.
    7:45PM - Some form of workout for at least 30 minutes.
    9:00PM - Bring the dog in and entertain him/keep him from attacking furniture.
    9:30PM - Shower and get ready for bed.
    10:00PM - Bedtime. Usually.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am not posting my whole schedule, but I have 3 kids... 1, 4, and 5.... 8 cats, disabled mom I help A LOT, and I'm managing a 4.0 in school and still make the time. It might not be much time, or as much as other people on my friends list, but I don't make excuses. I do what I can do.

    Lord help you!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I have a 2 year old, work a full time and part time job. Take care of the home as well (cooking, cleaning, etc) and still find time.

    I live a one hour walk from work or taking the bus is a 45 minute adventure. its 15 extra minutes, so I make the choice to walk. My gym is also half way between home and work, so I stop there to do my strength training which is about 45 minutes. So really... I am only adding an hour to my day total.

    I choose the morning because the evening would take away from time with my daughter and my energy is just better in the morning.

    My husband does help by bringing our daughter to daycare and picking her up, so I don't have to worry about that. That helps quite a bit in making my routine work.

    There is no right or wrong time to get your exercise in..... but I truly believe if you want to do it, you will make the time work somehow.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    "I don't have time" is more often a way of saying, "I don't want to."
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    5:20 Get up
    6:00 Begin commute to work
    7:30 Work
    18:00ish Home from work or grocery shopping then home from work
    18:00-19:00 Yoga (3x/week)
    19:00 Start dinner
    10:00 Bed
    On the weekend I run 5km on both days, although this is on hold as I'm recovering from a hip injury, so I'm working my way back to it.

    This week I'll be adding in a Jillian Michaels dvd 3x a week and dropping Yoga to 2x a week.

    It's easy to make excuses, but we can all find time.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I don't have kids, and my schedule isn't the worst, but on days I find myself stuck, I have split my workouts into two brief 20 min sessions, one when I get up in the AM and one right before dinner. I do kettlebells on those days because they are efficient and great for a joint cardio/strength workout in less time. I also walk on my lunch break.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I go to the gym on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Every two weekends from Thursday - Saturday I drive 300 miles back to my hometown to see my daughter, and I also work 10 - 12 hours per day Sunday - Wednesday.

    Typical gym day:

    6:30am - Wake up, get ready, take the dog out
    7:15am - Leave for work
    8:00am - Punch in
    7:00pm - 9:00pm - Clock out
    7:30pm - 9:30pm - Get to gym
    9:15pm - 11:15pm - Finish work out
    9:30pm - 11:45pm - Get home, eat dinner, and go to bed

    On Thursdays when I drive back to my hometown, I will generally go to the gym at around 8am, and then go home to shower before leaving.

    Everybody is buy, and "I'm not a morning person!" is no excuse.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I work out mostly 5-7 Monday- Wednesday- Friday- or Saturday (3 times a month I work either Friday or Saturday night- so my Friday workout is a 'floating' day).

    I find one of the keys for a busy lift is making sure the workouts are scheduled in- it doesn't have to be the exact same time and day- but they have to be scheduled in.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    My schedule isn't really consistant. I am home most pf the time. I can manage 30 minutes of exercise at home pretty well. If I relied on going to a gym to exercise it would not happen.
    I get up at 7AM to take the dog out and or clean up any accidents. I may go back to bed until 9 AM.
    Eat breakfast by 10 AM. Throughout the day: homeschool dd through out day, do various household chores and pet care (2 dogs, 3 cats) all day, prepare lunch and dinner, yard work, read e-mail/facebook/message boards, homeschool planning, walk dog twice more, exercise 30 minutes, shower or bath, pack dh's lunch, plan meals, pay bills, spend time with dh, read. Go to bed between midnight and 1AM.