Let's be serious about Paleo



  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Ehh, for a lot of people it is less about the nutrition more about the demon-ization of certain foods. T
    Well thats the problem with the world. So many people are rigid and dont believe in moderation. There is a such things a midpoint which people refuse to believe in.

    Simplicity is in front of them but they want to make their life hard
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Roasted orange peal with honey and cinnamon is one of my favorite holiday treats.
    Im glad thats the only thing you grabbed onto the whole thread
    although ill have to give it a try.
    That was the only part that I didn't agree with so I had to speak up.:flowerforyou:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Ehh, for a lot of people it is less about the nutrition more about the demon-ization of certain foods. T
    Well thats the problem with the world. So many people are rigid and dont believe in moderation. There is a such things a midpoint which people refuse to believe in.

    Simplicity is in front of them but they want to make their life hard

    I agree with all this, and I too wish the whole caveman/ancestral nonsense was *never* dragged into this way of eating.
  • usmc01462
    usmc01462 Posts: 1,944 Member
    I agree 100% as I am now a diabetic. 4 years now. I am now trying the vegetarian thing for the next few months due to my blood sugar being out of control. I use to live off of pasta. But doing 5-6 injections a day was getting old. So I gave up all meats and dairy as well as all Simple carbs. Since I started I have gone from 276 down to 239...But it does suck I can smell pasta a mile away.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    Very informative post, and well put. I agree to all of it. It's true, meat, fats and produce and very satiating and tasty. Too bad there's no Greek yogurt in there... :)
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    While I am sure it's possible to live on Paleo, it cuts out many healthy foods that do not cause problems for the majority of the population.

    Cavemen in different parts of the world ate different things. There is NO one "caveman diet"
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    The best way to live your life is by moderation.

    Trimmed to the best point.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    bump for later
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you!

    Healthy eating works no matter what you call it and there is a big difference between nutritional science and for profit nutritional information......http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=BMOjVYgYaG8&desktop_uri=/watch?v=BMOjVYgYaG8
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    Whenever a new diet/lifestyle comes out, there will be some truth to it and a lot of bias beliefs. As a researcher, one has to be able to understand the truth and eliminate the bias opinions.

    Paleo, Primal, Clean Eating, Zone, Soy Zone, Mediterranean, Sugar Buster, Atkins maintenace are a "class" of diets/lifestyles which I call the moderate-carb lifestyle (Carbs 30-40%; Fats 25-40%; Protein 25%-35%). Each of them has some truth to it and a lot of bias opinions.

    As I have a condition which requires me to eliminate high gi and processed foods, I naturally follow a "shop the perimeter", "eat what is in season" lifestyle. Some would call this 80/20 Primal or Mediterranean since most of my carbs come from vegetables, fruits, and the occassional soy product.

    In the end, only your opinion matters to which lifestyle you follow.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    The basic food of paleo are quite effective in satiation in dieting.
    However, that is the true reason why the diet works for people who do not count calories. The real meaning of obesity in a world where we cannot calculate energy would be dependent upon how much we eat.

    Hypothetical situation in a world where we could not count energy in our food this is the ideal thing that would happen
    Person A consumes non processed food until full - 500 calories
    Person B consumes all processed food until full - 1000 calories.

    They have done studies on satiety and the fullness that food gives you and there was a high connection to the more processed a food was, the less satiety per calorie it would have.

    That is not the basis of Paleo, their evidence lies within gluten and sugars which is not the true cause of obesity. Their followers have a cultist like presentation and the scientific community turns against them for being overzealous.

    There is no scientific evidence that sugar and gluten causes obesity.
    Obesity(Mentally) is cause by blind caloric intake and the weakness of satiation of foods that people consume which is normally processed.
    Obesity(Physically) is caused by the laws of thermodynamics of in>out

    Some people say "I am on paleo, but I still eat grains/bread on the occasion"
    No, you are not on paleo. You are on a proper diet of incorporating high satiety foods with processed foods which should be the basis of a blind caloric intake diet. That is the proper diet to live your lifestyle.

    The elimination and full restriction of certain food groups that are not based on a medical condition is the reason why 90% of "dieters" fail. It has to be a sustainable lifestyle.

    Some people are fine with elimination of processed foods, but that is not the case for most people.


    This is the satiety index. As you can see there is a correlation between "paleo foods" and high satiation.

    For those who know me know I consume processed foods. I consume many whole foods as well. I am a big advocate of eating many foods with the skin still on it due to the heavy satiation it can offer.(other than oranges). I am a big advocate of moderation while staying within your energy balance. Fruits and meats probably offer some of the heaviest satiation out all the other foods groups.
    The best way to live your life is by moderation. That includes lifestyle, practices, and thinking

    What I am against are overzealous people who follow a group and argue with little to no scientific evidence.
    Their basis is that our ancestors did it, etc.

    http://www.ucsyd.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/om_uc_syddanmark/dokumenter/marianne_markers_kursus_NRO/110228_Holt et al Satiety index.pdf
    satiety index

    I am so glad you posted this because I work with some Paleo's who are really strict and adhere to this diet but honestly they take it to the extreme; they definitely act like they are in a cult. Yeah they are fit but I don't follow this AT ALL and I am just as fit.

    Millions have been spent on various diet fads but the ONLY way to combat obesity is the general 'moderation, portion control and consistency with cardio and weight training' I LOVE counting calories as it really works for me but I also work out 5-6 times a week and satisfied with the results to date.

    I am very reluctant to turn Paleo or any other 'diet fad'.
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    im not saying dont eat them buttttttt processed foods are not optimal for overall internal health
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    im not saying dont eat them buttttttt processed foods are not optimal for overall internal health
    well there is alot of information about this. fortification of nutrients has been proven useful and it has also been abused.

    especially in parts of the world where it was harder to achieve certain nutrients.
    At the same time I enjoy certain processed foods. i been eating sweet tarts lately. i enjoy pastries, etc.

    protein shakes are considered processed but they provide an extremely high satiety and also allow us to have optimal protein intake.
  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    im not saying dont eat them buttttttt processed foods are not optimal for overall internal health
    well there is alot of information about this. fortification of nutrients has been proven useful and it has also been abused.

    especially in parts of the world where it was harder to achieve certain nutrients.
    At the same time I enjoy certain processed foods. i been eating sweet tarts lately. i enjoy pastries, etc.

    protein shakes are considered processed but they provide an extremely high satiety and also allow us to have optimal protein intake.

    im not to worried about the worlds needs for nutrients, thats an entire different debate.

    Before paleo i ate pretty much anything but then I did full paleo along with intermittent fasting and followed it to the dime for a year and a half. After that i went back to adding grains dairy and other processed foods while still fasting and i could tell my stomache couldnt digest it really well. I pretty much always had a bloated (which made it hard to get my abdomen as lean as i wanted it) and upset stomache when i ate them. Along with rashes all over my body. I didnt have to go to a doctor to figure it out, it was obvious that i became intollerent to dairy, gluten etc. Which isnt a bad thing because they are processed and so i figured my body does not need them. They were clearly not optimal "nutrients" for me so I cut them out again and and in less than a week I felt much better.

    At the moment i dont follow paleo religiously, but i am fully aware of how my body reacts when i eat proccessed and gluten etc. i dont believe them to be optimal. But this is just off of my experience.
  • TheRightWeigh
    TheRightWeigh Posts: 249 Member
    Bump for the chart
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You seem to be on a mission.
    Trying to explain why the diet works so people will understand the effectiveness rather than using the argument of reverting back to the stone age.

    The original basis is wrong

    Who the f cares? If it works for folks, and people want to try it. Let em.
    Then why even go online on the forums? This is for educational purposes.

    ranting against it is not equal to educating people.
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    I ate less and exercised more.

    140 days later I am 31 lbs less, with 15 to go.

    I DID give up processed sugar products and wheat, but it was staying under my calories in MFP journaling that got me through what I have been trying to do at the gym for 32 years.

    I like the look of Paleo, but I also like nuts, non-fat dairy, oatmeal and a good micro-brew once and a while.

    I just stay below my daily goal.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    You forgot to mention why the satiety on processed food is so low. Obesity researchers call sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup, the "anti-satiety" element in processed food. It is included in virtually all processed food, and especially restaurant food: it supplies only calories. The reason why a diet that eliminates processed foods and sweets works is that it eliminates the non-satiety foodstuffs while retaining the nourishing foods our bodies crave (even if our minds don't). Being successful includes training our minds to want what our bodies want. :wink: