Shrinking Pains


I don't know if I am posting this in the right place. I've recently lost 13lbs since December 1st, and along with the weight loss came pain in my rib cage area. Has any one else experienced this?


  • NaeTeaspoon
    NaeTeaspoon Posts: 28 Member
    December 1 this year? That's a lot of weight quite quickly - it might be worth going and having a check up with a dr about the pain either way - but you're eating enough to stay safe/healthy?
    - Wish you all the best :)
  • Yes, December of this year :) I have done it in a pretty healthy manner. I've cut out all types of junk food, pop included, and replaced that with healthier foods and smaller portions.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.
  • What if a person was on a medicine like Wellbutrin XL?
  • blueakama
    blueakama Posts: 399 Member
    Have a chat to your doctor. Hope all goes well.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Just out of curiosity, is it on your right side?
  • Ethereal_Whisper
    Ethereal_Whisper Posts: 70 Member
    i'm on wellbutrin XL- the only thing it could do to help you lose weight is reduce appetite/make you nauseous(as it does me). How many calories a day are you eating?

    If you're eating a reasonable amount(depending on your cw, 1200+ calories) and still losing that rapidly, go to the doctor. Something could be wrong.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    What might explain the rapid loss is that you simply had more waste in her digestive tract at your first weigh-in. Add that to water weight and it's a much more sustainable rate of loss. Also, with 126 pounds to go, you're going to lose more rapidly than someone who weighs less.

    I don't know about the pain in your rib cage. Are you exercising as well? Could you have strained a muscle?

    BTW, if you're coughing a lot, go to a doctor because it's actually possible to crack a rib coughing.
  • CariJean64 wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, is it on your right side?

    I feel it on both sides but mostly my right side.

  • holyfenix
    holyfenix Posts: 99 Member
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    What if she was eating 4000 cals a day and now eats 1200. She has a lot of weight to lose so its definitely humanly possible. Take off 5-8 lbs for water weight and waste and its not that crazy at all.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited December 2014
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    Also - the first so called "shock" to your system will burn quicker than when your body gets used to it. Like, for example, if she was eating 4,000 + calories per day without exercising and now she's only eating 1,200 ish and is exercising her body isn't used to it at all so her body will use a lot of resources to make this happen, at first, until she gets used to it. Overall, I had about 120lbs to lose and I dropped about 25 in the first month due to the fact that I hadn't exercised in years before that.

    What I'd be more concerned about is that 126lbs to lose. How tall are you?

    Even if you wanted to weigh 126lbs, that would put your starting weight at 252lbs. I don't know that it's entirely healthy to lose it that quick. I was 320lbs when I started and I dropped 25 in the first month but I mean I was 320 lbs and was easily eating 4,000 calories/day. I'm 5'9 and I weigh 250ish right now (maybe a little more from pure holiday indulgence :)) but honestly if you were used to eating a huge amount every day like 3,500 - 4,000 or more calories and you've suddenly cut to 1,200 ish or less then right now you will see a BIG drop because you've created a BIG deficit. But eventually (and that amount of time is different for everyone) you body will learn to run very efficiently on 1,200 calories and you will need to create another deficit in order to keep losing weight. But it's extremely unhealthy to net anything below 1,200 calories a day, some even say 1,400 calories unless you're a 4'11 80 year old woman who is bed-ridden. The safest thing to do is to drop to say 2,500 and then 2,250 and so on because with each deficit created your body has to use up more energy stores and that's how you get consistent and steady weight loss. If you drop cold turkey to 1,200 your body will get used to it one time and then you need to create another deficit - eventually - to keep losing.

    Feel free to add me if you have any other questions, or are just looking for friends :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    Does this sound like the kind of pain you are having?

    Pain is not normal and should be checked by profession health care provider.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Bad interwebz diagnoses are bad.

  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Just my 2 cents .. but like others have said, that is too much loss in a short amount of time. It is not healthy .... so just stop now and do it properly.
  • stacy16v
    stacy16v Posts: 1 Member
    Whenever I change my eating habits (i.e. start eating healthier, fewer calories, less fat, etc) I get a pain on my right side. I think it's my gallbladder. It almost feels like I need to stretch. My doctor checked it (I got a sonogram). All good. Also, losing weight really quickly can increase your chance of gallstones. Check with a doctor.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    A dx on a forum page is not your best course of action...but when I changed my diet about 15 years ago to a primarily plant based diet I would have gallbladder attacks if I ate something fatty/greasy. Doctor said it was not uncommon for that to happen. Speak to a doctor.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Ask your doctor to check your gall bladder. Rapid weight loss can aggravate that.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP: See a doctor about pain, not internet strangers with no medical background.

    Also read this:

    Lost a 121 pounds eating all foodz in moderation. ;)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    First, I have to agree with most of the others. 13 lbs. in 16 days is not healthy or sustainable.

    Second, if you are in pain - you need to get to the doctor. Something else is going on. If it's just a twinge here or there and it's not painful then I wouldn't worry about it.

    Is it possible to have "shrinking pains"? I'm not a doctor, but I would assume there are no such things.

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited December 2014
    Serah87 wrote: »
    OP: See a doctor about pain, not internet strangers with no medical background.

    Also read this:

    Lost a 121 pounds eating all foodz in moderation. ;)

    ETA: ......and eating between 1600-2000 calories when I was losing weight, now maintaining for about 3 months now, 45 yrs old and 5'2.