Shrinking Pains



  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    stacy16v wrote: »
    Whenever I change my eating habits (i.e. start eating healthier, fewer calories, less fat, etc) I get a pain on my right side. I think it's my gallbladder. It almost feels like I need to stretch. My doctor checked it (I got a sonogram). All good. Also, losing weight really quickly can increase your chance of gallstones. Check with a doctor.

    This. I had my gallbladder removed about 6 years ago, but when I started losing weight (again...) I did experience some pain in the same area. It was mild and only happened on ~6 occasions over the period of a month.

    I also used to be on Wellbutrin, and though it may cause modest appetite suppression it cannot be attributed to that weight loss. That said, abdominal pain is listed as a side effect (Bupropion is metabolized in the liver). Please see your primary care physician as soon as possible, as this may be a serious side effect.

    Also, I used to weigh ~250 lbs. During the first month of calorie reduction/ exercise, I dropped ~15-20 lbs. As mentioned above, it could be that your digestive tract was full/ water weight/ etc.... if you drop another 13 lbs by the end of the month, you should try to slow down the rate at which you are losing. Trust me when I say that it is not healthy. I went from 250 lbs to 130 lbs in about 11 months - a startling 120 lb pound loss that was accompanied by massive hair loss.
  • LemonMeringueTie
    holyfenix wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    What if she was eating 4000 cals a day and now eats 1200. She has a lot of weight to lose so its definitely humanly possible. Take off 5-8 lbs for water weight and waste and its not that crazy at all.

    You're right on the calories part. I did cut them down A LOT. I've gone from maybe 4000 to 800. Limited the amount of food I eat, cut out all pop, and junk completely.
  • LemonMeringueTie

    Does this sound like the kind of pain you are having?

    Pain is not normal and should be checked by profession health care provider.

    None of that. The only way that I can explain it is, under my rib cage, especially on the right side, it feels like im swollen and bruised, but I'm not.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited December 2014
    holyfenix wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    What if she was eating 4000 cals a day and now eats 1200. She has a lot of weight to lose so its definitely humanly possible. Take off 5-8 lbs for water weight and waste and its not that crazy at all.

    You're right on the calories part. I did cut them down A LOT. I've gone from maybe 4000 to 800. Limited the amount of food I eat, cut out all pop, and junk completely.

    800 calories is not good at all!!! You should be eating twice that much and maybe even more depending on exercises. Read the sexypant link.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Let me second the 800 calories being a bad thing. Read that sexypants link and stay with the calories MFP provides! You will burn out if you do it too fast.

    One more thing--I found it easier to "step down" to my 2 lbs/week weight loss level. I lost 17 pounds fairly quickly by going down to my BMR and cutting only a couple hundred calories. While you wait to see a doctor, maybe you should go back up to .5 or 1 pound/week weight loss level.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited December 2014
    holyfenix wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    What if she was eating 4000 cals a day and now eats 1200. She has a lot of weight to lose so its definitely humanly possible. Take off 5-8 lbs for water weight and waste and its not that crazy at all.

    You're right on the calories part. I did cut them down A LOT. I've gone from maybe 4000 to 800. Limited the amount of food I eat, cut out all pop, and junk completely.

    So let me buffer this with saying I'm definitely big on removing those trigger foods from reach because it really helps with not eating them if you don't have them. Now for the kicker: Eating 1/5 of what you used to eat will send your body into almost like an anorexic mode/state of being. Anorexia (and its symptoms) are almost always associated with the visually too skinny people, however if you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and foods (AND if you have a goal of losing 126 lbs you need a lot more than 800 cal/day) no matter what you weigh your body will start to eat itself and its lean body mass, or muscle. If this continues, you can experience organ failure, hair loss, brittle nails and bones, and troubles reproductively in the future, not to mention excessive and constant fatigue along with see through or yellowing of the skin. Prolonged VLC diets are so so so so so bad for you I can't even stress that enough.

    Annnnnd - for the win - if these symptoms happen to you many of them are irreversible and when you start to have things like losing density from your bones (which includes your teeth) and you realize you cannot change or reverse these symptoms . . . well I have friends who went through this and now they cannot get pregnant because of the stress they put on their bodies, they can't eat whole meals because their stomach has shrunk beyond repair, they have dentures because they're teeth were so brittle from lack of nutrients they couldn't really eat anything but pudding and soft food, their nails are yellow and look like they've smoked packs and packs a day for 25 years - plain and simple: they've destroyed their bodies and they don't get another shot at it.

    I cannot support weight loss like this. It's bad for you, mentally and physically and it's promoting unhealthy and unsustainable ways of living. Bodies need fuel to go, it's that simple. If you expect to get the same "output" from 800 calories as you did from 4,000 calories you're in for a major shock

    Also - you say >800 calories/day makes you feel ill BUT just 6 weeks ago you could eat 4000+ in a day. I'm curious as to how that happens without having weight loss surgery. I know those who have WLS physically can't eat any more because they will actually be ill, but if it's from a medication, the medication didn't physically change the size of your stomach, it changes the nerves/cravings in your brain telling you to keep eating, and increases the nerves to say you're full and to stop. It will also decrease your want or desire for food, hence the appetite suppressant, not a physical change to the size of your stomach. An appetite suppressant is that you just don't want to eat - maybe you're hungry but you cannot muster the want or desire to actually put food in your mouth. Maybe I'm missing something, but from my research they're two different things.

    You need to get help - and hopefully this isn't just trolling.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    Does this sound like the kind of pain you are having?

    Pain is not normal and should be checked by profession health care provider.

    None of that. The only way that I can explain it is, under my rib cage, especially on the right side, it feels like im swollen and bruised, but I'm not.

    Hope you can get it checked out soon. Here is an organ diagram the I find helpful.

  • LemonMeringueTie
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    holyfenix wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    What if she was eating 4000 cals a day and now eats 1200. She has a lot of weight to lose so its definitely humanly possible. Take off 5-8 lbs for water weight and waste and its not that crazy at all.

    You're right on the calories part. I did cut them down A LOT. I've gone from maybe 4000 to 800. Limited the amount of food I eat, cut out all pop, and junk completely.

    So let me buffer this with saying I'm definitely big on removing those trigger foods from reach because it really helps with not eating them if you don't have them. Now for the kicker: Eating 1/5 of what you used to eat will send your body into almost like an anorexic mode/state of being. Anorexia (and its symptoms) are almost always associated with the visually too skinny people, however if you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and foods (AND if you have a goal of losing 126 lbs you need a lot more than 800 cal/day) no matter what you weigh your body will start to eat itself and its lean body mass, or muscle. If this continues, you can experience organ failure, hair loss, brittle nails and bones, and troubles reproductively in the future, not to mention excessive and constant fatigue along with see through or yellowing of the skin. Prolonged VLC diets are so so so so so bad for you I can't even stress that enough.

    Annnnnd - for the win - if these symptoms happen to you many of them are irreversible and when you start to have things like losing density from your bones (which includes your teeth) and you realize you cannot change or reverse these symptoms . . . well I have friends who went through this and now they cannot get pregnant because of the stress they put on their bodies, they can't eat whole meals because their stomach has shrunk beyond repair, they have dentures because they're teeth were so brittle from lack of nutrients they couldn't really eat anything but pudding and soft food, their nails are yellow and look like they've smoked packs and packs a day for 25 years - plain and simple: they've destroyed their bodies and they don't get another shot at it.

    I cannot support weight loss like this. It's bad for you, mentally and physically and it's promoting unhealthy and unsustainable ways of living. Bodies need fuel to go, it's that simple. If you expect to get the same "output" from 800 calories as you did from 4,000 calories you're in for a major shock

    Also - you say >800 calories/day makes you feel ill BUT just 6 weeks ago you could eat 4000+ in a day. I'm curious as to how that happens without having weight loss surgery. I know those who have WLS physically can't eat any more because they will actually be ill, but if it's from a medication, the medication didn't physically change the size of your stomach, it changes the nerves/cravings in your brain telling you to keep eating, and increases the nerves to say you're full and to stop. It will also decrease your want or desire for food, hence the appetite suppressant, not a physical change to the size of your stomach. An appetite suppressant is that you just don't want to eat - maybe you're hungry but you cannot muster the want or desire to actually put food in your mouth. Maybe I'm missing something, but from my research they're two different things.

    You need to get help - and hopefully this isn't just trolling.

    Trust me... No trolling here. I spoke to my doctor today and I'm being sent for all kinds of tests, and an ultra sound to check my liver. She seemed very concerned about my liver because of previous tests/ultra sounds done. I also told her about the rapid weight loss and she is recommending me to a dietitian as well. Hopefully I can get this resolved. Although it is nice to drop 13lbs after a few years of trying so hard to even lose just 5, all this pain isn't worth it, and I do feel myself feeling much more fatigued.

    I would like to eat more but at this point the thought of food alone makes me want to vomit. If I was to go to McDonalds today and order a kids meal, I know that it would fill me up completely. I eat till I am full, and as of late it does not take very much to fill me up. I tried eating a meal where half my plate was a veggie, 1/4 was meat, and 1/4 was a carb, and I barely put a dent in that before I felt full.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Sounds like she is a smart doctor. Hope all goes well.
  • LemonMeringueTie
    Turns out it was a liver problem :( Just my luck...
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Sorry to hear that. It's great that you're seeing a doctor, and that your doctor recommended a dietician. As others have said, 800 calories is dangerously low, and I'm glad you're seeing someone who can help you set better goals for your body. I hope you feel better soon!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited December 2014
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    holyfenix wrote: »
    sjaplo wrote: »
    It's Dec 16th - that's almost a lb a day - even discounting water weight of about 5 lbs that's still a defecit of 1968 cal/ day - not humanly possible.

    What if she was eating 4000 cals a day and now eats 1200. She has a lot of weight to lose so its definitely humanly possible. Take off 5-8 lbs for water weight and waste and its not that crazy at all.

    You're right on the calories part. I did cut them down A LOT. I've gone from maybe 4000 to 800. Limited the amount of food I eat, cut out all pop, and junk completely.

    So let me buffer this with saying I'm definitely big on removing those trigger foods from reach because it really helps with not eating them if you don't have them. Now for the kicker: Eating 1/5 of what you used to eat will send your body into almost like an anorexic mode/state of being. Anorexia (and its symptoms) are almost always associated with the visually too skinny people, however if you are depriving your body of essential nutrients and foods (AND if you have a goal of losing 126 lbs you need a lot more than 800 cal/day) no matter what you weigh your body will start to eat itself and its lean body mass, or muscle. If this continues, you can experience organ failure, hair loss, brittle nails and bones, and troubles reproductively in the future, not to mention excessive and constant fatigue along with see through or yellowing of the skin. Prolonged VLC diets are so so so so so bad for you I can't even stress that enough.

    Annnnnd - for the win - if these symptoms happen to you many of them are irreversible and when you start to have things like losing density from your bones (which includes your teeth) and you realize you cannot change or reverse these symptoms . . . well I have friends who went through this and now they cannot get pregnant because of the stress they put on their bodies, they can't eat whole meals because their stomach has shrunk beyond repair, they have dentures because they're teeth were so brittle from lack of nutrients they couldn't really eat anything but pudding and soft food, their nails are yellow and look like they've smoked packs and packs a day for 25 years - plain and simple: they've destroyed their bodies and they don't get another shot at it.

    I cannot support weight loss like this. It's bad for you, mentally and physically and it's promoting unhealthy and unsustainable ways of living. Bodies need fuel to go, it's that simple. If you expect to get the same "output" from 800 calories as you did from 4,000 calories you're in for a major shock

    Also - you say >800 calories/day makes you feel ill BUT just 6 weeks ago you could eat 4000+ in a day. I'm curious as to how that happens without having weight loss surgery. I know those who have WLS physically can't eat any more because they will actually be ill, but if it's from a medication, the medication didn't physically change the size of your stomach, it changes the nerves/cravings in your brain telling you to keep eating, and increases the nerves to say you're full and to stop. It will also decrease your want or desire for food, hence the appetite suppressant, not a physical change to the size of your stomach. An appetite suppressant is that you just don't want to eat - maybe you're hungry but you cannot muster the want or desire to actually put food in your mouth. Maybe I'm missing something, but from my research they're two different things.

    You need to get help - and hopefully this isn't just trolling.

    Trust me... No trolling here. I spoke to my doctor today and I'm being sent for all kinds of tests, and an ultra sound to check my liver. She seemed very concerned about my liver because of previous tests/ultra sounds done. I also told her about the rapid weight loss and she is recommending me to a dietitian as well. Hopefully I can get this resolved. Although it is nice to drop 13lbs after a few years of trying so hard to even lose just 5, all this pain isn't worth it, and I do feel myself feeling much more fatigued.

    I would like to eat more but at this point the thought of food alone makes me want to vomit. If I was to go to McDonalds today and order a kids meal, I know that it would fill me up completely. I eat till I am full, and as of late it does not take very much to fill me up. I tried eating a meal where half my plate was a veggie, 1/4 was meat, and 1/4 was a carb, and I barely put a dent in that before I felt full.

    If I can ask, what kind of a liver function issue is it?

    I have only heard of a couple issues with liver function that cause loss of appetite, and they rarely - like very rarely - appear in anyone younger than about 50.

    You didn't mention fatigue before. Any ways, it's just odd to me that you only recently lost the weight (and so suddenly) after years of trying. It took me about 6 weeks of trying to see about a 30lb drop when I first started.

    Anyways, best of luck to you in everything.