Do you do anything that you wonder whether other MFPers do too?



  • Aradia_Silvermoon
    Aradia_Silvermoon Posts: 375 Member
    c4rtr4t wrote: »
    seriously, these people asked you that? really? WHO ASKS THAT?! what do they expect? "why yes, yes i DO have an eating disorder. let me tell you alllll about it!"

    i understand if people are truly interested and intrigued with your weight loss efforts and process of doing so... i believe like any sensitive topic such as religion or politics (yes, i am definitely classifying diet up there), they can be discussed in a mature manner. however it can easily get out of hand as comments can easily come off as back-handed and offensive with some people.

    Yup I was speechless as well lol! It was his aunt who loves drama so everyone else ignored her but the rest of evening was just as uncomfortable. His mother wants grandkids (she has step grandkids but she wants "real grandkids") and my bf raised his late wife's kids and she couldn't have more due to cervical cancer. My boyfriends sister has PCOS and can't conceive. So she thought it was also OK to ask about my reproductive health and about my medical history! WTH people? All I said was "Yes I can have kids if you need proof look right next to me (where my daughter sat"

    My boyfriend got them to stop eventually but it was hands down the most awkward dinner I have EVER attended!

  • court_alacarte
    court_alacarte Posts: 219 Member
    c4rtr4t wrote: »
    seriously, these people asked you that? really? WHO ASKS THAT?! what do they expect? "why yes, yes i DO have an eating disorder. let me tell you alllll about it!"

    i understand if people are truly interested and intrigued with your weight loss efforts and process of doing so... i believe like any sensitive topic such as religion or politics (yes, i am definitely classifying diet up there), they can be discussed in a mature manner. however it can easily get out of hand as comments can easily come off as back-handed and offensive with some people.

    Yup I was speechless as well lol! It was his aunt who loves drama so everyone else ignored her but the rest of evening was just as uncomfortable. His mother wants grandkids (she has step grandkids but she wants "real grandkids") and my bf raised his late wife's kids and she couldn't have more due to cervical cancer. My boyfriends sister has PCOS and can't conceive. So she thought it was also OK to ask about my reproductive health and about my medical history! WTH people? All I said was "Yes I can have kids if you need proof look right next to me (where my daughter sat"

    My boyfriend got them to stop eventually but it was hands down the most awkward dinner I have EVER attended!

    good luck in that family, my good friend. i wish you all the strength and patience in the world LOL
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have gotten told that "better not get all anorexic now" and that because I preplan my meals I am "not even human!"

    Now that I am at maintenance I hear a lot of *kitten* about that too.

    Haters gonna hate.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't eat what most people would consider "normally." I'm totally fine with being recognized as the office health and fitness nut.

    That's not to say that I don't eat a slice of pizza now and then...but people are far more accustomed to seeing my face buried in a large garden salad piled high with some sort of lean protein source or eating my massive serving of scrambled eggs and oats in the morning.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    c4rtr4t wrote: »
    ugh mothers. i always feel like i get the stink eye from her when i reach for something besides a fruit or vegetable. that judgmental stare that says, "that. that is why you are at the weight you are." so then around her i feel like if i want a snack, it has to be WHAT SHE EATS as a snack; when she sees me in the pantry it's: "oh, if you're hungry, there's vegetables and fruit in the fridge!" her diet is basically: fruits, vegetables, turkey, brown rice and skinny cow fudge pops--nothing more, nothing less.

    LOL- my mom is a tiny woman, who is slightly overweight- her diet consists of- cookies, half plates of dinner (she never eats all of anything), cereal with soy milk, rotisserie chicken (breasts only) from the grocery store, bagels, butter, and whole grain bread. Oh, and coffee with half n' half and diet coke. Sometimes a salad.

    No more, no less.

  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Of course she could write something similar about me- all my daughter eats is potatoes, beans, and rice. And the cheapest fruit and vegetables at the damn store. Also candy. and cheap wine.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    After 2.5 years I have thankfully trained my family (still live with the rents and sister) that I occasionally eat greasy pizza and a whole bottle of wine and that they shouldn't judge or say anything about it. They know it's the day in and out of measuring food and hitting the gym that has gotten me to where I am. I think my mom and sister are jealous though and it makes it awkward at times :-/

    It sometimes irritates me a bit when people at work or friends make comments. Like mind your own businesses. So what if I eat a piece of cake....I'm hitting the gym for two hours tonight. I've been getting a lot better about not caring about what anyone thinks about anything I do though. I think it's the age + self confidence from weight loss thing kicking in ;)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I have also kept everything MFP-related off of Facebook and do not discuss it with my friends. I don't know why - maybe it's because I have so many friends who are always posting their runs and their weights and their diets and I am compelled to be different. And come here to post my runs and my weights and my diets :)
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    When I hear people go on & on about eating something fattening or saying how a certain food is bad for you I want to scream that you can eat what you want in moderation (with the exception of medical reasons) & if you're in a deficit you'll lose weight.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I'm also known as the health-and-fitness person in my office, which is fine, except that my coworkers feel the need to tell me about whatever whackadoodle diet they're on this week. And because I really don't want to talk even more about their eating habits, I just kind of smile and nod, and try to act like they don't sound like crazy people.

    You're eating 1200 calories and "only eating a little bit of carb at dinner" (exact quote, btw), and you're eating nothing but tuna and Atkins bars until your wedding next month? Sounds completely reasonable, ladies! Let's all go back to our desks now, so I can think about ice cream in peace.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    I have also kept everything MFP-related off of Facebook and do not discuss it with my friends. I don't know why - maybe it's because I have so many friends who are always posting their runs and their weights and their diets and I am compelled to be different. And come here to post my runs and my weights and my diets :)

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I get teased about the weighing, but I consider that to be a good thing. I need the reminder that having to weigh food is a crutch and I need to walk on my own two feet. (I will not be logging for life.)

    But I'm not changing what I think is best for me. I'm too old to care what someone else's opinion of how how I live my life might be. If they have a problem with it, that's their problem.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    This is why I didn't tell anyone (other than my husband) I was trying to lose weight. If it's not people thinking you can only eat 'rabbit food', it's people questioning why you are eating a chocolate bar (which is even worse!).

    I don't think anyone other than those close to us really notice these things, and it's probably all in our heads, but I'd still rather not deal with it so I keep my goals to myself.