Open mouth, insert foot



    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I needed copies of some drawings, so I called the reprographics place and asked them to pick up my drawings for copies. It had only been a few minutes, and I was in the middle of something else, when one of the couriers walked in. I said "Oh, I didn't think you would come so fast!" Neither of us could look the other in the eye after that.

    I get it now... Spelling is everything ;)
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    EZDUZIT68 wrote: »
    One more - though I can't take credit for it but it was the perfect setup.

    Working in a control room, one of my coworkers was working up front "at the board" (I'll call him "Don") with his back to me and another guy (I'll call him "Roger") who were sitting at a console about 10 feet behind him. The three of us were discussing football and "Don" happened to be a huge Jets fan. A coworker entered the room from a rear door, and "Don" didn't bother to turn around to see who had walked in - he never did... the guy who walked in was a Philippine exchange student who was interning with us. Seeing an opportunity, "Roger" said to "Don" - You know, I was talking to the intern earlier and he thinks the Jets have no shot this Sunday -... without hesitation, "Don" says loudly - That F-ing Chinaman don't know *kitten*!" -

    Of course, "Roger" & I start laughing (at the expense of the poor intern), so "Don" turns around and sees the intern... with a look of sheer embarrassment, "Don" says to him - I knew you were there the whole time, that's why I joked with you -

    What dicks. That's not cool.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Many years ago when my son was about 3, we were living with freinds. One couple had a younger child also. One weekend the other child was with his other parent so we all decided to go out to eat and have some fun while one of our roommates stayed home to watch my son. It was christmas eve, so today would be the 10th anniversary of this dumb@$$ moment. When we came back to the house, we noticed all the presents under the tree had been ransacked. My stupid @$$ asked if it was mine that did it (as in my child). Everyone looked at me like I was the dumbest person on the planet. FML
  • victoire713
    victoire713 Posts: 720 Member
    LOL these are too funny!

    I have had way too many of these moments. I can't remember when the last one was, though.