I don't want to die

cniklew Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I'm almost 34 and I have a husband and two very cool kids who love me to bits. Recently, I've begun to realize I have a better chance of leaving them early due to my weight than sticking around to see my future grandchildren grow up. This thought terrifies me.

My children love me so much and I ask myself why I can't do what I need to do for them and for me. I'm in a scary place with my weight and I'm not sure how to lose weight and get healthy. I honestly have no clue how or where to begin.

Money is tight so I don't think I'll join a gym. I don't like eating a lot of stuff that I'm sure is considered healthy and with a family of four, I have no clue how to budget a healthy grocery list while feeding four and making sure they're not all begging to be fed an hour after a meal.

I'm very heavy so exercise usually leaves me feeling as if I can't breathe at all and sometimes I hurt myself (knees, ankles, back) and then I can't work out anymore anyway so it's a waste.

I work full-time and am out of the house from 7 am to 6 pm. Either I spend time with family, friends, take time for myself, or sleep. There's no time for much else.

Am I doomed to sit around and gain more weight. Is this it for me? I seem to be in a rut and I'm not sure how to escape it. The oddest thing is that my daughter is slim and athletic. I am scared she'll somehow start taking after me eventually, though. I've always been overweight, but I was never really unhealthy until after I had my second child nearly four years ago.

Now I'm out of breath all the time just from walking down the block or up a flight of stairs. I can't fit in regular seats all the time anymore. I don't know what happened.

Anyway, that's me. I want help and I want to change things, but I'm not sure how. People have said, "You just do it." but I don't know what that means. I really mean it when I say I'm clueless. I had a friend who pointed me in this direction, though, so I'm hoping to get involved and learn something new that can really help me.

I used to worry about fitting into clothes. Now my concern has moved to how to save my life. I'm young and I don't want this amazing journey to be closer to over if it's in my power to turn things around.


  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Wow, that is quite a story, thank you for sharing it with us! And you should give yourself a huge pat on the back for taking this courageous step towards taking control of you life and health. You will get lots of great advice and inspiration from many people who have similar stories to yours. Let me first assure you that healthy food can in fact be very filling, and won't leave you hungry in an hour. A diet rich in protein, vegetables and whole grains will keep you full and if you eat smaller amounts of food at more frequent intervals you will not feel ravenous at mealtime. But I suggest you start by simply counting the number of calories you are already eating during the day. Then, you will learn how to cut down on your portion sizes so that you can still eat the foods you love, just in controlled portions. You MUST weigh/measure everything, for this to work. And it does work. As ofr exercise, don't sweat it! (no pun intended :laugh: ) Start by just taking an after dinner walk around the nieghborhood with your family. Eventually you will find some type of exercise that suits you, but don't worry about trying to get there all at once, start by making small changes first. There are hundreds of sucess stories, in fact you should take a look through them when you have a chance - I guarantee you will become a little more encouraged that you have the power to do this! Good luck!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    "Just do it" is easier said than done. I get that.

    I think dying and leaving your family early isn't an option. So just put it out of your mind.

    Focus on small steps that will get you moving. It doesn't need to be strenuous excercise at first if that hurts. Spend time with your family playing...or taking a walk.

    Insofar as food is concerned, there are so many options that are tasty and not cardboard-y. It doesn't have to be grilled or boiled chicken. Use the recipes on here or visit other sites (just google low-fat, low-calorie recipes). Look for ones that have reviews by "real" people so that you can gauge how people who made the recipe felt about it afterwards.

    Most of all, don't give up. We're here to support each other. It's always easier giving others advice, but the road to better health doesn't have to be lonely or impossible.
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I can totally understand where you are coming from and not knowing where to start or what to do. I waited for 10 years before I started doing something and now I don't want to stop. You have to get somewhere deep in your heart, brain and soul and decide what you want for your life. I have 2 toddlers now and it seemed very selfish of me to continue the horrible overweight lifestyle I was leading. What I started doing was walking first, then I tried to give myself a very hard challenge and saw results 3 months later. The point is never letting up when you don't see 20 lbs. come off in a week because clearly we all want to see biggest loser numbers and its just not reality when we are only working out 1 or 2 hours a day. I see that you say you want to be a part of your kids' lives in the future well then do something to secure that! Start by walking an hour every day and have them come with you. You will still get winded at first but then you will be getting better and better as your body gets used to the exercise; baby steps. You can't rush yourself and the weight will follow. Just set a plan and stick to it. You CAN do it if you want to :flowerforyou:
  • Where to start.... you have the perfect motivation, your kids, and eventually grandkids. I can relate to the back and knee problems. My doctor told me that every pound overweight a person is puts 10 pounds of pressure on their spine... that's a lot of pressure!!!

    When grocery shopping, I try to stick to the perimeter of the store, making forays into the frozen food section for frozen veggies for me, and frozen chicken nuggets and other such goodies for my teen age son. I buy a loaf of whole wheat bread for me, and the white crappy stuff my son likes for him LOL

    When I make dinner, I make the stuff hubby and son like, and then I make a separate meal for myself. Tonight it was tilapia with rotel cooked on it and some veggies... my dinner was only 150 calories and I feel satisfied!

    For excercise, which I understand is hard for you right now, try a short walk during you lunch break at work, and maybe another little walk after dinner... you can build that up as you start feeling better.

    You can do this, I have faith in you! And if you need a friend, I am more than happy to be there for you. I am a terrific cheerleader! I will send you a friend request hun.

  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Welcome to MFP, always great to see new folks wanting to change their lives and get healthier:flowerforyou:
    You're very beautiful, I peeked at your photo:wink:

    Well you've definitely come to the right place to relearn how eat in healthier ways. It all seems overwhelming at first when starting out making huge changes in our lives. Sometimes the best way is baby steps. Tracking your food, yes every bite so you see it down on paper so to speak, it's actually very helpful. Another thought is portion control, simply eat a bit less than you did yesterday etc.

    You sound very overwhelmed and very sad but you don't have to do it all today:happy: . You are here, and that in itself proves you do want to live and do want to have a healthy life.:heart:

    PM me if you need any help, I'd be more than happy to help in any way I can. Lots of very friendly members around here that will help you get started on the journey, just reading the boards helps ALOT. It's true, the best way to start is simply to begin. One change at a time. Chose one thing and do that change for a week, then chose another etc.

    Glad you're here :flowerforyou:
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Oh sweetheart you have come to the right place. This site is so informative and we are all here for you!! Spend some time going thru blogs ,message boards and look and try to get some info.. If you are able, go to your doctor and tell him you need help!! Thats what I did when I was at my ropes end and he helped me start. Your town might even have a nutrition class at your local hospital. Look into it.. The biggest step was the letter you wrote! Right from the heart and you ARE ready.. Find out your calorie's and log in your food,if you can, walk to the end of you block tomorrow after work. Then back. Then the next night go down 1 more house and back and each night go 1 house further.. You will be surprised at how much you can do in a few weeks time. I don't know if you live in a neighborhood but use that as an example.. Look on line for some simple exercises you can do from a chair. If you dont have weights use a couple soup or vegie cans, or a couple water bottles..All of us when we started couldnt breath.. Oh believe me! lol You will be fine as we are all here. Ask to be friends with people and I already asked you to be mine.. I'm Kathy and am looking for a weight loss of 149 pounds and have lost 19 already.. Keep in touch and talk soon!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: alot of flowers for you!!!
  • I actually began my journey for that very reason: I knew my health was in terrible shape (my body, too!), and I wanted to be healthy for my kids. Since I have been going at this for a while now, I realize that I want THEM to understand how important eating well and exercise are. I want THEM to see ME doing these things so that they will probably accept the habits as well.

    Myfitnesspal is a GREAT place to learn new food ideas and meet people who are struggling just like you are. If you get breathless after one flight of stairs, that's fine. Walk them until you can add a few more steps...and then a few more...and then do it more regularly. Walk around your block with your kids. Walk them to a park if there is one nearby. You don't HAVE to join a gym to lose weight. Walking regularly and increasing your increments is one of THE best exercises you can do. And it is FREEEE! :smile:

    Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou: You are doing the BEST thing ever--beginning the process of becoming a healthier, more active you!
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    I'm so happy you came to MFP. What a great day to start! You are not alone, and you can do it!

    I grew up taking walks with my parents and dogs EVERY DAY. We knew everyone on our mile-long route through the neighborhood, and they knew us. Think about it.. what better way to spend time with your family and teach them to be active? When I became a teenager and 'walking' was uncool, I rollerbladed or biked.

    Give it a try, and don't let the weight of the world sit on your shoulders. You will start to feel better once you realize that all it takes it that first little step.

  • cynditoney
    cynditoney Posts: 90
    You can do this. Remember, small steps. A little walk is better than no walk. What about the kids, would they like to go for a walk after dinner? Including the family allows for a lot of quality time. As for budgeting for a family of four, what is your grocery bill like now? Can you replace some of the less healthy choices with fresh fruit or vegetables? A good place to shop for fresh fruit and vegetables is to find a local farmers market- another great little family trip. If you need a friend, accept my friend request- I will be glad to help any way I can and cheer you on!!
  • cniklew
    cniklew Posts: 2
    Thanks for the lovely responses and compliments. I really hadn't thought much about trying little things first. I think it's all so overwhelming and figuring out where I am right now to get a clear picture of where my problems lie has also not been something I thought of before.

    It's nice to know I'm not the only one. I sometimes feel like everyone can lose weight quick and easy except me.

    I think the children would like taking walks with me. I suppose I thought I had to do everything alone. And eating different meals than the rest of my family also didn't occur to me.

    I have accepted the friend requests and I really appreciate the encouragement. I'll start checking out some of the success stories and get started with measuring what I'm taking in now. It's pretty bad because of the things I tend to eat and drink on a regular basis, but I know I have to recognize that before I can change it.

    I'd be lying if I didn't say I was scared of a lot of things, but failure is probably the biggest fear right now. Either way, I suppose there's no time like the present to start a new way of doing things. Thanks again!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Most of the ideas I have for you have already been said, but they bear repeating!:happy: When I started my journey last August, hubby and I started by controlling our portions. We pulled out the measuring cups and spoons, we asked for a food scale for my birthday, we were fanatical about measuring everything that went on our plates or in our mouths. I dropped quite a bit of weight just by realizing that I was eating to keep up with hubby, and I'm not supposed to be his size. (This was a toughy for me, and I still fight with my inner-voice that says, "Well, if he can have a bed time snack, so can you! Who cares if you're already over for the day.") We kept eating all the stuff we had been eating (chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, spaghetti, Hamburger Helper, etc etc etc), we just stopped eating more than one serving. At first we were always still hungry afterwards. Then we discovered that veggies helped fill us up without adding too many calories to our day. I go for celery, carrots, tomatoes, lettuces, etc. I've been known to chop some of the aforementioned veggies up and put then in the sauce, (shhhh, don't tell my husband!:laugh: ) to help make it more filling, also.

    Don't try to change everything in one day! Once I discovered that exercising meant I could eat more, I decided to exercise. Well, I'm busy, and I don't really like exercising (gyms, weights, machines, etc = ICK in my book:wink: ). Soooo, I started walking. At first it was just a few blocks each night with the family. Now my kids (3 and 5) and I walk at LEAST 2 miles a day. (Remember, this is NINE months later, work up to it)

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. You've made the first and joined MFP. The second step is to understand what you've BEEN eating, and adjust that. I recommend starting with portion control, and then branch out to healthier foods from there. Go for a walk around your block every night for a week. Then go around 2 blocks for a week or two. Add a block every couple weeks. You'll be amazed at how quick the distance adds up! Don't try to start out like an olympic athlete, start with one step, and then add another.

    I am more than happy to answer any questions you have, share my own experience, etc. Just send me a message asking anything you want to know!

    I am here because my mom never got to meet her grandchildren due to untimely death that was an indirect result of being severely overweight. I was headed down the same path, and it scared me. My aunt told my sister about this site, who told me, which caused me to ask my aunt about it. It is a great site.

    It sounds like you have been on the same path I was on. It's never too late to turn around and go back!

    How's this for a long rambling post? I hope it helps you, and PLEASE let me know if you have questions!:flowerforyou: Here's to making better choices!:drinker:
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Well, everyone has beat me to the good advice, so I'll just say welcome, and we're glad you're here! This really is a great site, and the people here will help. You don't have to feel alone.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Wow, that is quite a story, thank you for sharing it with us! And you should give yourself a huge pat on the back for taking this courageous step towards taking control of you life and health. You will get lots of great advice and inspiration from many people who have similar stories to yours. Let me first assure you that healthy food can in fact be very filling, and won't leave you hungry in an hour. A diet rich in protein, vegetables and whole grains will keep you full and if you eat smaller amounts of food at more frequent intervals you will not feel ravenous at mealtime. But I suggest you start by simply counting the number of calories you are already eating during the day. Then, you will learn how to cut down on your portion sizes so that you can still eat the foods you love, just in controlled portions. You MUST weigh/measure everything, for this to work. And it does work. As ofr exercise, don't sweat it! (no pun intended :laugh: ) Start by just taking an after dinner walk around the nieghborhood with your family. Eventually you will find some type of exercise that suits you, but don't worry about trying to get there all at once, start by making small changes first. There are hundreds of sucess stories, in fact you should take a look through them when you have a chance - I guarantee you will become a little more encouraged that you have the power to do this! Good luck!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    You gave GREAT advice !
  • I think its great that you want to be healthier for your children instead of sitting back and accepting it as an inevitability as some people do. I have two good tips for helping you.

    1.) Get a workout buddy. Find someone who can workout with you, especially when you move to workouts other than walking. A friend working out with you helps keep you motivated.

    2.) I've found that a good way to work out is dancing. I ordered a Zumba DVD to help me work out. It's a Latin dance DVD and most of the dances on the beginning DVD are simple enough that you get a good workout and get sweating without being exhausting (I'm just starting out too). Maybe something like that would be a good workout for you.

    Hope that helped. Good luck!
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    Hey hun,
    We are all in the same boat. This is a wonderful website and I suggest you put it to good use! The support you will find here is wonderful and important as well as the food tracking and other tools it offers.
    I was in the very same position when I started my LIFE STYLE CHANGE. I refuse to call it a diet because I know this is something I will need to do the rest of my life. I was about 130 pounds over weight and my health was really going down hill. I started by going to the doctor and got a physical. My lab work showed several things that needed treating, thyroid, cholesteral and liver problems. I also had eaten my way to high blood pressure. I got my wake-up call when I went to see my dr. and he told me I had Fatty Liver Disease on top of the other issues I just mentioned. I was at a point where I either needed to make some SERIOUS changes NOW or I was headed for a heart attact, stroke or liver failure SOON!
    I started by seeing a dietician, and at 45 I learded a few things I am ashamed to shay. She put me on a 1500 calories a day, has me keeping my carbs under 150 g a day and told me to AVOID SATURATED FATS!! Reduce them down to as close to zero as possible.
    I understand the money aspect and the family aspect but as far as your family goes they need good nutrion too and you need to teach them how to eat right and set a good example. Eating healthy is actually more filling then eating junk! READ ALL lables, journal EVERYTHING you eat and BE POSITIVE!! You have made the biggest step, you got honest with yourself! That is hard to do now it is time to act and believe in yourself. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
    Walking is free and it would be a great thing for your entire family!!
    I undersatand where you are and how you are feeling. Take advantage of the people on MFP, they are a great support and reach out to other friends and family and ask them for support and encouragement as well! People want to help!!
    Good luck and God bless you,
  • lds25
    lds25 Posts: 68
    Hey there girl! I am so happy that you are here because it means that you have decided to change!!! For that please celebrate!!! I am also starting to lose weight and to change me. Mini changes are key in weight loss, increase in water, change where you used to eat when eating out, increase in movement, increase in sleep. Life is all about change and we are only in charge of ourselves. I wish you all the best!
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I understand completely and if you read my profile I think you'll understand that I do mean "completely". I just don't want to die either. The others are right, start small, baby steps are best at first. I started with a walk around the block with my 2 year old (so, sloooow pace). As far as gyms go, check out your local Rec. Center. We joined ours for about a 3rd of the price of a regular gym and they have all the same equipment and a pool and classes to take and great hours. I know what you mean about not wanting to take time away from your family but if you make exercise play time the kids can get involved too. My son and I do jumping jacks twice a week, 2 sets of 10, and once a week dance around the family room for a half hour, and baby that's aerobics!

    Remember, slow and steady wins the race and that we are here for you!
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    I cant say anymore than what has already been said.

    Welcome to MFP and the start of the rest of your life.

    Good luck, we're all here and rooting for you :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • tjptaylor
    tjptaylor Posts: 21 Member
    I think everyone has given great advice. My initial motivation 6 years ago was my daughter - I did not want her raised in a house where her mom was always dieting and whose weight was always up and down. I focused on making our house healthy - very limited sweets, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains. This no only helped me stick to a plan and get my weight under control, its set a healthy enviroment for her. Also, I focused on walking as much as I could with her.

    One thing I'm not sure if it was mentioned - can you talk to your DR? It may be worth seaking medical advice and possibly meeting with a nutritionist if your insurance would cover that.

    Good luck!
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