I don't want to die



  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    you are already getting such great advice. I thought I would add my 2 cents. I did not exercise at all my first month on here. The thought of changing my food and routine were just too much for me at the time. After a month or so, I decided to buy some of the Biggest Loser DVD's. I am also not in the position to join a gym. Both financially and just a matter of time. Getting away from my 2 kids is hard enough 1 a week, never mind more than that! I figured that a 9 dollar DVD from Walmart was about the same as one guest pass to a gym, so why not. I love the DVD's. I particulary like the shred because it is only 20 minutes long and that is all I can muster on some days after the boys are in bed.

    Don't let yourself get overwhelmed... if you do slip, it really is no big deal. It happens to all of us. Just get right back. No need to wait for tomorrow either. Another big downfall for me.... "I screwed up, so will start again tomorrw" Let me tell you, I can do a lot of damage in 10 hours! :wink:

    I am proud of you. You can do it. And on the days that you don't think that you can, you have a lot of support here!

  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member

    I'm right there with you. I would love to get to know you and support each other through this journey so feel free to add me if you would like.

    You can do this. Don't focus on the big journey, just one step at a time, one choice at a time. Start making little changes. Start walking a little more every day, add something. The hardest part for me is always just doing it that first time. Once I get up and do it, the next time is easier.

    I understand the challenges and the fear of failure. I posted a blog about that not long ago. I have succeeded in everything in my life except my weight loss. I keep getting bigger and bigger and am also afraid I am going to die if I don't get ahold of this now. I was watching Jillian Michaels new show called Losing It and she said something that really hit me hard. She asked the contestant why she was choosing failure when success is an option. I have never thought of it like that before. We have 2 choices, we can choose to fail or we can choose to do this. I am choosing success this time - will you join me?
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    You can start by walking 10 minutes at lunch, and 10 minutes with your family after dinner. Slowly increast those times until you can do 20 mintes or half hour each time. Buy some 3 pound hand weights and while you are watching TV at night do biceps curls and triceps extensions, shoulder raises etc. That in itself won't burn a lot of calories, but building muscle increases your metabolism, and once you lose the fat you will have pretty, toned muscles to see!

    Eat lots of fruits and veggies. I always buy what ever is on sale for veggies. Apples, grapes, bananas, oranges, melons, kiwis, berries etc... Frozen veggies are just as nutritious as fresh (sometimes more so) are usually cheaper, and all you have to do to prepare them is cut open the bag and steam them! I buy store brands. A few cents cheaper than the name brands usually.

    I buy generic brown rice in a 3 pound bag for about $2. It lasts a week! Mix in beans and veggies for a healthy lunch. Sometimes I will saute onions, mushrooms, peppers, whatever in a little evoo and mix it with the rice to spice it up a little.

    Good luck on your journey. This place is awesome, with lots of nice people to ask advice of. Take care!:flowerforyou:
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    It seems that you are taking the first step, which to me, is the most import step. You have come to the realization that you need to live a healthier lifestyle. You should talk to your Doctor first before starting any weight loss program.
    For me, it was January of this year when one of my Best friends that I work with asked me to go weigh (we work in a hospital) with her because she started using a phone app called MY FITNESS PAL and needed to log a starting weight. Well, just for the heck of it I weighed myself too and when I saw what the scale read I didn't know if I was going to faint or cry! I couldn't believe how much I weighed and knew right then and there that if I didn't do something that day then I wouldn't live to see myself turn 40. I have a long ways to go and I, like you, wasn't really a fan of "healthy" foods but I just started out with cutting sugar out of my diet and really only focused on that in the beginning. I have a really long ways to go because I need to lose over 150lbs but I am learning to like the "healthy foods" and it is getting easier for me. I have lost 33lbs so far and exercise is important but don't overdo it either. You know what your limitations are and you can do this. I feel like we always say that we need to lose weight and get healthier and I truly believe that there is this one moment in our lives that comes along and we know that at that moment it is time to make the change. We no longer say that we need to lose weight, you just start doing it!

    There is plenty of support around here. Don't get me wrong I was really good in the begining and then I slacked off for a few weeks but I am back on the band wagon and it feels good! If you are anything like me, change can be hard, so pick one thing to focus on. Like how I focused on sugar in the beginning. It was something that I loved but I taught myself to back off of the sugar and now if I want something sweet its usually carrot sticks or fruit. I do treat myself to sugar free candy sometimes but mostly fruits and sweeter tasting veggies.

    Good luck and I know you are on the right track to making a lifestyle change. This isn't dieting! This is changing your lifestyle! Read the message boards to because there is a wealth of information on here.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I really hope she wouldnt mind me posting this, but this woman is an absolute hero for busy people
    Shes bringing up six kids,working full time and manages ti find time for health. Yeah,she's superfit,but no-one gets there without hard work. You can do it.
    My mum works full time, and has lost in excess of 100lbs through sheer determination :D. You can do anything as long as you beleive it. If you need any advice on budget shopping PM me,I dont have a family,but I shopped for one when my mum broke her back, and there are a few key things which always come in handy.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I have always ate what I wanted when I wanted it, I ate more chocolate in a day then most people do in week, I didn't cook and always ate out - so I know what it means to change how you live! Luckily I've always been athletic so while I don't go to the gym or anything I can play sports. That is probably what has kept me from being way heavier then I am.

    I started with little things... switching from 2% milk to 1% (CAN NOT do non-fat *cringe*). I never order fries (maybe steal 2-3 from someone else if they do). I never order milk shakes (again, maybe steal a sip if someone else does). I got mayo that is made with olive oil instead of the regular stuff. I reduced any sugar I put on things by one spoonful. I get 4% fat hamburger. I get whole wheat pasta (you might have to experiment a little... some taste and have the same texture as 'normal' pasta, but others you can taste a bit of a different... but none of it that I've tried is 'bad'), I get 'smooth white whole wheat' bread. I get frozen non-fat yogurt instead of ice-cream (again, you might have to try a few brands before finding the one you like... I've found Dryers to be the most ice-cream like).

    With those changes alone you will at the very least stop 'gaining' weight, and very likely start losing. And all of these are changes (other then the fries and shakes) that you can make for the whole family so you don't have to make 'separate meals' or anything. It also gives you a good base to start making other, perhaps more major changes.

    As for exercising, find a blog of a person that has difficulty exercising and see how they do it (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/chandnikhondji is one that comes to mind). There are many options that are low impact, from swimming, to elliptical machines, to even wheel chair workouts. Even getting a work-out ball and sitting on it while watching TV or on the computer is a start. It doesn't have to cost anything either... during commercials you can do sets of arm exercising lifting cans or water bottles. You may not find something you 'love' with these kind of work outs, but it's a start and before you know it you'll have more options available to you and you will find something you love to do.

    You can do it!!!
  • caheglar
    caheglar Posts: 4 Member
    Oh my you made me want to cry. I know how hard and more to the point scare to start something new. I also know that the only person you can do this for is you. You have to want it more than you fear it. You go online to find a healty foods shopping list. You also dont have to eat the same stuff you family does. I say this because I three boys on of which is 2 so I know that I have to stay here with him as long as I can. I also have an son with autism and I dont trust anyone to raise him but me. I have faith that you will see why you want to do this.

    Good Luck
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    You CAN do it.

    I've always thought A lot of it is mental, a lot of it will be training your mind to do the right thing. That food you hate? Sometimes if you tell yourself you like something it will be so, sounds odd but it is true. You can force yourself to like things. It gets easier. If something healthy is in front of me I tell myself that it's healthy rather than thinking "I'm not going to lie this"

    At lot of why we get out of shape is that we're good at making excuses for ourselves and taking the easy option, I know, I've done it most of my life. I have to lose a similar amount of weight to yourself, and I'm 36 so I am near your age. I also suffer with back/neck/knee problems. But you'll be amazed at how quickly your body can adapt to whatever you throw at it if you apply yourself. The fight is mostly mental. If you can train you brain to think healthy then you can get healthy.

    I kept telling myself that I was depressed, things weren't great in my life and I had nothing going for me. 2 Months later I feel fit, I've lost 18lbs and from struggling to climb steps I can now do 60mins straight of Cardio, eat well and my mindset has completely changed, if I face something that I think might be bad, I tell myself no, out loud if I have to. I'm training my brain.

    This sounds simple, but you know and I know it isn't. Willpower is always there ready to help us or trip us up. You can draw willpower from your kids, they must be so important to you that you want to be better for them, want to play games with them, maybe plan small trips, go feed the ducks at the local park or something. If you take the bus get off a stop early, if you take the car park 3 streets away from your destination. Start with small things, build up, as you build up you'll get more energy and that will make you want to take things earlier. The more time you spend hanging out with your kids and doing things with them the better you will feel.

    If something knocks you down, don't fall, get back up and face whatever hit you. Everyone slips from time to time, what we do after those slips is what makes the difference, not what caused that slip or what that slip was.

    This turned into a big waffle, but just remember you're not alone, there are lots of people out here in the same situation as you, the only difference between success and failure is making sure your head is in the right place. And honestly, being on here really helps as there are so many positive stories and ideas floating around, you've started well, you're arming yourself with knowledge and a support system :)

    Welcome to the club :)
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    If you decide to look for some beginner workout DVD's check out www.walkathome.com just to get an idea. These are workouts you can do at home in front of your TV and they come in all different lengths. From 1 mile to 5 with all kinds of variations and most (not all) are totally low-impact. I started out with one mile a day and it took 15 - 20 minutes. I am not very coordinated and was totally out of shape when I started. These are the only workouts I've used so far. If you decide you want to try them don't order off the website though, you can get them cheaper at most Wal-marts, Targets, and Best Buys. And even places like amazon may be less expensive. I've even talked to people that rent them from netflix. Your kids might like doing them too when you can't make it outdoors. I know there is a family walk DVD but I've never found it.

    Welcome to MFP! It's a great place to be :smile:
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    welcome to MFP you will find all the help and support you need right here. it's all about baby steps so try not to worry about the big stuff, small changes can make huge differences. just getting out of lifts one floor early or getting of the bus one stop short helps. when the sugar cravings cant be ignored any longer, chew gum. this is an amazing site and motivates me every day, good luck on your progress.:smile:
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    I do excercises at work. You will laugh, but I do, thats another time you can do it.
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