Has anyone given up bread pasta and potatoes?



  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Yes, I have PCOS and am insulin resistant, so it was pretty important for me to do so. I feel a zillion times better since giving up that stuff, and have had some success with losing fat. As I've lost fat and been strength training, my insulin sensitivity has really improved a great deal. As my body gets closer to a normal healthy composition, I'm finding that I can handle a bit more carbohydrate providing I'm still a bit cautious about the sources. I still avoid bread, rice, and potatoes for the most part...but I do have sweet potatoes here and there, and am able to eat more in the way of fruit.

    All that said, for those who are metabolically healthy and tolerate those foods just fine (no allergies or digestive issues), severely limiting carbs or cutting out bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, etc. is not necessary in order to lose weight.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I love bread, pasta and potatoes. I eat them! As long as I don't exceed my carb allowance for the day I'll have them.

    Do you have a wheat allergy? I've heard some people are sensitive to wheat and bloat when they eat bread and pasta.
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    I don't cut anything from my diet. Except maybe fast food. But I even eat that on occasion.
  • KhaoticSoul
    For the most part I have given up pasta, potatoes and bread on a daily basis, though i do occasionally have them as a treat.
    I switched to a more Paleo diet approach a couple of years ago, and have found it to be very beneficial in how I feel after I have eaten. I now also pay more attention to my combinations of carbs,fats and proteins, adding a weight training program to my week too, It sounds fiddly and complicated but really isnt as things become second nature to you. I have no fixed weightloss goal in my head as I am concentrating more on my Bodyfat%. In my opinion I dont care whether I weigh 65kg or 95kg, if my bodyfat% is eventually around 20% and I feel and look good. Having dropped over 10 jean sizes in the last 3 years, I know I feel a lot better, am able to maintain a steady weightloss that stays off, and dont feel that Im depriving myself.
    As a single mum of three (two of whom have disabilities) it was very easy to fall into the feed the kids, grab yourself something later routine, and/or snack on stuff as your cooking for them which was doing me no favours at all.
    If I want a jacket potato, or a roast spud then I use Sweet Potatos instead as they have a smaller DNA chain and are easier to digest. Occasionally I will have a sandwich, but not very often now, as I make alternatives like egg wraps. There are always alternatives that can work well for lots of things. For example I love spaghetti Bolognese, or carbonara, but instead of using spaghetti I peel a couple of courgettes into strips, blanch them and use that instead. Lasanga I make using stirps of courgette or aubergine instead of the pasta sheets.
    This also means that its easier to cooked meals for all the family and not just myself, and if you have fussy kids, getting them involved helping prepare the meals can work in making them forget about what you are dishing up and actually more interested in the fact that they help make something that tastes so nice.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I haven't given up anything, but I do eat a lot less bread, pasta and potatoes. In fact I can't remember the last time I had pasta, it was probably last year, and I don't miss it. I have Bolognese sauce on broccoli or cauliflower which I love. I probably didn't eat much pasta anyway.

    Bread makes my gut ache, so reducing that in the last 6 months has been good for me. I'll still have a bit occasionally, but not often. And potatoes... I'll occasionally have some hot chips, and I'll make a veggie bake with sweet potato, but that's about it. I don't think these actions have greatly contributed to my weight loss, but I'm sure they were just part of the whole package.

    No, I don't miss them.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I added potatoes for healthy carbs. I cut back on bread and pasta just because there are other things I would rather spend my calories on :)
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I think I'd rather give up breathing before I gave up potato. White, russet, red, sweet... They're like gifts from the gods!