Getting positive daily results.



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    OP=Original poster. So, you.

    Good luck with all that.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    People have explained to you why you are getting some of your results and how other bits of your posts are a bit alarming.

    If you dont want to listen then thats up to you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited December 2014
    999tigger wrote: »
    People have explained to you why you are getting some of your results and how other bits of your posts are a bit alarming.

    If you dont want to listen then thats up to you.

    Probably defensive because he might be realizing how extreme his methods might actually be. I noticed he didn't correct anyone on the amount of time between his wake up to his actual workout.

    If it's just a light walk, then of course you don't "have" to hydrate during this time. But if you are thirsty, then drink. I know in my post I made sure to say "JUST" to get the scale moving. In other words if you are ignoring your body in that regards just to get results, then it's a dumb move.

    But back to the period between wake up and workout. If it's 15-30 minutes and your workout is just a light 30 minute walk, then I doubt you'd be that thirsty and holding off is perfectly reasonable (but to reiterate holding off just to get results despite needing water is not though).

    If you are going for hours then doing a moderate or intense workout and depriving yourself of fluids in order to get the scale to dip lower, then, simply, that's not smart.

    Overall, the mentality of doing things JUST to get daily progress on the scale is not really something that's going to end up being healthy (mentally) for you because as another poster asked - what happens when you stop losing daily? What is the next extreme measure you are going to take to ensure that you get daily progress?

    Better to stop now and realize you aren't going to lose every day or even every week. Better to prepare yourself for the long road.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited December 2014
    Unless it only takes 35 minutes for OP to wake up, get up and do his workout....
    fnub wrote: »
    You seem like an extremely judgmental person. Look at your profile picture. It's just another one of those stupid pictures with your own philosophical statement attached to it. Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one and like yours, it reeks. I didn't start this conversation to listen to your sarcasm.

    First off, I have no effing clue who OP is and I don't give a *kitten* either.

    Secondly, maybe you should try throwing on a 150lb napsack during your cardio workout so you can workout with the same work load as me - walk the uphill 5K in my shoes.

    Thanks to you and all the other know-it-all's here I won't bother having "discussions" on this site. There's no discussing anything when you try to speak with people who think they know it all.

    People/life isn't all black and white. But I guess you knew that as well...


    Wait… You're calling Tavistocktoad judgmental but you are JUDGING her based on her profile picture? Oh the irony…

    The individuals who you are attacking/insulting have been here much longer than you. They have lost tons of weight AND have kept it off. They workout at an extreme intensity so no need to make assumptions about their workouts.

    If you want to lose the 100+ lbs you have to go, I would suggest listening to the people who have been there and done that. You seem to think you know it all but it's very apparent you don't considering the alarming statements you have made.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    fnub wrote: »
    Unless it only takes 35 minutes for OP to wake up, get up and do his workout....

    You seem like an extremely judgmental person. Look at your profile picture. It's just another one of those stupid pictures with your own philosophical statement attached to it. Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one and like yours, it reeks. I didn't start this conversation to listen to your sarcasm.

    First off, I have no effing clue who OP is and I don't give a *kitten* either.

    Secondly, maybe you should try throwing on a 150lb napsack during your cardio workout so you can workout with the same work load as me - walk the uphill 5K in my shoes.

    Thanks to you and all the other know-it-all's here I won't bother having "discussions" on this site. There's no discussing anything when you try to speak with people who think they know it all.

    People/life isn't all black and white. But I guess you knew that as well...


    Who is OP complaining about. It sounds like himself. Put on 150 pounds and walk to get to the weight that YOU LET HAPPEN. You did not wake up over 300 pounds. Stop complaining about us when it sounds like you have to blame yourself. It ain't my fault you weight that much or anyone fault.

    Then you proceed to dehydrate yourself and call that success.

    Not one person I have seeing comment say what you are doing is remotely correct. Yes we are all wrong and we are suppose to workout immediately waking up from a fast and drink no water while we workout.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    fnub wrote: »

    First off, I have no effing clue who OP is and I don't give a *kitten* either.

    Actually made me lol....

    And it's Nikes 'philosophy', not mine... Obviously!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Cannot tell if serious.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited December 2014
    Edited because someone messed up a quote earlier and it messed up my quote.

    I'll fix this later.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited December 2014
    You seem like an extremely judgmental person. Look at your profile picture. It's just another one of those stupid pictures with your own philosophical statement attached to it. Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has one and like yours, it reeks. I didn't start this conversation to listen to your sarcasm.

    First off, I have no effing clue who OP is and I don't give a *kitten* either.

    Secondly, maybe you should try throwing on a 150lb napsack during your cardio workout so you can workout with the same work load as me - walk the uphill 5K in my shoes.

    Thanks to you and all the other know-it-all's here I won't bother having "discussions" on this site. There's no discussing anything when you try to speak with people who think they know it all.

    People/life isn't all black and white. But I guess you knew that as well...


    Hello Pot meet Kettle.

    Isn't what you were doing was telling people how to lose weight then your GIF says not to tell people how to live. Lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited December 2014
    This is hurting me. I want to say mean things but am trying not to.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    This is hurting me. I want to say mean things but am trying not to.

    Do it... That was we can get a 'people are mean' thread out of OP as well...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    This is hurting me. I want to say mean things but am trying not to.

    Don't eat those mean feelings. Let them out.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I would recommend that, however often you want to weigh yourself, you focus on the trend rather than the daily fluctuation. If you're really in this for the long term it can get pretty stressful to worry about daily changes even if you measure them. For me, graphs are very motivating. Notice here how there are up days and down days but the trend is very easy to spot.

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    This is hurting me. I want to say mean things but am trying not to.

    This is me, every single day. I feel like I should get bonus life points for not being a d*ck as often as I want to. It's incredible restraint.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    This is hurting me. I want to say mean things but am trying not to.

    Do it... That was we can get a 'people are mean' thread out of OP as well...

    So hard! I'm not even a very nice person, but whenever I write something mean on the forums I delete before I post. I did it twice for this one.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited December 2014
    fnub wrote: »
    Drink NO WATER during my workout & drink nothing until I weigh in

    This is a BAD idea. Your muscles work best when they're hydrated and if you're working out "hard", although I don't know what "hard" is for you, then you could fatigue early or cause cramping in your muscles, not to mention they may not recover at the same rate.

    If you are so hooked that you need to see some kind of "daily result" I suggest seeking medical/professional help. Weight loss is definitely not linear and you shouldn't see a result every day. I would suggest stepping away from the scale for a bit - I only weigh in every 2-3 months ish - although I'm starting a personal project in 2015 which, to work, I will need to weigh in at the end of each month but that means I only did BF and weight 4 times this year and I felt awesome about it.

    Further, you will weigh less if you're dehydrated considering the majority of our bodies (I don't know the exact amount, I feel like it's 60% or something, maybe I'm too high though) is made up of water. If you take the engine and transmission out of a car it's obviously going to weigh less, that's not rocket science or ground breaking stuff there.

    It seems like what you're doing isn't going to give you good long term results and you're simply addicted to the scale - which isn't giving you
    "positive daily results" it's giving you a greater dependency on seeing those pounds drop, along the same psychology as eating disorders develop from. This is not conducive to sustainable and healthy weight loss, further it's bad for your body and if you dehydrate your muscles when working out it's simply going to not be good for long-term training success. I drink almost 1L of water before I walk out the door in the morning (on non-gym mornings) and at least 1L when I'm at the gym in the morning (which is at 5:30 am for me). And I've seen significant progress both at my weigh ins and during work outs in terms of what my body is capable of - I can lift so much heavier, my endurance is way up and my cardio recovery time is way better than it used to be. Just some food for thought.

    I know it doesn't work for everyone - which you did state - but this is kind of unhealthy and I think you need to see some kind of help to reduce your dependency on the scale and on seeing some kind of drop every single day.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    edited December 2014
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    fnub wrote: »
    Drink NO WATER during my workout & drink nothing until I weigh in

    If you are so hooked that you need to see some kind of "daily result" I suggest seeking medical/professional help..

    To be fair, there are plenty of people who recommend frequent weighing and plenty of people who do it. I did it for nearly a year and even multiple times a day sometime and I don't think a mental health professional was needed! I was really trying to understand how various things affected my weight. While I agree with your overall point I would say that the key isn't how frequent you weigh but really how good is your understanding of what your weight means and having realistic expectations.
  • fnub
    fnub Posts: 34 Member
    This was merely a test over the past week. Nothing more. I'm not obsessed, just curious to see how my body is reacting to the new lifestyle changes.
  • fnub
    fnub Posts: 34 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    fnub wrote: »
    Drink NO WATER during my workout & drink nothing until I weigh in

    If you are so hooked that you need to see some kind of "daily result" I suggest seeking medical/professional help..

    To be fair, there are plenty of people who recommend frequent weighing and plenty of people who do it. I did it for nearly a year and even multiple times a day sometime and I don't think a mental health professional was needed! I was really trying to understand how various things affected my weight. While I agree with your overall point I would say that the key isn't how frequent you weigh but really how good is your understanding of what your weight means and having realistic expectations.

    AMEN Brother!!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited December 2014
    fnub wrote: »
    This was merely a test over the past week. Nothing more. I'm not obsessed, just curious to see how my body is reacting to the new lifestyle changes.

    So what did this test prove? You weigh less after you work out. Now drink some water for heavens sake.