Pivotal Living Life Tracker review



  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Found this today...http://www.geekwire.com/2014/pivotal-living-vows-fix-early-problems-users-complain-faulty-free-wearable-fitness-tracker/

    Still need to check out the alarm, Fitbit one does get me up. Ah yes that was the thing (move feature) that I was hoping they'd adjust, 10 min is not good, the time frame thing is fine in that sense. Was it still going off AS you were walking though?
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    BTW, you guys got the e mail today from the CEO regarding issues and so forth?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    airangel59 wrote: »
    BTW, you guys got the e mail today from the CEO regarding issues and so forth?

    Yes, and I'm still willing to set it aside for a few more days and then see how it goes, but I suspect that by the time the Pivotal is even usable, I'll have my Up3 and won't care.

    Thus far, I can say with certainty that I would not recommend this device to anyone, even at $15.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Mine was dead on my wrist yesterday, thought last time I checked it had life in the battery. So charged it last nite but you have to reset the time (what the heck?) and of course steps etc zero out. Oddly the steps I took and had on the cell stayed put.

    I'm still using/wearing it (and Vivofit and Flex), but the Pivotal shows the least amount of steps. Good to have/use as a back up if need be, at least have for 2 yrs now (unless you gift it).
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Honestly, I'll probably end up giving it away (or throwing it away, possibly). I can't imagine subjecting anyone to the inaccuracies and frustrations that this band has caused.

    I'm still baffled by the active calorie calculation. What use is this information? For me, the calorie burn was the whole point. My Bodymedia was pretty darn accurate, as evidenced by my weight fluctuations, so long as I was strict in tracking my food. I'm used to using that information on a daily basis. The Pivotal tracker is, thus far, completely useless to me.
  • dawncarver3
    Have one also won't sync. Have tried to use the band as a step/calorie counter but the darn thing resets at odd intervals, when it feels like it. Frustrating!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Mine stopped tracking sleep.. Not sure why.. I am waiting for the Fitbit Charge HR to come out (hopefully bu my birthday late Feb) Oh well, this makes a cool watch I guess lol
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Got a new letter from Pivotal Living:
    Dear Members,

    Last week I wrote you to reflect on the launch of the Pivotal Living community and the work our team is doing to improve the product experience in 2015. Highlights included:
    The onboarding of new engineering resources to help improve app performance;
    The creation of a new interactive support guide and intake form for new support/self-help content;
    And a complimentary 12-month membership extension for registered members in our system by January 15, 2015.
    We also committed to another follow up today, and I’m glad to share with you the following updates:

    App Performance
    Our engineering “SWAT” team has fine-tuned our database and web service settings to address the service outages we saw over the holiday break. This means better app syncing/saving performance for both iOS and Android users, as well as a stronger technical foundation for future community growth (no service outages).

    While many users are successfully using the app without interruption, a handful continue to experience syncing/saving issues (and for the record, this includes me, with my Moto G). We are working to provide immediate relief of these issues. Given that our platform supports more than 1700 Android 4.3+ devices, each with their own screen sizes, resolutions and operating system versions, our engineers estimate it may take 2-4 weeks from today to get the Android app performance tuned for 95% of our Android member base. The team is focused on performance tuning the most popular handset models first in order to have the largest impact with each fix.

    We will release new updates to the app as quickly as possible, posting progress updates each Friday via our Facebook and Twitter social media channels.

    Warranty Coverage
    I also wanted to remind you of Pivotal Living’s warranty that protects against unforeseen technical issues and further warrants our band is free from defects in the materials, manufacturing, and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. Whether you have an issue tomorrow or six months from now, our warranty exchange program allows you to send your defective device back to Pivotal Corporation and upon verification of the warranty issue, we’ll send you a replacement device. It is just that simple.

    A small subset of you (<5%) have specifically reported experiencing band reset issues due to static electricity accumulated from home/office environments. We have expanded warranty coverage for band reset issues to include both the option for a full refund –OR- product exchange, the latter of which is possible due to additional plastic welding changes implemented over the holiday break. For more information on this or other issues, please visit the support section of our website and use the interactive support guide to get started.

    On a personal note, I had the pleasure of connecting with some of members offline this week and listened to a wide range of feedback, from product delight to product frustration. The level of accountability and the high expectations our community has for the Pivotal Living platform is very clear and we remain committed to continuously improving the product experience to meet your expectations.

    Our small, hardworking team appreciates your patience as we build this community together and we hope this update finds you well.

    Best, David
  • angstrunk
    Can someone tell me how to charge my band? I assumed I would figure it out and threw away the instructions. I'm not sure where the charger fits onto the band? Thanks:)
  • rebeccaxf
    rebeccaxf Posts: 5 Member
    Any plans for this to be integrated into MFP???
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    edited January 2015
    angstrunk wrote: »
    Can someone tell me how to charge my band? I assumed I would figure it out and threw away the instructions.

    I'm not sure where the charger fits onto the band? Thanks:)
    I am not good with tech stuff, so there is probably an easier way of doing it, but this is how I do it... I plug the one end into the usb port of my computer, the other end attach to the tracker. I realize it is short, but it works. I hope this helps..
    The charger fits on the back of the band where the four little dots are. It's kind of tricky getting it hooked up.
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    rebeccaxf wrote: »
    Any plans for this to be integrated into MFP???

    I am hoping!

  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Got new email yesterday from them (see below) . I have decided to put mine aside for now. It was charging fine (annoying way to unsnap the cord though), but the active calorie burn thing bugged me, the steps seemed way off compared to the Flex & Vivofit (that I was and still am wearing, so its one less band on my wrist...I should see if fits my ankle, lol).
    I figured I'd give them some time to continue to perfect the thing and at least I've got a spare for the next 2 years.

    Good evening members!

    As part of this Friday’s communication installment, there are a couple key updates to share:

    App Performance
    We continue to work on addressing several core engineering issues to improve the overall product experience of our platform. Members on iOS are having fewer issues, and those that remain are bundled around new registration/band pairing and password resets or account deletions/updates. In addition, members on Android 4.3+ devices are still seeing the app lock up occasionally, and experiencing syncing/saving issues.

    That said, we are on track relative to the schedule we communicated last week (2-3 weeks out from full app performance) and continue to fix problems as we identify them, with special focus on top Android models support. We had a few requests for a specific “known issues” list, and have included a few of these top issues below.

    Social Media Postings: There has been some confusion as to how our team manages social media postings – and we wanted to clear that up. Other than accidentally deleting a post while trying to resize our logo on a Facebook entry late last Friday (for which I take claim full responsibility for), our team is not “censoring” social media content. We want your feedback and hope you will continue to engage with us! We do, however, have zero tolerance policy on profanity, harassment and otherwise inflammatory comments – so let’s please all work together to keep our pages free of the type of negative comments which violate Twitter/Facebook’s Terms of Use or are inappropriate in nature.

    Inventory & Order Management: For those of you wondering where your orders are, black bands arrived back in stock earlier this week!
    If you are waiting on an order placed December 17 -31 your orders were shipped this week and you should have received a tracking number via email.
    If you are seeking updates on an order placed earlier this month or waiting on a warranty replacement claim, your orders will be processed next week (Jan 19 – Jan 23) and you will receive an emailed shipping confirmation accordingly.

    Thanks again for your patience and sticking with us – the best is yet to come!

  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I played around with mine yesterday after a couple weeks of ignoring it, and I finally got it to sync, and to show the correct time. The active burn thing makes it fairly useless for me, as I haven't found any information on what this should be added to. But I have decided to wear it for a day or two just to see if it actually works.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    The time thing bugged me when I noticed battery needed recharging, had to reset the time, what the??? Have you contacted them re: the active burn thing? Have they ever responded to your other questions? I figured I'd put mine back on in a month or so ..give them more time to de kink it and hopefully upgrade /update the thing. If I didnt have Flex & Vivofit I would be wearing it/giving it a chance but compared to the stats I am getting on those other 2...the Pivotal is just so 'off' at this point.
  • Teal4me
    Teal4me Posts: 104
    I have the band and i still cant get it to sync and ive had it a month. It calculates my steps and such overall its not the best
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    What worked for me was to go into profile settings and delete my profile from the app, then uninstall the app. Download the app again, set your profile up again from scratch, and it should work. Lots of people on the FB page were able to get it to work this way.

    So, after wearing it for a full day while it's actually functioning, I can say the following:

    It did not properly record sleep. Apparently when I got up to go to the restroom, it knocked it out of sleep mode, and when I went back to sleep, it didn't care.

    It did not properly record steps. According to the band, I took about 2900 steps for the whole day.

    It definitely did not record calories correctly. For the whole day, it says I burned 172 calories.

    I forgot to log some of my water, and now that it's after midnight, it won't let me go back and fix it.

    The percent of daily goal portion said 0% for the day. Since I have goals set for water, sleep and steps, apparently I didn't drink any water, take any steps or get any sleep, even though it says I did do those things, just not enough of them. So I didn't even get like 10% of my goal?

    The one positive thing I can say about this thing is that it has great battery life. During the time I set it aside, it never did die. I've read of people leaving it in a drawer for a few weeks, and it's still going. Still, as it stands, this thing is not worth the $12 I paid for it, and I will probably throw it away before attempting to return it, as they require tracking on returns, and the postage will make the return cost nearly as much as the refund.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Assuming you all got the e mail from them today ...curious to see what the latest "improvement/update" on the Android app will be. I have put it aside and just wearing Flex/Vivofit. No plans to return the Pivotal, we've got 2 years on the thing and they have 2 yrs on it to get it working right. Pennies a day if they can get it to work right.
  • KyleeFBabyy
    KyleeFBabyy Posts: 44 Member
    I just got my band this week, apparently outta not recognized by mfp? Anyone else have this issue?
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I have not worn mine in months so can't help you out here. I'm still wearing my Flex (Fitbit) & Vivofit (Garmin). Pivotal is just too big on my wrist.