What are your fitness goals for 2015?



  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    to lose this last 50 lbs and get back to pole dancing .

    Hard to get back in after taking time off. It's frustrating how quickly you lose strength. I'm working my way back through the basics right now. Figured starting all over was the best way to build my strength back up.

    Also want to lower my body fat % in 2015. I'd like to get it under 20% and keep it there. It's currently around 22-23%

  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    ....... and to find the time for myself and join a gym.

    I really need to join a gym as well to get started on my strength training. I just don't have the space or equipment or knowledge to do it at home. Don't want to join a gym and then not utilize it properly (yes I realize it's all on me to use it regularly if I join -- just haven't taken the step out of my comfort zone yet to do it).
  • samanthalovve3
    samanthalovve3 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals are to log in everything I eat everyday nonstop for 90days starting today.

    Go to the gym at least 3 times a week

    cut out all the processed and breads!!!
  • Fruzzle
    Fruzzle Posts: 2 Member
    My goal's to lose my final 10 ish pounds and maintain happily ever after... Also to keep walking 10,000 steps per day as this form of exercise seems to work for me and helps me keep the weight off. Good luck to everyone. Here's to 2015! xxx
  • ErinK09
    ErinK09 Posts: 687 Member
    Log everything I eat and get over 10,000 steps a day.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    -find a strength program I feel I can do (probably SL5x5)
    -complete C25K and hopefully race in one
    -determine what I want my UGW to be (was 160, then 145, now I'm leaning towards 130/20% BF)
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    -Lose 20 pounds (going from high end of healthy BMI to low end)
    -More yoga and strength training
    -Run my second half marathon and PR
    -Run my first full marathon
    -Love myself/be comfortable in my own skin
  • Bommy_7
    Bommy_7 Posts: 24 Member
    - loose 30lbs!
    - run a marathon with my hubby in May
    - start a strength training program.
    - be comfortable in my own skin
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    Run three 50K trail races
    Run 2,000 miles for the year