Dr. Phil 20/20 Diet- is he becoming the next Dr. Oz?



  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    To be fair, he's not trying to get everyone to be perfectly thin, but at a weight that is healthy and sustainable for them. Hard to tell in those suits, but his weight seems to be reasonable and stable.

    The diet seems a bit gimmicky. He covers good things but in the end it's pretty much the same things rehashed. I'd like to see how he describes food combos.
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    I love Dr Phil, I did buy the book and have started the 20/20 diet. The diet is based on simple foods that are cheap and no crazy supplements or weird food that you would not normally see in the grocery store. I have been on the diet for 3 days and have dropped 4.8 lbs. I feel great and not hungry between meals. I have been tracking everything and it works out to about 1300-1400 calories per day, and I am finding the recipes tasty and easy to prepare. I think this diet will work well for me and help me to change the way I eat permanently. I have tried many other diets which also worked but they were not sustainable. I need a new way of eating to be sucessful long term and this diet looks like it will be the one that will help me long term.

    As for the Ninja blender/food processor, I have one which I bought at Costco (in Canada) for $160 in November. This blender/processor costs $250 at other stores and you can find it on sale for $200, so him offering it for $199 is fair for Canadians. I am sure people can find it for less in the USA. I absolutely love this Ninja so much that I bought my 2 kids each one and we all love it. I use it everyday.

    As for Dr Phil's credentials, I am not sure what degrees he holds but I love his show and that he does use experts to help people.

    Doctor Oz is a quack as far as I am concerned and will not watch him and hope that his show gets cancelled!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Suezyq47 wrote: »
    I love Dr Phil, I did buy the book and have started the 20/20 diet. The diet is based on simple foods that are cheap and no crazy supplements or weird food that you would not normally see in the grocery store. I have been on the diet for 3 days and have dropped 4.8 lbs. I feel great and not hungry between meals. I have been tracking everything and it works out to about 1300-1400 calories per day, and I am finding the recipes tasty and easy to prepare. I think this diet will work well for me and help me to change the way I eat permanently. I have tried many other diets which also worked but they were not sustainable. I need a new way of eating to be sucessful long term and this diet looks like it will be the one that will help me long term.

    As for the Ninja blender/food processor, I have one which I bought at Costco (in Canada) for $160 in November. This blender/processor costs $250 at other stores and you can find it on sale for $200, so him offering it for $199 is fair for Canadians. I am sure people can find it for less in the USA. I absolutely love this Ninja so much that I bought my 2 kids each one and we all love it. I use it everyday.

    As for Dr Phil's credentials, I am not sure what degrees he holds but I love his show and that he does use experts to help people.

    Doctor Oz is a quack as far as I am concerned and will not watch him and hope that his show gets cancelled!

    Thanks for your perspective! I haven't been able to find previews of the book online, or find much information other than what I saw on the show that day. Glad to hear from someone who actually has the book in hand and has read it!
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    Suezyq47 wrote: »
    I love Dr Phil, I did buy the book and have started the 20/20 diet. The diet is based on simple foods that are cheap and no crazy supplements or weird food that you would not normally see in the grocery store. I have been on the diet for 3 days and have dropped 4.8 lbs. I feel great and not hungry between meals. I have been tracking everything and it works out to about 1300-1400 calories per day, and I am finding the recipes tasty and easy to prepare. I think this diet will work well for me and help me to change the way I eat permanently. I have tried many other diets which also worked but they were not sustainable. I need a new way of eating to be sucessful long term and this diet looks like it will be the one that will help me long term.

    As for the Ninja blender/food processor, I have one which I bought at Costco (in Canada) for $160 in November. This blender/processor costs $250 at other stores and you can find it on sale for $200, so him offering it for $199 is fair for Canadians. I am sure people can find it for less in the USA. I absolutely love this Ninja so much that I bought my 2 kids each one and we all love it. I use it everyday.

    As for Dr Phil's credentials, I am not sure what degrees he holds but I love his show and that he does use experts to help people.

    Doctor Oz is a quack as far as I am concerned and will not watch him and hope that his show gets cancelled!

    Thanks for your perspective! I haven't been able to find previews of the book online, or find much information other than what I saw on the show that day. Glad to hear from someone who actually has the book in hand and has read it!

    No Problem missintofitness:) I am on the 4 th day of the diet and still not hungry between meals. so far I like the food combinations and am looking forward to Phase 2 of the diet which starts after tomorrow. Phase 2 adds 5 more each of the breakfast combinations with more types of foods and 10 more of the lunch/dinner combinations. By the way I am down another 1.4 lbs today:)
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    He has a juris doctorate if I remember correctly, which means he's a lawyer and a pogue.

    He's always been an Oz style shill/quack.

    Thanks Oprah.

    He has a doctorate in psychology. He did legal consultations for jury selection, based on his psychology background. He is not a lawyer.

  • mykaylis
    mykaylis Posts: 320 Member
    yes, he is a doctor. he has a Ph.D in psychology. just like my friend has a PhD in english, he is Doctor Sinclair, PhD. both doctors, neither particularly qualified to write books on nutrition.

    but dr.phil is really entertaining. so is dr.oz. he's on my quack list right now.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Dr. Phil... Dr. Oz. Cut from the same mold. They do everything for ratings, not for helping people. I wish they would both disappear.
  • Ishtancon
    Ishtancon Posts: 14 Member
    Dr. "Full Of It" in my opinion regardless of their credentials. They are showman /salesman.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    While i think he is a total crock monster the diet itself isn't necessarily HARMFUL therefore if someone wishes to waste their hard earned cash on it i am not oppposed.

    It's a meal plan based around eating fresh fruits, veggies, and lean meats. It addresses the psychological effects of weight loss and encourages people to make changes which they can stick to long term. It doesn't advocate any "diet" products, shakes, pills, etc.

    I believe it also has around 1500 calories daily. so, MEH.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I recall he was really into fitness, owned (or managed?) gyms and was a PT or something. Also really into tennis.

    He's a big (very tall) man, but I don't think he's fat, he has always looked pretty fit to me.

    I used to be a regular watcher of the Dr. Phil show. Unlike Oprah and most talk show hosts, Dr Phil was ironically not a big "feelz" kind of guy. He didn't have much patience for the bs that people with evident problems like to dish out, and that was kind of refreshing.

    I recall one episode where his guest tried to justify himself through Christian theology and language, and Dr. Phil did a good job putting that manipulating bs-er in his place.

    He did many episodes either about weight specifically, or the subject of weight would come up with his guests, and he often called people out on their excuses or silly beliefs in respect to weight management. Dr. Phil wasn't a promoter of or a fan of woo, in my estimation.

    I stopped watching during some media fiasco with Britney Spears and he chased her down or was in contact with her family or something, back when she was being a nut, and I dunno, the whole thing was just kind of pathetic and clearly about trying to get ratings. He never got that "interview of a lifetime" to my knowledge. I lost a lot of respect for him over that.
    Regardless, I was a fan at one time, and my bet is that his book will likely be reasonable and boring (in that, there won't be anything new or much woo to speak of)

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Suezyq47 wrote: »
    As for Dr Phil's credentials, I am not sure what degrees he holds but I love his show and that he does use experts to help people.

    Doctor Oz is a quack as far as I am concerned and will not watch him and hope that his show gets cancelled!

    Dr Oz is a respectable cardio thoracic surgeon who has saved many lives.

    "Dr." Phil has a juris doctorate. He's a lawyer.
  • hughallan12
    hughallan12 Posts: 2 Member
    If it was a hair loss diet he would be qualified.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Goes to show you how strong of a loyal following Oprah had while on TV. Whatever Oprah believed in, they followed. Oh well.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Goes to show you how strong of a loyal following Oprah had while on TV. Whatever Oprah believed in, they followed. Oh well.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Yup, good example of the power of stardom over the easily led. She followed the money and others followed her.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I coulda sworn that doctorate was in English... and the answer to whether it's Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz's I'm talking about is yes.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Suezyq47 wrote: »
    As for Dr Phil's credentials, I am not sure what degrees he holds but I love his show and that he does use experts to help people.

    Doctor Oz is a quack as far as I am concerned and will not watch him and hope that his show gets cancelled!

    Dr Oz is a respectable cardio thoracic surgeon who has saved many lives.

    "Dr." Phil has a juris doctorate. He's a lawyer.

    He is not a lawyer. He is/was a psychologist.

  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Personally I think Dr. Phil is okay. He's a good entertainer and should be taken as that. I am a little put off by his recent ventures into product endorsement, though, but it does seem as though a lot of money goes to helping people other than himself.

    As far as the diet book and promotion, I am betting that he is smart enough to get sound advice about weight loss strategy from people that really should know about it. He is a very influential person and a lot of people take his word as gospel so if he wants to use his influence to get people started on better health, then I say more power to him. Too many people are sick because of overweight and if a word from Dr. Phil helps put them on the right path, great.

    He's been on for a long time and I am sure his ratings need a boost, which is why he may be going further afield for topics that he hopes will stimulate his viewership. I remember Phil Donahue, when he started I loved to watch his show, it was relevant and informative. Eventually he ended up talking mostly about transgender hookers and other sensationalized topics and I lost interest.

    Just my take. I do enjoy watching Dr. Phil for the most part.
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member
    potluck965 wrote: »
    Too many people are sick because of overweight and if a word from Dr. Phil helps put them on the right path, great.

    From what I read earlier in the thread, the book seems to be mostly standard, good diet advice on foods you should eat to hit your macros/micros and what amounts to eat them in. It seems like something you could easily get for free online, but honestly? I'd prefer something like that getting big than Dr. Oz and his raspberry ketones.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited January 2015
    Suezyq47 wrote: »
    I love Dr Phil, I did buy the book and have started the 20/20 diet. The diet is based on simple foods that are cheap and no crazy supplements or weird food that you would not normally see in the grocery store. I have been on the diet for 3 days and have dropped 4.8 lbs. I feel great and not hungry between meals. I have been tracking everything and it works out to about 1300-1400 calories per day, and I am finding the recipes tasty and easy to prepare. I think this diet will work well for me and help me to change the way I eat permanently. I have tried many other diets which also worked but they were not sustainable. I need a new way of eating to be sucessful long term and this diet looks like it will be the one that will help me long term.

    As for the Ninja blender/food processor, I have one which I bought at Costco (in Canada) for $160 in November. This blender/processor costs $250 at other stores and you can find it on sale for $200, so him offering it for $199 is fair for Canadians. I am sure people can find it for less in the USA. I absolutely love this Ninja so much that I bought my 2 kids each one and we all love it. I use it everyday.

    As for Dr Phil's credentials, I am not sure what degrees he holds but I love his show and that he does use experts to help people.

    Doctor Oz is a quack as far as I am concerned and will not watch him and hope that his show gets cancelled!

    Why can't you're kids use your blender? Or do you mean kids that no longer live with you? Makes no sense to have more than one in the house