

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I’m not a green tea fan, either, because it results in me spending lots of time in the loo. Truvia is not a sweetener I’m willing to use. I will use stevia, agave, or real sugar.

    Heather: I hope your hair coloring goes well. You look wonderful in your photos. I take mine as God grows it, and it has quite a bit of silver these days. We feed hummingbirds right at our windows. The river runs in front of our home, and we see lots of waterfowl, Osprey in the summer and occasional Bald Eagles in any season. Some of our neighbors feed seed eaters.

    NCCarol: You are sounding happier than I can remember. I’m so glad that things are going well for you. Enjoy your guest.

    Noexcusses118: It sounds like you’ve got a good attitude. This is a good place for support. Stop in often. I’ve lost my weight, but I’m still counting calories and getting support here because I want to continue to be healthy and make good choices.

    Fitgranny56: DH is diabetic and has been for a long time. If he keeps his blood sugars averaging under 200, his A1C moves into a good zone. He says that everyone is different and it could be a different number for you. Do you have good support available through your doctors office?

    Tammy: Welcome back!

    Krieter1: Welcome to a supportive group. You can succeed but it will take time. Be patient with yourself and make better choices. Eventually, you will see improvements.

    I went to the gym and had my core and yoga classes, plus I did a little work on machines. I still really miss my old yoga teacher. She was special. I’m making the best choices I can, and I am getting stronger. This isn’t perfect, but it will get the job done.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi CP! The wonderful thing about this is that we're all in the same boat. I used FP last year and got down to a satisfying weight! I logged at least 100 days!!! Then we went away( big fun!!!). Then my daughter was sick. Then my father had a stroke,mom had to have open heart surgery, and fatherin law has cancer! So, now I'm even heavier than when I started ( yikes!)
    Refuse to be this weight when I turn 55, but that's in just 2 months:/
    So I'm up to 2 consecutive days (on and off before) of logging!
    Feeling like I'm ready to get back to taking care of me.
    Like reading and having a connection with people who understand.
    Have a great day!
  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I am so far behind! Just wanted to let you all know I am still here and not able to catch up. Been too busy! Today, getting ready for winter storm Juno here in CT. Wish me luck! My office is already planning to be closed tomorrow.

    ps. I am only up to page 36 and I see the thread is on page 43! I am so never going to catch up!

    Stay warm!
    Rita in CT

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Rita, I'm from CT as well. While everyone else picked up bread &milk... I was picking up fruit and veggies. Trying to set myself up to keep on track. Not easy when my kids(lol- 17& 23) remember the cookie baking years "hint,hint". Fingers crossed
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    Hope all you folks on the East Coast are some place safe and warm ahead of the big storm.

    I find it hard to post over the weekends because I normally only read on the phone or iPad, so I really miss being part of the conversation. I read, just never get a chance to write.

    Pip: I don’t have but a couple of “friends”. I really consider this whole list my friends!

    Laurie from BC: Welcome! Glad you are enjoying your fitbit. The interaction between my competitive nature, MFP, my up24, and Runkeeper/map my fitness has been a huge boon to my overall health.

    Welcome all the rest of you newbies! If you are here for inspiration to get healthy, I dropped my blood pressure from 138/90 to 104/78 with just diet and exercise in only 5 months.

    One of my tricks early in this “learn to eat game”, was to box up heathy snacks and make them easily available. I went to the Dollar Store and got six extra small (1/4 cup) tupperwares for a buck. I filled 3 with peanut butter filled pretzels (have some protein and help with the carb craving) and the other three with 1 oz (28 grams) of peanuts, almonds, or cashews (protein/fat hit). Each one was about 140 calories. I would drag one or two containers with me all the time, so I would never be starving enough to feel compelled to drive through a Drive thru. I knew that I had turned the corner when one set rattled around in the car for more than a week uneaten.

    Someone asked if I compete in herding with my dogs. Yes I do. I compete in small flock/small field AKC (American Kennel Club) and ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) trials. I don’t do the big field Border Collie trials that you are more likely to see on TV with huge distances and large flocks of sheep. I don’t have any regular access to those type of training opportunities. What we do more closely resembles what you saw in “Babe” where the pig quietly moved a few sheep through and obstacle course. (That’s the goal anyway.)

    Still on the dog issue (since I am the crazy dog lady), I never allow my dogs to interact with other dogs on lead. They are intact males and big, so anything stupid that happens will be their fault. There are few things the irritate me (or my dogs) more than being galloped at by some dog while the owner is yelling “they’re friendly”. It is at this point that I channel my inner “female dog”. My replies vary on my mood:
    “The vet says he will only be contagious for a few more weeks…” (Said very sweetly…My favorite)
    “Your dog might not bite but I do…” (Not said very nicely!)

    Either way, the dufus owner will pretty quickly collect their dog (if they can).

    How I start my dogs so they learn that other dogs “out there” have little value to them is by giving my guys a treat (very tiny) and acknowledging that they saw another dog. I can easily rapid fire more than 10 treats in a minute until they realize (yet again) that I am the provider of all wonderful things. This concept will even work for reactive dogs, but it takes quite a bit of consistency to get passed years of a bad habit. (Where have we heard that before…..)

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Twhitehead7- I am in Ct also. we are home and settled in for the next 24 hrs, its gonna be alot of shoveling and snowblowing..
    I did buy some bad stuff at the store, and I am totally ashamed..
    will get on my knee's and pray that I can get it together...will check in and hope that we dont lose power...
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon, all. Cloudy all day and we are supposed to be having rain by now but nothing yet. Went to gym for ladies light aerobics then our class had a luncheon at a local place; I had salad with lite oil and vinegar dsg, half a baked potato (one butter pat), and half of a small steak.

    Karen..........Congrats on passing on that cheesecake...........Kudos to you!!!

    Margaret.........Will check out the movie Leap Year if it's on Netflix..........LOVED the ice sculptures!!!! I like pretty much any English actor!!!

    Heather.........Tatties and neeps? We have a CD by "Old Blind Dogs" that has a song about them! The group played at a folk concert I took DD to at our local library many years ago. ((((hugs)))) for your sadness.

    Janet........It's you I need to thank for the word "savor".........which I used yesterday!!!

    Mary.........Hope your zumba was enjoyable!

    Cynthia.........Thanks for the job update, I was wondering.......fingers crossed for you.

    CP...........Fantastic start!!!

    Gail........May you heal quickly w/o complications.

    Tammy..........Welcome back!!!

    Brenda..........I am sorry for your added pain of loss. (((((Hugs)))))

    Sally........It seems to me (very faulty memory here) that I read a book about a farmer (?) ages ago and his herding dog.........the dog had a simple name which might have been the books title too....Nip, Yap, something easy and reminded me of the James Herriot books although I can't remember where it was set. Ring any bells with you?

    Hello to everyone else; welcome newbies. Stay safe up north!!!!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited January 2015
    Tuesday here and done my weight and measures:
    This week I have LOST 2.6% body fat, 2.47 Kgs FAT and 0.25 inches
    In 6 weeks I have LOST 4% body fat, 4.43 Kgs FAT and 4 inches
    In a week I have GAINED 2.57 Kg Lean body weight
    In 6 weeks I have Gained 3.32 lean body weight and 1.68 Kg MUSCLE
    Brian said this would happen. 1 KG = 2.2 pounds, happy with that. <3:)<3

    I see Brian again on Friday

    I had a 2 mile walk before breakfast. I am washing clothes, then make out shopping list and go grocery shopping

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Trying a different medicine today as the other doesn’t seem to be doing anything for me. Was hoping to get to play golf tomorrow but alas this cold is still hanging on. Did spend an hour outside getting fresh air and helping DH with pecans. Every time the wind blows there are more to pick up.

    Margaret – I love the ice sculptures. Thanks for sharing.

    MaryWetterlund – what a visual, you and an 11 lb block of chocolate!

    Judy in PA – thinking of you and hope you aren’t in the path of the storm.

    Mary in MN – I got a laugh out of your saying you didn’t eat 6700 extra calories! I never really thought of gaining a lb being 3900 calories extra. Hummm you may have some big motivational theme there. Hang in there girlfriend.

    CP – good start, now just take it one day at a time. If that’s too much to think about, take it one meal at a time. You Can Do This!

    Tammy in VA – welcome home. Good to “see” you!

    Rita- wishing you good luck with the winter storm. Stay safe.

    Krieter1- welcome to the thread. There are a lot of women here who have lost a lot of weight and lots of women who have lost a little weight. The tie that binds us is we all want to lead healthy, productive lives. I congratulate you on taking the steps necessary to regain your health. Remember this weight loss journey is not a straight line. There will be lots of ups and downs but if you stay the course and have faith in yourself, you will succeed. We all wish you the best.

    Allison – don’t beat yourself up. The longer you’re snowbound the more you might need whatever you bought. Good luck.

    I agree with the poster who said she thinks of all the ladies on this thread as friends. I even picture how I think they will look (if no picture in profile) and love hearing about their lives. We all laugh and cry together. It is such a blessing.

    SueBDew in TX
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Monday. Well yesterday did not go as planned. First DH talked to his sister and she is not doing well and so we ended up going to see her. If she does not get a heart, kidney, and pancues in the next 30 days she will more then likely not live long. The stents they put in last summer are completely blocked. She is O- which makes it harder. So friday on our way to Iowa we are going to meet her at the doctors in Lincoln and see what they are doing. Then yesterday morning my biologic dad's wife called to tell me she has breast cancer and the tests show it has spread so she is in Lincoln today having surgery. My brother is to call me when the doctors tell them what they found and what the next step is. Guess the pre-op xray showed a spot on her lung. So I told DH not to answer the phone anymore yesterday. I was surprised I did not go crazy eating, was over, but not real bad.
    Saturday DS took us to my cousin's 50th Ann party and that was nice. My mom and sister were there and mom gave me my step-dad's cross that he wore. Also went and had a nice visit with my brother and wife. So that was a nice afternoon.
    DH's other sister got admitted to the hospital last night. So I went up at break to see what is going on. Sounds like she is going home later today and it was just stress.

    Meg--Sure hope DD#1 can get the bleeding figured out.

    Katla--Sounds like your riding lessons are going well and sound like fun.

    marywetterfund--I know just what you are talking about and I am trying hard to get back on track.

    Joyce--Thanks for the wise words about us making choices and living with the out come of them.

    Karen--Congrates on your NSV at DH's dinner party.
    Well I am only up to Sunday around 4:30 pm, but run out of time. So welcome to all the new ladies and come back often. This is a great group.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Tuesday here and done my weight and measures:
    This week I have LOST 2.6% body fat, 2.47 Kgs FAT and 0.25 inches
    In 6 weeks I have LOST 4% body fat, 4.43 Kgs FAT and 4 inches
    In a week I have GAINED 2.57 Kg Lean body weight
    In 6 weeks I have Gained 3.32 lean body weight and 1.68 Kg MUSCLE
    Brian said this would happen. 1 KG = 2.2 pounds, happy with that. <3:)<3

    I see Brian again on Friday

    I had a 2 mile walk before breakfast. I am washing clothes, then make out shopping list and go grocery shopping

    Lesley in Tasmania

    great stats!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    I am glad many of you liked the ice sculptures. The sunflower took first place. For me it tied with the mother and her child and the panther. Glad I was not a judge.

    Northeasterners you have my sympathy. We had that kind of winter last year. Shutter.

    Sylvia your visual of Colin Firth selling soap made me laugh. I liked him before Pride and Predjudice. He was in a Masterpiece Theater Called Another Country when he was in his early twenties. That was when I, my sister, and mom became a fan. About the same time he was also the young man after growing up in The Secret Garden, a small part. His grandparents were starting their time as Congregational ministers about the time mine were leaving in 1930 in India. It was a very turbulent time to be in India. Surprised he has not done a story on that.

    Michele hope that committee business is over for you soon.

    Still working on not overeating after dinner. Last night I had an apple and that satisfied me. Hope to try that again as a way to cut down.

    Yanniejannie I think your are thinking of ALL Creatures Great and Small. I read that series years ago. I do remember how great it was. They also did a wonderful series on PBS in the late seventies. It might be on Net Flicks too.

    CP changing habits is not an easy thing to do. You are on the right road. If you hit a bump just get back up and try again. We are here for you.

    2015 word: Strength
    Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,654 Member
    Judy – some of the gals look at it that you start fresh in the morning, I try (critical word – try) to start fresh immediately – so log the cookies and then walk in place or do something to begin to wear off the calories and do the next meal “right” - I make it work many times…

    Joyce – the pew thing cracks me up, I am not a church go-er but end up in one for a service occasionally – I have singing friends and will attend to hear them especially if they have a solo. I always get there early as usually I have not been there before, and I want a spot where I can see the choir. So sometimes sit in someones “spot” the looks are funny – and one time I was asked to move as I was in their spot; so I said I was a visitor, and did they have special visitor seating, if so could they tell me where it was? - - I knew I was playing with their head, but really! And they ended up letting me sit in their pew but at the end. Hehehehe

    Cynthia – this is the perfect time to meet with the trainer, when you need the encouragement!

    Heather and Viv - on Sunday nights here there are 2 shows, the British baking show then Downton - well I love them both; the baking show is so fun as things are so different from here! There was one on biscuits they were judging them on crispness, and our biscuits are fluffly and not dessert… the dessert item is a cookie here --- but are all british biscuits crisp? Or is there a softer biscuit, so we have a butter cookie with cinnamon/sugar on the outside that is a snickerdoodle, and it is a soft cookie… Last night was stacked pie, that was done in a straight sided pan, looked NOTHING like an American pie! So interesting.

    Carol – great news on the scale and on the visit from your friend… easier to do together!

    Wildfiremoon – welcome – join in the chatter and we’ll cheer you on.

    CP – welcome, and you have it figured out, log – move repeat… it is not always easy, but it is not always hard either… and some of it gets to just be habit and no thought is required. We are here to share the ups and downs.

    Pip – great rant! And how I feel too – if I am going to spend calories it should be very healthy or very wonderful or even better … BOTH!

    Krieter – welcome

    Heather – Glad you are still writing, and love lasts forever!

    Sally – I have the treat gig going with Levi my reactive dog, and we have solved the reactive-ness to birds and strollers.. and working on other dogs between treats and moving away it works most of the time.. but we can not pass on a sidewalk… or even across a 2 lane road, but a 4 lane we can do..that is a HUGE improvement.

    Vickie – so sad to hear of all the health challenges with family - congrats on keeping your eating under control… sending good thoughts.

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • wildfiremoons666
    Ok here goes. I suffer from bipolar disorder and am manic depressed. I have been yoyo dieting for so many years. When my Mom died 15 minutes after midnight, the day after her birthday I felt is was time to try and do something about my weight. They said she died in her sleep from an apparent heart attack. I try only to fall when my depression gets the best of me. I have only lost 5 pounds and it is a start. When I eat certain foods they make me so nauseated. There is a chance I am diabetic and all I know is right now I am borderline. I do log my meals but some days I get so bad I don't eat at all. I know I can do it but it is hard alone. I don't have many friends at all. My fiancee is a great support but he says I am perfect just the way I am. I have lost a mother, who I miss so much. I also lost a brother a few years ago from an allergic reaction to something he ate. I am scared. I have survived cancer, a rare stomach disorder that needed emergency surgery to save my life.
    I am sorry this is so long just need to talk to someone. I don't like the way I
  • wildfiremoons666
    Ok here goes. I suffer from bipolar disorder and am manic depressed. I have been yoyo dieting for so many years. When my Mom died 15 minutes after midnight, the day after her birthday I felt is was time to try and do something about my weight. They said she died in her sleep from an apparent heart attack. I try only to fall when my depression gets the best of me. I have only lost 5 pounds and it is a start. When I eat certain foods they make me so nauseated. There is a chance I am diabetic and all I know is right now I am borderline. I do log my meals but some days I get so bad I don't eat at all. I know I can do it but it is hard alone. I don't have many friends at all. My fiancee is a great support but he says I am perfect just the way I am. I have lost a mother, who I miss so much. I also lost a brother a few years ago from an allergic reaction to something he ate. I am scared. I have survived cancer, a rare stomach disorder that needed emergency surgery to save my life.
    I am sorry this is so long just need to talk to someone. I don't like the way I look

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    PRETTY interesting.
    I use an app called strava that I log all my rides on and I got a summary what I did in 2014 that I didn't get the year before. must be something new. I thought this was cool


  • wildfiremoons666
    Sorry for posting twice was trying to edit
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I did the start up Zumba DVD. I had to do A couple of them over and they sometimes got fast but I did the 55 minutes without dying. I took a break every new dance to get some house work done. I think I will like it. It seems like fun.

    PIPCD34 - Your "rant" is helpful to us and your example of hard work is encouraging. Keep it up!

    Kim- I like what you said about the cookies and just getting right back to it!

    Suebdew - good luck with the medicine! That cold hangs on!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals! Interesting day. I went to PT and used the hospital valet parking. I was walking away when the guy in the car sets off the car alarm, so I turn around to see him waving his arms around as my car rolled backwards down a hill towards the busy street in front of the hospital. So I trotted (yes I know) to the car, grabbed the open door and yelled at him to step on the brake. The guy was so panicked he couldn’t find the brake! So another valet guy is even dumber than I was and ran behind the car waving his arms like that would help. The poor guy finally gets the car stopped about 10 feet from the street. I about had a heart attack and he felt awful. That was punishment enough. I’m sure he thinks I would call his boss and report him, but the sad look on his face convinced me otherwise!

    I also have lost some weight. Last quarter I had put on weight with my dad, with the baby, the knee etc, and I have slowly been losing so that now I am less than 9 pounds over my lowest weight, so I am happy about that.

    DD#1 is driving me crazy. I think I told you she went to the ED Thursday night and told them she was going through 18 pads a day….three months after the baby and a month after her D&C. So they packed her and told her to see the doctor today and of course she didn’t, instead choosing to go to work. She also got into a text thing with DH; this Sunday is ‘first Sunday” dinner with her, her BF and the best friend and her bf. So she keeps texting hubby saying that since Maddie (her friend) is bringing Chris (her boyfriend) Tanya’s bf should get to bring a friend too. DH just keps saying “you and Maddie are both bringing your boyfriends so that makes it equal” but she doesn’t get it. He finally just started ignoring her texts.

    Joyce; you cracked me up. I am a person who HAS to sit in MY spot in church and this last Sunday there were people there. Now mind you, they have THEIR usual spot too so I’m not sure why they felt compelled, but they gave me a rash LOL. It did bug me I hate to admit!

    Fitgranny: strength training is even better for glucose control than aerobics. I also read in Diabetic management magazine today that 3 10 minute bursts of activity is better for glycemic control than a long exercise session. Try to make some of your favorite sweets using Truvia instead of sugar.

    Hi Tammy: nice to see you again!

    Pip: don’t worry; no offense taken. I’m with you; if I’m going over it better be really worth it and those people who ask those kind of questions really annoy me!

    Heather: sending you lots of (((hugs))) for your loss. So many years ago yet so fresh. Xoxo

    Sorry I have not responded to everyone. I did read all the posts. Welcome to the newbies. Come back often. You easterners….batten down the hatches, stay home, and keep warm. Take care Meg from Omaha where apparently I am the only person who can drive a standard LOL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Wildfire moons... I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, your brother, your surgeries and your illness. You have had an awful lot to deal with. But you are in the right place now. We can help you through this. A lot of us here are dealing with some of your same issues. Just stick with us and check in often to let us know how you are doing. By the way, where are you from?

    I wrote a post earlier today, complete with a joke, but do not see it now. I wrote it on my computer at the studio, so chances are I just didn't hit the "post" button. Oh well.

    Today my ENTIRE upper lip erupted in huge fever blisters! AAAARG!!! This has been a bad season for that I guess. Nothing seems to help.

    I hope all of you north easterners are safe and warm and making it through the storm. It sounds pretty bad, according to the weather channel.

    Good night everyone.
