Alcohol - The Age Old Question



  • dezz651
    dezz651 Posts: 6 Member
    @0somuchbetter0‌ - it's probably a troll.

    What do you mean by troll?
  • dezz651
    dezz651 Posts: 6 Member
    So your thoughts are that it doesn't matter what you eat that if you drink that your doomed either way for becoming over weight an unhealthy? Then what is this forum even for? Let's just leave out the point that I do drink. Would that be more socially acceptable for you?

    Instead of being honest about what I consume daily maybe I'll just say "I don't know why I'm not losing that much weight I only eat healthy foods and workout in treadmill everyday"
  • dezz651
    dezz651 Posts: 6 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    dezz651 wrote: »
    dezz651 wrote: »
    Yeah I'm wondering about this as well. In my case I try to limit myself to a pint of liquor when I drink (I drink 7 nights a week). I do log it into myfitnesspal. I am only alloted 1200 cals a day and 1 pint of liqour is 1000. So I work out to burned at least 600-1000 calories a day on the treadmill. Fitness pal displays this as an increase in calories I can have for the day. I only eat about 700 calories a day and and burn about 600-1000 then I drink 1000 in liqour. I've been losing weight but wondering if I'd be losing the same if I cut down or removed alcohol . I know I certainly won't have to work out 7 days a week anymore. Idk

    A lot of this post is incorrect.

    1. A pint of liquor. You're drinking a pint of liquor or a pint of beer? A pint of liquor (like vodka or whiskey) would be about 7 shots and that would be about 1000 that really what you're drinking 7 nights a week??? A pint of beer varies a lot, but you could estimate about 250 calories. If you're really drinking 1000 calories worth of alcohol every night, you have more serious health concerns than weight loss.

    2. Why are you only allotted 1200 calories a day? If you're using MFP to calculate it and you told it that you want to lose 2 lbs a week, it's going to tell you 1200 pretty much no matter what. This is not a good or accurate estimate. Look at this instead:

    3. I'm guessing you don't burn 600-1000 calories a day on the treadmill, unless you're either very tall and large and/or spending multiple hours a day on the treadmill. If MFP gave you 1200 calories a day, I'm guessing you're a smallish female and working out hard you're probably burning about 400-500 calories per hour.

    4. You need to eat a lot more than 700 calories per day no matter what your size or how much weight you're trying to lose. You can't get the nutrients on 700 calories that your body needs to function, not to mention your long, hard workouts, plus poisoning your liver every night.

    If all of this is true (and I don't think it is), you're definitely headed for an early grave.

    Well I am 190lbs and 5'8" 25. I'm not really active anymore since having a desk job. I spend 60-80mins on treadmill at 15incline walking 3.5mph-3.8 then run on and off for 30sec every 20min interval. I'm former college athlete so I'm used to rigorous workout. I used to do just 30-40mins but now that's just too easy for me.

    Yes a pint of liquor. I also juice a cup of grapefruit to go along with that. I know I know, a girl shouldn't have that much of a hollow leg but I enjoy having some drinks at the end of the day.

    For breakfast I have a green juice made with my juicer and take multi vitamins. Lunch usually black eyed peas and ham or a homemade sandwich. And for dinner usually a lean cuisine or another sandwich with a side of veggies. I'm not big on snacking but if I do I have sliced fruit. All in all my food intake in pretty clean and steady.

    I gained about 35-40lbs since I became inactive. Since I started working out again my weight is starting to go back down of course I stopped eating out all the time. Chinese food, pizza and chilli dogs were the other problems.

    Strong disagree!!

    What is your disagreement?
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    So, as a family we generally drink with every meal. There is always a bottle of wine on the table and often we will have a spirit/mixer before aswell.

    As you can imagine/work out for yourself that then totals alot! So my question is has anyone who drank quite alot and then cut it out totally found that they lose quite alot of weight quite rapidly? I suppose in my mind I equate it to if you ate junk food every day and then totally cut that out?


    Alcohol is nothing more than a legal drug. It is not good for you at all! I know the rebuttal to this is "a glass of wine a day..." Just have some blueberries instead as alcohol also lowers your testosterone production for 24-48 hours.

    As for the "rapid weight loss" question... no it takes time to lose fat any weight loss that you see rapidly would be your body losing water. Rapid weight loss is also unhealthy.

    "Educate and dominate"
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    If you are drinking 16oz of hard liquor a day, you have a very serious problem. Period.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    dezz651 wrote: »
    So your thoughts are that it doesn't matter what you eat that if you drink that your doomed either way for becoming over weight an unhealthy? Then what is this forum even for? Let's just leave out the point that I do drink. Would that be more socially acceptable for you?

    Instead of being honest about what I consume daily maybe I'll just say "I don't know why I'm not losing that much weight I only eat healthy foods and workout in treadmill everyday"

    No, read my post again. You need more than 700 calories of food a day for your body to function, especially with your long workouts and the way you abuse alcohol. A pint of hard liquor every day of the week is not "just a few drinks." Keep up that pace of drinking and your brain, heart, and liver will suffer irreversible damage and it won't matter if you're skinny because you'll be dead.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Options question is has anyone who drank quite alot and then cut it out totally found that they lose quite alot of weight quite rapidly? I suppose in my mind I equate it to if you ate junk food every day and then totally cut that out?

    Let me say this - I love a good drink. When I started MFP I had no intention of abstaining from alcohol.

    What happened was this – I had a lot of weight to lose (close to 170-200 pounds). I knew it would take over one year. My personal belief is that weight-loss is largely dependent upon calories in – calories out. A crash diet was NOT a consideration…only a low-calorie healthy one.

    The first item was determining what my calorie intake would need to be at a minimum and then backed into those numbers (like a bank withdrawal). I knew the importance of proper nutrition. I never told myself I couldn’t have that cake, beer, potato chip etc., I logically knew that I would be hurting myself if I was to drink alcohol & eat junk food AND also try to stay real low-calorie.

    Here is a sample of just 3 actual meals I prepare on a regular basis. These are all 250 calories or less. I do eat over 250 calories at some meals – but have an arsenal of these at my fingertips.




    Over the course of the last year, I have had a couple glasses of wine on vacation and ate pizza at a post-funeral get together (note: I never said pizza, wine etc. was super bad – I “chose” not to have those as a nutrient base for my low-calorie intake.

    Lots of people that have diaries that indicate 1800-2000 calorie intake of which 500 calories is beer, Daiquiri etc. If that works for someone – fine! For me... I choose not to have those calories.

    Wish you the best.

  • missemmibelle
    missemmibelle Posts: 100 Member
    A pint of liquor is impressive. I know people who do that, and lose weight - but they're also bulimic and/or too drunk to bother eating. Too bad MFP doesn't calculate calories earned by upchucking.


  • dezz651
    dezz651 Posts: 6 Member
    dezz651 wrote: »
    So your thoughts are that it doesn't matter what you eat that if you drink that your doomed either way for becoming over weight an unhealthy? Then what is this forum even for? Let's just leave out the point that I do drink. Would that be more socially acceptable for you?

    Instead of being honest about what I consume daily maybe I'll just say "I don't know why I'm not losing that much weight I only eat healthy foods and workout in treadmill everyday"

    No, read my post again. You need more than 700 calories of food a day for your body to function, especially with your long workouts and the way you abuse alcohol. A pint of hard liquor every day of the week is not "just a few drinks." Keep up that pace of drinking and your brain, heart, and liver will suffer irreversible damage and it won't matter if you're skinny because you'll be dead.

    Yeah, so... Back to the post. If you do drink as long as you acount for it you can still lose weight. Of course it easy if you cut it out all together as long as you do t pick up other calories with a bad habit/treat.

    Not saying that drinking is a good thing but the when point is a lifestyle. Where your going to Chang e your whole lifestyle or incorporate things one at a time to achieve your goal. Thanks for everyone jumping on me. But I am incorporating a healthy lifestyle. I don't intended to be in the same place a year from now. Girls ae so judgmental its rediculous.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Is anyone else concerned about @dezz651's weight loss plan?

    i read it and thought she is going to kill herself with that plan.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    A thousand calories of straight booze a day? Man, you better get on the liver transplant list.
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Meh, you can drink 1000 calories a day in liquor a day at 25. I probably was averaging higher than that in undergrad for a few years. But you can't do that and stay at 1200 calories a day. You just arent gonna hit your macros. At some point you have to choose between that lifestyle and losing weight. No judgement, just math.
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    I'm cutting wine out for the month of January. I love sweet, red wine and there's a lot of carbs !
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    dezz651 wrote: »
    dezz651 wrote: »
    So your thoughts are that it doesn't matter what you eat that if you drink that your doomed either way for becoming over weight an unhealthy? Then what is this forum even for? Let's just leave out the point that I do drink. Would that be more socially acceptable for you?

    Instead of being honest about what I consume daily maybe I'll just say "I don't know why I'm not losing that much weight I only eat healthy foods and workout in treadmill everyday"

    No, read my post again. You need more than 700 calories of food a day for your body to function, especially with your long workouts and the way you abuse alcohol. A pint of hard liquor every day of the week is not "just a few drinks." Keep up that pace of drinking and your brain, heart, and liver will suffer irreversible damage and it won't matter if you're skinny because you'll be dead.

    Yeah, so... Back to the post. If you do drink as long as you acount for it you can still lose weight. Of course it easy if you cut it out all together as long as you do t pick up other calories with a bad habit/treat.

    Not saying that drinking is a good thing but the when point is a lifestyle. Where your going to Chang e your whole lifestyle or incorporate things one at a time to achieve your goal. Thanks for everyone jumping on me. But I am incorporating a healthy lifestyle. I don't intended to be in the same place a year from now. Girls ae so judgmental its rediculous.

    It's not about being judgmental. You're just killing yourself, plain and simple. No one can survive long term on 700 cals of food and 1000 cals of alcohol per day. To call that a ""healthy lifestyle" is just stupid.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    Is anyone else concerned about @dezz651's weight loss plan?

    i read it and thought she is going to kill herself with that plan.

  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    dezz651 wrote: »
    But I am incorporating a healthy lifestyle.

    Have liver function tests and see how healthy you really are.

  • Time2Change42015
    Time2Change42015 Posts: 25 Member
    I appreciate weight doesn't drop off with food. But people have said that when they out right cut out alcohol they do see a big difference fairly quickly - as in within a month or so. I just wondered whether people had experienced that on here, purely so i am not disheartened of I don't see a big difference straight away.
  • annemie1124
    I use do have a beer most days after work. Sometime two. I simply enjoyed sitting in the garden after work, with a nice cold beer. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. My parents drink wine with every dinner or beer with every dinner, just like my grandparents etc.

    Unfortunately, I gained about 10lbs because of that :(

    In order to loose weight I have to cut down on drinking though. When I drink, I log it.