2015 walk/bike/jog/run with jeanniewes



  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    So glad you are feeling better, Jeannie! :)
    But you know Gruff is fixing to blow us both outta the water...! :o

    4.68 miles

    74.82 total miles

    So if my calculations are correct, I just might be able to make goal. To be continued...
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    I'm just happy Gruff is here for support even IF we can't keep up ...lol

    YES I am improving day by day. HOW I PRAISE GOD for that. I was really beginning too get down about it all...

    Today Husband and I had too take my car too the shop so I only got in a 1.5 mile walk today....

    TOTAL THUS FAR Jan 22nd.......40.5 walking miles.....
    ................................................36.5 exercise bike miles....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    When I'm under the weather, feeling not so good, it doesn't take long for it to start affecting me mentally. So I totally get it. But yes, so happy you're getting back on your feet and hopefully healing properly.

    4.5 miles

    79.32 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    *HUG* jesiann......

    It is cold. It is foggy and we have had rain off and on. could not do more than 1 mile. The weather is bothering me some today with the neck/shoulder. I am not complaining. I KNOW it is improving..... I will be glad when the sun comes back...

    TOTAL THUS FAR Jan 23rd .......41.5 walking miles.....
    ................................................36.5 exercise bike miles....

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    So wow!! The sun is truly showing its stuff down in bayou country today! Yesterday and Thursday were wet and cold but tis a new day!! Welcome back you big beautiful golden circle of fire. (*)

    Jeannie, I think we may have to begin harassing our young Gruff. Seems he thinks he can quit us... However I'm hesitant to throw down the gauntlet knowing he will bring his big numbers and crush us mile-wise! :# Nah, bring it, dude! Lol

    3.22 miles

    82.54 total miles
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Dont worry you dont get rid of me easily. Just been feeling a bit :( and not doing much extra.

    Upto 259.7 on the bike and its set ready for tomorrows 130mile +. Got a short run in earlier but need a long one tuesday latest before the half so upto 31.4 for now. Going to be well off target for the month but its been a hard one mentally. Cheers for the support.

    Sick of the cold fog freezing my beard in the morning the sky fire would be a nice change. Few months and itll be here for its limited apperance. Your both getting close to the third digit keep it up :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    lol you guys make me laugh! First of all I was wondering how young Mr. Gruff is so I looked. NO WONDER he passes us by. me at least as I'm a 62 year old woman! ANYWAY I am very happy too have you both with me here at FF....

    It was sunny today. The girls and I headed out for a walk at 41degrees. It was WINDY. I was glad I took my husbands knit thingy that covers your whole head and all that shows are your eyes...lol....I stayed warm...We got in 2.25 miles...

    TOTAL THUS FAR Jan 23rd .......43.75 walking miles.....
    ................................................36.5 exercise bike miles....
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Good grief Gruff!!! (Ok let me just pause to laugh at that... GGG! I'm so clever!) B)
    But really Gruff, you're just showing off. And yes, we are suitably impressed. Sooooo glad to have you back with us. This next week WILL be better for you! Thus saith the Jes. ;)

    Jeannie, you most certainly are not an old woman!! I absolutely forbid it! The more sunrises I pass, the longer middle age stretches before me. Yes, at 41 I'm happily ensconced in middle age. I say (and therefore it is) that old age doesn't begin until you're at least 80. And even then it can be questionable. A few weeks ago I attended a wedding. The groom is a dear friend of mine. I've known him all my life. And get this... He's 90!!!! Yes! His lovely wife of over 60 years passed away about 4 years ago and he found love again and made it official at 90 years old! <3 And that's not all... His bride is quite the youngster at 78. :)

    So there ya go. A true story that you can't help but smile at. Plus Jeannie, you were an old woman a few hours ago and now you're middle age!!! What a reason to celebrate!!

    4.71 miles

    87.25 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    lol you made me laugh out loud for real jesiann! I dont THINK OF MYSELF as old UNLESS I am comparing myself too a 28 year old...lol I do know a few people in their eighties that do not even seem in their eighties...the key is TOO KEEP MOVING I have found out! lol

    Husband and I got in 2.75 mile walk between church services. I'm off again too church in just a few minutes...

    46.25 walking miles thus far Jan 25th 2015
    36.5 exercise bike miles....
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    The number that makes your "age" isnt more than a way to count rotations of the sun. How you feel in your head makes who you are and only you can decide what you want to do. Yeah im abit yonger than you lovely ladies but we share a goal and a passion to meet our targets.

    Went on my ride found the first half quite windy but grouped up with some others to share the load. After our 2nd breakfast the pace picked up and slowly lost a few off the back. Made it back 45mins before my target feeling pretty good. Rode back home and decide to have a quick run but after a mile my knees said no. 142.6mi on the bike bringing it to 402.3 and 1.1 run so 32.5. Out for a run after work tonight then resting the rest of the week.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Well said, Gruff! Secondary goal for me this week is to hit the weights 3 days. Maybe 4... But 3 for sure!

    2.39 miles

    89.64 total miles

    (Where did January go??)
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    Good going there jesi 5 days to go and nearly there, you adding some extras to it? looks like were all on target with a final push
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    second breakfast? lol...I WISH! and a second Lunch...lol..... I struggle every day too keep calories under 1500. You two are doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so lucky too have you on my team and have 'friends' here at the forum.... It is very foggy, windy, cold here. I will TRY too do exercise bike today and some house chores.....

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    I know, can you believe there are only 5 days left in January?? Goodness... No Gruff, no extras. All of my miles are walked. It has been such pretty weather here and when my boys walk with me, we tend to go longer distances. Also do some treadmill time here at the office. We have a great gym provided for us in the building so I rarely go out for lunch. I tried to be a runner. I really did. I wanted so bad to love it. Ran Cross Country in high school. Disliked it immensely but tried to love it. Then in my college years all those joggers just looked so groovy and lithe so I hit the pavement again. Tried to love it. Hated it. Gave it one more go in my mid-20's before my kiddos came along. This was the final farewell to all things run for me. I'm just not a runner. I so admire runners though! And I wanted to be one of you super freaks for years. :) So now when I see you running like the wind, my hat is off to you! Final answer - If you see me running, you should run too! Something big and bad is chasing me!!! lol

    I'm thankful for you two guys as well. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and trekking miles together. I so envy Gruff his 2nd breakfast!! I love to eat almost as much as I love to read. So that makes staying under 1600 a bit of a chore for me... :s But everyday I make it is a success. And every sunrise is another chance at success!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    The walk/run combination I do is with my dogs. I am not one of those joggers or runners either. With dogs we walk 10 minutes and then jog about 2 or 3 minutes depending on how well I do...lol ...I dont know where December or January went actually :'(

    NO walk today.....did do 7 miles on Exercise Bike....

    46.25 walking miles thus far Jan 26th 2015
    43.50 exercise bike miles....
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Jeannie, you are doing so great! I love your enthusiasm. It's sooooo refreshing in a world of negativity. :) So yesterday I got to hit the weights. Chest and abs day. Felt the burn and it felt good! Also got quite a bit of walking in. Was generally just very busy yesterday.

    5.15 miles

    94.79 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,699 Member
    It is a whopping 34 degrees here so not outside walk today. Going too try the exercise bike again today. I just can't walk outside when it's that cold. It is good too change exercise around though so YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    JEANNIE!!!!! I love love LOVE your new avatar! And you know what? You look very similar to the face I had pictured in my head! Your family is just lovely. <3
  • gruffdris
    gruffdris Posts: 55 Member
    upto 441.2 after an unplanned trip to the ex berofe the ex's adding a few miles in but got my run in as planned bringing me to 37.2. I was never in to sports when i was younger other than hittin the weights. Spent years as a big lad and just found i loved riding