

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    cheerio27 wrote: »
    you need to eat something , even if its something small, like a banana and have a lot of water

    What's going to happen if I don't??? I've been awake since 3 am and have had coffee is my metabolism just going to shut off cause yea that's how it doesn't work.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    dieselbyte wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    sus49 wrote: »
    Eat breakfast. Even if it is just a banana. I used to not eat breakfast. When I hit menopause my metabolism STOPPED and even though I did not drink sodapop, I exercised and ate whole grains only I gained about 100 lbs. I went to weightwatchers and they said EAT BREAKFAST and EAT BACK YOUR CALORIES and low an behold, I started to lose weight. It is VERY VERY slow, but unless I eat breakfast and eat back some of my exercise calories I gain weight.

    So as an older woman who used to skip breakfast to a younger woman I say: EAT BREAKFAST.

    No it didn't or you would be dead.

    ^This. Your metabolism isn't a switch to turn off and on. Stop reading magazines at the checkout line in the grocery store...
    Those mags are the best. I saw one where it was emblazoned with "LOSE 20 LBS in 1 MONTH BY EATING PALEO!!" But the picture on the cover was a big scrumptious chocolate cake roll with cream filling (recipe inside!), lmao.
  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    It's a real individual thing.

    For me, a good breakfast sets me up for staying on track the rest of the day. If I skip, I start snacking and that's always been the source of all my excess calories. I'm a 3 square meals kind of guy.

    Some people are good at grazing so breakfast is less important.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    cheerio27 wrote: »
    you need to eat something , even if its something small, like a banana and have a lot of water

    Why? If eating early makes her sick, why should she?
  • Cherie1n2n3n4
    Cherie1n2n3n4 Posts: 46 Member
    My favorite diet breakfast meal....coleslaw! Just 160-160g green cabbage, 1 tbs dukes mayo, 1 kosher pickle... Mixed with 3 tbs pickle juice, salt pepper, and celery seeds.

    I have to eat breakfast but the idea of eggs every morning turns my stomach..
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    flatlndr wrote: »
    One of the things I learned during 2014 on my big weight loss journey ... figure out what works (and doesn't work) for you, and go with it. Some people are breakfast eaters (me), some are not; some people are carb eaters (me), some are not; some people ...

    Same here, except that I always thought I was a breakfast eater simply because I'd always eaten breakfast right when I got up. It also was common for me to be hungry already when I got to work at 8AM, so I would eat my mid morning snack then. I sometimes would eat all the food I'd packed to work by 1PM and had a long miserable hungry wait for dinner.

    Last year I experimented with IF and I held off eating until 10AM. I wasn't really all that hungry when I got up and it turned out I wasn't all that hungry at 8AM, either. To my surprise I found that eating an early breakfast had been causing me a problem all along.

    So yes, everyone is different and sometimes what you assume is way off.

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Eating or not eating breakfast isn't a cure or anything for weight loss. I have to eat breakfast or I get a blood sugar drop before lunch and end up with a cranky headache. Some people don't need to, though, so that part is just whatever works for you.

    However, being diabetic, you're probably better off eating something in the morning, even if it's just a fiber brownie or the like. I don't know what meds you take or anything like that, but my husband is diabetic that's controlled by meds, and he has to eat something in the morning if he gets up early or his blood sugar dips way to low by lunch. If you can't eat something as soon as you get up, aim for halfway between getting up and lunch. Track your blood sugar for a week or so and figure out when your body needs food and go from there.
  • Xcsn
    Xcsn Posts: 11 Member
    You do not need to eat breakfast. Eating breakfast will NOT make your metabolism go up. There are many misconceptions about breakfast and the truth is that it does not matter when you eat at all.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited January 2015
    I don't like breakfast. ;) Well, I like breakfast, just not at breakfast time. I am rarely hungry before lunch.

    Sometimes we'll have "breakfast for dinner" and that's great fun around my house.

    It is not impeding my weight loss at all and my energy level is quite steady throughout the day (all things considered, since I am a Hashi's girl).

    It goes without saying, but everyone is different.