Hello! what can I do for a work out when you are way overweight and soooooooo out of shape?



  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Walking. I also like youtubers like Jessica Smith--she has workouts for beginners, and you should never feel like you have to do EVERYTHING that they show.

    Buy a couple sets of hand weights--3 lb and 5 lb--and walk around your living room while doing simple arm exercises you glean from the videos. Or skip the weights, depending on your level of fitness. Just get moving.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Walking, longer walking (increase distance), then faster walking, then faster and longer walking, then C25K (free running app) which eases you slowly into running. Weight training, elliptical...

    I started from being out of shape last April to now running half marathons and now training for a full marathon! (I am soon turning 50)

    Best of luck
  • jillxmadelynne
    I love stationary bikes. I have a bad knee so it is something that was gentle on my knee but provided a great calorie burn.
  • keepmovinstrong
    keepmovinstrong Posts: 101 Member
    walking , elliptical and stationary bike are all awesome. I also got a personal trainer to help. I've gone from 212 to 182 . Started in October. Good luck.
  • eulila
    eulila Posts: 27 Member
    You could also try a walking video like Leslie Sansone. If you get one get one with 3, 4, or 5 miles. You can do a different "mile" each day. As you get better you can do 1.5 and so on.

    I read recently about a workout by Kelly Coffey Meyer. I think it is called Start Here. I believe it is for strength.

    Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, and http://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/ are a few great place to find exercise videos.

    If you have access to a pool swimming is great!

    Good Luck!

  • Khulrunning
    Khulrunning Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    As others have said -- walking is the best way to start. But sometimes you need motivation and a reason. The following idea may seem far-fetched, but it's part of making a commitment and if you have a hard time making a commitment to yourself, perhaps you need to make the commitment to someone else. I've suggested to clients that they find a friend, ideally a neighbour close by, with a dog and make a commitment to walk the dog 3-5 evenings/mornings per week. Even if it's just a chihuahua, it gets both of you out and you feel like you're doing something for someone else -- and ultimately for yourself! Plus you might not feel self-conscious with a pet as opposed to a person.

    Others have suggested DVDS but I caution you if you are not familiar with proper body alignment and positioning. I've used some and shake my head at the poor instruction being given. I know better but if you are starting out, it's better to work 1:1 with a trainer to learn proper style and avoid injury, plus get the most out of a workout.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
  • Khulrunning
    Khulrunning Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    An inner thigh workout to tighten muscle (remembering you can tone the muscle but not the fat) is to get a small inflatable ball (dollar stores have them), about 10" in diameter. Assume a slight squat with feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back, shoulders over hips, hips over ankles. Place ball between knees and gently squeeze, 10-20 repeats easy, 10-20 fast, and repeat. You'll think of me tomorrow. :)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    walking and/or treadmill depending on weather. Little dumbbells for upper body; work up slowly over time.
  • cinnamon0033
    cinnamon0033 Posts: 23 Member
    I see that everyone is talking about walking. To me I have to be doing something other than just walking. I started with just cleaning. staying on my feet longer each day doing chores. Dancing is another activity that was fun and gets your heart rate up. Anything that gets you off the couch is exercise. start small and work up to longer durations. Good luck with your diet.
  • esimmons82
    esimmons82 Posts: 6 Member
    I would start by walking for a few weeks and then gradually introduce weights into your workout
  • JenPc1978
    Thank you so much everyone for the awesome ideals and advice :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited January 2015
    JenPc1978 wrote: »
    What is a good beginners work out? When u are overweight and completely out of of shape?

    Start walking. It's the gateway drug to jogging/running, and then you're in calorie-burn heaven....
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I agree with walking. And standing, believe it or not. See if you can stand for ten minutes of every hour or every other hour. When I started my healthy lifestyle in December 2011, the minimum exercise was 20 minutes of standing. I tracked it and found the most I stood or walked was the 10 minutes from the parking garage. Also love the nerd fitness site, as the Barre3 site has 10 minute routines up to 60 minutes.. many Barre routines are available for free on you tube.
  • Dichotomy1976
    Dichotomy1976 Posts: 93 Member
    As everyone says, walking is a great way to exercise. One thing I'd add is don't avoid the hills, walking up hills is a great way to increase stamina ready for more intensive cardio exercises. Once you get comfortable walking at a decent pace try out something like Couch to 5k (C25K). Good luck :)
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    While I'm going to chime in with walking, I will say that if you know how to swim and enjoy it, you might get very satisfactory results doing that.

    While I have walked for exercise, I can't go hard enough to get good results. I still have my feet cramp up, and my hips and knees hurt when I try to walk fast enough to get out of breath and all that. But I can swim until my heart is about to pound out of my chest and it doesn't HURT, if that makes any sense. (Or doesn't hurt any more than the hurt-so-good of a really intense workout)

    That said, swimming is pretty technical and it does take time to develop enough skill to get a really good workout in.
  • JenPc1978
    Thank you thank you for all the advice :-) :-)!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    cjpreadle wrote: »
    What exercises can one do to eliminate saddlebags and loose inner thighs?
    There are no exercises that directly affect these. Exercise targets, skeletal muscle and not fat deposits. If you have them it's due to genetics.
    All you can work on is lowering your body fat level and reassessing.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Just_say_jess
    Just_say_jess Posts: 19 Member
    I will add my vote to the walking and add the Leslie Sansone walk at home videos. She has a walk social website where you can walk to her videos for free. There are dozens to choose from! The 5K with a twist still makes me sweat. She is over the top perky and that can get annoying, but you can level the videos up (using arms more, getting knees higher) so you can always get the work out you want. She breaks all the workouts down into miles so you can go for as long as you want. The moves are easy to follow along to, so you don't feel like you are tripping over your feet. Good luck.
  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    Another vote for walking. I started in the summer walking with a friend and am now running part of the way. Make sure you find good shoes. They are worth the investment. If you are not comfortable or your feet hurt you won't want to do it.

    I am now at the point where there are days that I feel the NEED to get out and walk/run; as much clear my head as for exercise. Just plug in some music and go.

    I also do Pilates 2-3 days a week for all over toning.

    Best of luck! You can do this.