My roommates won't let me have a cat and I'm pouting!



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Offer to keep the litter box in your room, away from everybody else. And get a shorthaired cat so it doesn't shed as much.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Cats are evil little spawns of satan.

    This. I hate cats!

    This. If you live with roommates and they outvote you then you are SOL. Either suck it up and live cat free or get our own place.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Cats smell awful and leave hair everywhere. Your roommates win.

    Everyone who says that cat litter has improved is someone that lives with the stench day in and out and therefore doesn't notice it. It still stinks.

    Umm no. I have 6 cats, and my house doesn't smell like cat litter. I clean it regularly and keep air fresheners by it, you can't even smell it if you stand right beside it. Also I brush my cats everyday, and clean my home regularly...there's barely cat fur around here. :flowerforyou:

    That's what most cat owners say. I think you people become used to the smell or something. I can smell cat litter as soon as I walk into a house I don't care if its in the basement or not. In door cats are gross.
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    Quality cat litter will cover the smell as long as you clean and change it frequently. Females don't spray as much as males, but either way you must get the cat fixed. and yes some will disagree, but declawed if you have decent furniture. I buy the lint rollers at my big box store in 6 packs because my cat is semi long hair, but the dog hair I find is much worse!!

    Biggest thing.... cats cost money just like kids. Vet visits, food, litter, toys, etc. It all adds up. Be sure you can afford it before you get it. Goldfish are so much easier, just not quite as loving :bigsmile:

    you don't need to get a cat declawed. scratching posts and regular nail trimming curb that need. Besides, would you want your fingers amputated at the knuckle?

    I was like you, refuse to declaw my cats. Thought it a terrible thing.

    I had 3 scratching posts (all different kinds), sticky strips on the furniture, and i even tried the soft caps for the claws.

    Every single piece of furniture I have is shredded. If you dare leave a piece of leather clothing or shoes out you can expect those to be destroyed as well. No matter how much attention they are given as soon as I go to bed I hear them downstairs shredding.

    I will never get another cat because of the damage they caused. That being said I'm still a dog lover, I find their behavior easier to modify. I have a great dane who has never caused a bit of damage, 'cept that one time we were playing to rough and he ran into a wall and put a hole in it. lols
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    My husband didn't want cats at all. We already had 2, but I wanted a third cat. So...he went on a hunting trip and I brought home a kitten from work when I was a vet tech. I named him "Slim Shady" and my husband just accepted him and let him stay. Slimmy is still with us 12 years later.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    That being said I'm still a dog lover, I find their behavior easier to modify. I have a great dane who has never caused a bit of damage, 'cept that one time we were playing to rough and he ran into a wall and put a hole in it. lols

    I had 3 danes! LOVE THEM! Spoiled rotten and dumb as a box of hammers!:laugh:
  • Cats smell awful and leave hair everywhere. Your roommates win.

    Everyone who says that cat litter has improved is someone that lives with the stench day in and out and therefore doesn't notice it. It still stinks.

    Umm no. I have 6 cats, and my house doesn't smell like cat litter. I clean it regularly and keep air fresheners by it, you can't even smell it if you stand right beside it. Also I brush my cats everyday, and clean my home regularly...there's barely cat fur around here. :flowerforyou:

    That's what most cat owners say. I think you people become used to the smell or something. I can smell cat litter as soon as I walk into a house I don't care if its in the basement or not. In door cats are gross.

    Not for me. When people visit me, they dont even know I have a cat until they see him. I live in a two bedroom apartment so not a huge place. It all depends on how well you keep up with the maintenance. I scoop the litter box every 3 days, I use quality litter for odor control and use air fresheners in the utility room, and I brush my cat out every week. I have a long haired cat so I take him in for professional grooming every couple of months to clean out his undercoat. For people saying ALL litter boxes reek up the house, it usually meanss the owner lets it go for too long.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Cats smell awful and leave hair everywhere. Your roommates win.

    Everyone who says that cat litter has improved is someone that lives with the stench day in and out and therefore doesn't notice it. It still stinks.

    Umm no. I have 6 cats, and my house doesn't smell like cat litter. I clean it regularly and keep air fresheners by it, you can't even smell it if you stand right beside it. Also I brush my cats everyday, and clean my home regularly...there's barely cat fur around here. :flowerforyou:

    That's what most cat owners say. I think you people become used to the smell or something. I can smell cat litter as soon as I walk into a house I don't care if its in the basement or not. In door cats are gross.

    Not for me. When people visit me, they dont even know I have a cat until they see him. I live in a two bedroom apartment so not a huge place. It all depends on how well you keep up with the maintenance. I scoop the litter box every 3 days, I use quality litter for odor control and use air fresheners in the utility room, and I brush my cat out every week. I have a long haired cat so I take him in for professional grooming every couple of months to clean out his undercoat. For people saying ALL litter boxes reek up the house, it usually meanss the owner lets it go for too long.

    I agree! My friend has 8 cats and you'd NEVER know it if you didn't see them. No smell whatsoever!
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    New roommates.
  • fitelisa
    fitelisa Posts: 11 Member
    I love kitties, I can't wait to get a cat in here. I been feeding some outside cats for a while now but really want to have my own. My sister says that if I get a cat she won't visit me often cus she's allergic, I thought about this for a while but I guess i'll have to visit her more I need a cat in this place.
  • fitelisa
    fitelisa Posts: 11 Member
    Just bring the cat home and put in your bedroom for now till she gets over it.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I love kitties, I can't wait to get a cat in here. I been feeding some outside cats for a while now but really want to have my own.

    Oh . . . . you're that lady huh?
  • "love kitties, I can't wait to get a cat in here. I been feeding some outside cats for a while now but really want to have my own. My sister says that if I get a cat she won't visit me often cus she's allergic, I thought about this for a while but I guess i'll have to visit her more I need a cat in this place."

    "Just bring the cat home and put in your bedroom for now till she gets over it."


    My roomie/best friend of 20 yrs moved in together 5 years ago and after 1 year her mom gave her 2 cats as a birthday gift, even after I said no since my mother, older sister and younger brother have allergies (they weren't tested at the time but it's been confirmed now). 4 years later I'm chronically ill and while I have indeed grown to love these cats I feel so much raging resentment some days. It's a terrible feeling. I love them so much, but I get so angry/depressed. While my roomie takes care of their litter, they associate me with feeding and will slap me in the face, pounce on me when I'm in constant pain from gastro paresis. I suffer from insomnia and some nights they do this right as I'm finally going to sleep. 3-4 times a week I'm cleaning up puke or accidents (my roomie says she can handle it but if I don't take care of it there's always a stain left). The y've town out the bottom of 3 box springs now, including a brand new bed my folks just got me several months ago. The female now has some nasal problem so she's always stuffed up and sneezing guck everywhere, but my roomie STILL hasn't contacted her folks about taking them to their vet. It could just be because of the illness I'm dealing with but this really hurts emotionally. We live alone in the city while out parents are in another town and my family can hardly visit as it is, my mom has NEVER been inside my apartment (my dream was to always move into an apartment that I could entertain my family with.) I love these cats sooo much and other than this my friend is soooo awesome (she's caring, polite, we like the same things, she'd even taken me to ER when needed). This is the only issue that causes me anger, because a part of me really wants them gone, no matter how much I love them.
    I remember when the issue first started my roomie kept asking

    Roomie: "Lets get a kitten"

    Me: "I dunno, we know my mom's allergic and my brother might be too"

    Roomie: "But I've had cats all our lives and your mom never reacted to the cat hair on you"

    Me: Regardless, if we get one my family wont be able to visit (or the cat will become an excuse not to visit).

    Roomie: Well, my mom sort of already got me 2 kittens.

    Me: What does that mean!?!

    Roomie: Well, she wanted to get me them as a birthday gift.


    Roomie: I knew if I asked you'd just say no.

    This girl is my one true friend, we know each other in and out; she's helped me through so much aside from the illness I now deal with but those words echo through my head every once in a while and I just feel so much anger.

    In sum, don't just bring a cat home, because doing so could jeopardize your entire relationship. They may grow to love the cat, but that doesn't mean they wont resent you for how you got it.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    move out and get your own place where you can make all the decisions yourself


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Adopt cat, bring cat home. Let cat do it's thing. Roommates will fall in love with cat.
    Haha! If I had a roomate that did that back in the day, I would certainly love the stew.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    So it says on our lease we are allowed to have pets but when I asked my brother in law and fiance (my roommates) if I could get a kitten, they got mad and said the litter will smell too bad and cats gets hair everywhere. I've wanted a cat since I've moved out of my parents 5 years ago and haven't been able to have one because the places we lived in before didn't allow them. Now that i have a lease that says we're allowed to, I still can't have one. I don't want to cause a fight but how do you think I could handle this peacefully?

    get new room mates? :wink:
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Buy a dead fish. Preferably a large one. Carry the fish around with you. Sit it next to you at all times. Dress the fish up. Take the fish for walks. Insist on the fish coming on trips with the 3 of you... Bet they buy a cat to eat the fish. :bigsmile:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Adopt cat, bring cat home. Let cat do it's thing. Roommates will fall in love with cat.
    Haha! If I had a roomate that did that back in the day, I would certainly love the stew.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    not sure if asian joke... or srs.

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Adopt cat, bring cat home. Let cat do it's thing. Roommates will fall in love with cat.
    Haha! If I had a roomate that did that back in the day, I would certainly love the stew.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    in spirit i agree. if my roommate did that id tell them to take it back. and after 2 days if they didnt get rid of it id take it to a pound.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Adopt cat, bring cat home. Let cat do it's thing. Roommates will fall in love with cat.
    Haha! If I had a roomate that did that back in the day, I would certainly love the stew.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    not sure if asian joke... or srs.

