Why do I still feel fat ?



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You need to shop for one spectacular outfit that you put on, look in the mirror and think "yeah....now I'm going to strut"

    80lbs and 134 at 5'5 is amazing ...your mind needs to catch up

    Some weight training, under guidance and with medical approval, would make you feel great too
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    What a great accomplishment! Pat yourself on the back.

    With regards to exercise, because your main form to date has been walking, could I recommend you take to the water? Doing a few months of aquafit (I love it), or swimming (I've just learnt), will be gentle on your joints and help you prepare your muscles for a land based lifting programme.

    Water activity has built in resistance for your muscles, and aquafit is often recommended for people with arthritis and other joint/ muscle problems.

    Check with your doctor first of course.

    I am 61 and lost my weight in my mid 50's and I do wear a bikini.
    Cheers, h.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I stopped just short of my goal too, and occasionally feel a little bit of annoyance with myself for doing so.

    What I've found that worked for me was to reward myself for my great loss (70lbs) by joining a gym and expanding my workouts. I only walked too for exercise while I was losing, and I can't run yet either because of a knee issue which led to surgery (it doesn't feel right yet so I'm waiting), so I've focused more on the stationary bike, but also introduced the rowing machine and now elliptical for my cardio. I don't just get on and putz around - I'm focused on gradually increasing the resistance level, introducing bursts of higher resistance (started at 30s every 5 mins, now at 90s) and aiming for longer distances. There is some great cardio equipment out there which helps to vary things and also use different muscles.

    I've also started resistance training. Maybe I'll progress to free weights, but I'm still working through the machines at my gym and enjoying that right now. Again, I always have a plan - I focus on gradually increasing the weights, progressively increasing the reps per set (start at 6 reps) and then adding on another set (when I get to 15 reps I add a set) until I increase the weight and start over again. I started with 5 machines, and I'm now expanding that number slowly. I track it all in MFP so I can see the data which shows me I'm getting stronger, even if I don't feel different, or look different to myself.

    So, in short, I've replaced my focus on a scale number, with a whole bunch of different numbers which chart my progress. Oh, and I still feel just as big as I did before I lost 70 lbs, even though I went from size 16/18 to size 2. It's just mind-games and I don't waste time thinking about it.
  • The replies include so much GREAT feedback: Praise, Strength Training, Focusing on other goals now, Honest examination of before and after those 80lbs. All good stuff.

    I only have one thing to add: Fat is NOT a feeling. Feelings are states of emotion. This was a powerful message for me the first time I heard it. Fat is not a state of emotion.

    When I used to say, "I feel fat." I realize now that what I really meant was, "I feel sad/ashamed because I perceive my physical appearance as undesirable." Then I got to ask myself the hundred dollar question..."Is it reasonable for me to feel sad and/or ashamed of my physical self? Is it helpful for me to 'hate on' myself it this way?"

    I would argue that is isn't helpful. Especially after all that the glorious machine that is your body has done to return to health.

    Happy New Year!
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Your body has gotten fitter so walking is no longer as effective. However, you can change that by either walking faster or, even better, walking steeper hills. Try using a 5 incline on the treadmill...if you're already doing that increase it even more. It will build more muscle in your lower body and be a more intense workout without adding any impact.

    But you are not a failure. You are at a healthy weight. If you want to lose more for aesthetic reasons, that's great. But where you are now is already a huge accomplishment.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    All other issues beside, please be patient with yourself. You have done fantastically well, first of all. And if you can maintain that, it would be incredible.

    Second, when you're close to the end it just takes a long time to get that last bit off. I know I felt like I'd never get there. The last 5 pounds took the same amount of time as the first 35. It's old fat you've carried a long time. It wants to stay in your life!l

    Stick with the deficit for a while if you're comfortable there and just keep plugging. Worst that happens is you maintain. Best that happens is that it slowly drips off.

    In any case, buy some new clothes and celebrate how fantastic you've done!
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You lost 80 pounds. Go look at a starting photo!

    This worked for me. I thought the same thing and it is still really hard for me not to see the 90lbs heavier version of myself. I think we all go through that. When I look at side by side pictures I think wow what a change you made.

    Give yourself a break! You lost 80lbs and that is wonderful!
  • dorothy2512
    dorothy2512 Posts: 21 Member
    Wow x thanks for all the positive replies and yes, I know I have come a long way, and I do feel good about what I've lost, I think I will start with another form of exercise and try and mix things up a little and forget about the number on the scales for a while,
    Thanks again
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Change types of exercise; make sure calorie logging is as accurate as possible.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    It takes a while for your head to realise that you're now slim, it took me over a year to finally accept that indeed I am ....I still get 'fat' days, I think every woman does, but its only in our heads I guess LOL
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    Such a timely post for me! Yesterday I was having a total "I'm fat and I hate my clothes" day. I've lost 126 pounds and been maintaining for 8 months - you'd think by now I'd be used to being smaller but I looked in the mirror and all I could see was the fat me looking back!

    Good to know I'm not just weird and that others go through the same thing. Going back and looking at my "before" pics really helped.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I know what you mean. I've lost 60 lbs, and have 25 pounds to go. I had a whirlwind weight loss last year and things have now slowed down.

    I still have a "journey" ahead of me to get to where I want to be.

    The hard part has been realizing/internalizing how far I've come (because I sure don't feel thin), and dealing with the feelings that arise when other people want me to know that my journey is probably over by this point ("you can't have more to lose - you'll disappear" or "you know, you may not be able to lose the rest").

    It is not easy, but you have to find a way to be mindful of how far you've come, and keep up your motivation. You also need to be realistic about your time table for reaching your goals. You can reach them. Nothing is out of your grasp! Don't be discouraged. You can definitely do this!!
  • ellisboyd1
    ellisboyd1 Posts: 67 Member
    You're not alone here.

    Take a picture, and compare with an earlier picture. Maybe try on some of your old clothes. You need pictures/old clothes to show you what you were, because your brain forgets very quickly.

  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    I would add strength training and tone the rest of the way getting some guidance from a sports PT place since you have health issues.

    I know in my case my muscles are stretched out, which makes me feel fatter.

    I also had to overcome issues with my hips, core, and feet. My PT was worth it's weight in gold imo.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    You are incredible, WOW 80lbs!!
    Try some weight lifting to re-composition your body a bit.
    You'll feel better and the arthritis won't be such a bother.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    edited January 2015
    Keep in mind that after losing 80 pounds, you will have some loose skin that likely weighs a few pounds. I have lost a lot of weight (several times) and had a baby 18 years ago... My stomach looks "fat" in that I can "pinch an inch" (more like 3). I thought it was fat until I had a DEXA scan showing I am only 17% body fat... that is ALL SKIN. I know at least 5 pounds is skin on me.

    So if you actually were to get to 124 and had 5 pounds of "excess skin" it would be like being 119, which is too small.

    So first, find out your body fat - if it is in a good range, you are probably at a good weight... 2nd, check out how much loose skin you have and try to honestly think how much that might weigh on its own... and add that to your goal weight (i.e. 129 might be your true goal weight... since if the skin were removed you would be 124). DEXA scan can almost give you an exact number if needed...
    - Also, age and muscle tone make a huge difference in weight. If you are exercising (especially weight bearing) more than you were 33 years ago you probably have more muscle now than then. There is no way to compare your body to something it was 30 years ago and have identical muscle/fat ratios for an unbiased comparison. Muscle is denser than fat, so while I weigh 130 now, the last time I weighed 130 i was more likely 25% body fat so a bigger size than I am now.
    - You dont walk around with your weight displayed... and no one ever said "oh that girl looks HOT... wait... she weighs what? never mind"... Pick a look you want instead, and work until you hit that instead of an arbitrary number on the scale no one sees but you. Same for clothing size... dont bother saying you want to be a size 4 - I could wear a 4 now (I wear 6) but my thighs have so much muscle they are too tight (but the waist is too big still)... Your shape also depends on muscle and fat distribution. Again you dont wear the tag on the outside - no one ever says "oh that girl looks HOT... wait... she wears a 6? never mind, if only she were a 4"...
    - Look in the mirrow and takes pics every month from top to bottom, front to back. Figure out what you are not happy with (waist too thick, back fat, skinny butt etc) and work on that part however you need to (while you cant spot reduce fat, you can even out muscle to look more proportional and more muscle burns fat...s o....). Once you are happy with the mirror, the scale and sizes mean nothing except a guide for maintenance (i.e. if your weight goes up a few pounds, check out the mirror again!).
  • Marz009
    Marz009 Posts: 26
    how did you lose so much, that's amazing. its only natural that you will eventually hit a plateau. i don't think you really feel fat, i think its just extra skin after so much wight loss but don't confuse that with fat. you've lost a ton of weight and your at the finish line, i think you deserve to finish your goal. you've done the hardest part and i think the best way to reward yourself is to finish these few last pounds off for good.
    best of luck!
  • fizzleh
    fizzleh Posts: 71 Member
    At my lightest weight I still felt fat. I have gained a little now and only now do I see that I was actually thin looking back on old pictures from last year, even though I didn't feel it at the time.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Try swimming. That is so easy on the body, and great for fitness. You've done so well! OH and remember, muscle weighs more so you might be seeing muscle pounds and not fat ones. :smiley: