Any Ladies who started at or are around 230 lbs.?

Ortizb87 Posts: 19 Member
What is your workout routine? Please help!


  • zortgirl
    zortgirl Posts: 28 Member
    I do 40 minutes of Gazelle every day Monday thru Friday. Saturday and Sunday I skip the workout in favor of just being active. I do yard work, play tennis, or go to our local waterpark or theme park. Just starting out, but it's working so far.
  • vdobbs28
    vdobbs28 Posts: 72 Member
    I started at 212.6...I jog in place...I can only go for 5 min's as of right now, I do 1 minute of jumping jacks and 1 minute of jump rope. I have lost 3.8 lbs so far in a week and a half time. I do martial arts and dance workouts on the tv on the weekends. I also have 3 lb dumbbells that I work with on my arms every day. I hope that this helps you!! :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 260lbs
    CW: 193.6lbs
    GW: 135lbs

    I'm probably a little unusual in the fact that I don't go to a gym and actually use fitness games for working out.

    When I first started to lose weight @ 260lbs and 6 weeks after a c-section:

    - Walks 3-4 times a week. I started by walking 1 mile (half a mile down the trail and half back) and slowly increasing the length of the walk each time.

    - Wii workouts 6 days a week included: EA Sports Active 2.0 (20-30 mins), Just Dance, Wii Fit, Golds Gym Cardio (cardio boxing), your shape, Zumba

    ***My wii died last year and I stopped working out for several months***

    At 225lbs, I started doing the following :

    - Walks 2 times a week. I can now walk 3 miles with ease and I am still slowly increasing the length of my walks.

    - Xbox Kinect 6 days a week includes: EA Sports Active 2.0 (20-30 mins), Dance Central, Your Shape FE: 2012

    - 30 Day Shred (dvd): I have yet to actually complete this dvd. I try it randomly, but I think my main issue is I get bored with it so easily.

    And I am going to add (as soon as I get over this dang cold):

    - Stronglifts 5x5 (we just bought a barbell, bench and weights)

    **edit: I should probably add, that I don't workout for hours on end. Like using the Kinect (or even when I used the wii), I would pick one or two of the games listed and workout for anywhere from 20 - 90 mins. Also I don't necessarily do it all at once. Sometimes I do a 20 min workout before my son gets up in the morning and then a 20 min workout while he is napping.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I started this year at 220. I got myself a Wii, with the Fit balance board and started using it every single day. I also started picking up every fitness game I could find. I really like the EA Active workouts and I use my own resistance bands for more strength training. Beimg consistent with these fun circuits has helped me become stronger than ever. I find 30 day shred a bit lame, except for the push-ups ... Hmm, it is about time to do my monthly session of 30DS to see if it is any easier!

    I also enjoy the Zumba games, for cardio.

    Now that I am stronger and have built up good habits, I have also bought a bike. And swim season is here!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I started at 241 and I'm currently at 226, so I'm right there. I'm 5'3, if that makes any difference. I have been walking up to three miles with my mom, intermixed with Leslie Sansone dvds. I ride my bike, working to build some endurance there. I have free weights, that I use for an old "Firm" dvd. It's called "highdef sculpt, if that makes any difference. I also do yoga, intermixed with some pilates. Yoga, I have several DVDs and pilates mostly do from memory, from a kick butt instructor, I was lucky enough to attend her class a few years ago.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    I started at 240.

    I continued to play my hockey 2-4x a week (which is what got me fat in the first place - too much post-game beer & wings!)

    At first, I simply added walking on my treadmill to the mix. At first I could only do about 20-30 minutes on it, at a slow pace. But it was better than nothing! As the weight came off, I was able to increase the duration, speed and incline.

    Once I had lost 10% of my starting body weight and felt brave enough to put on a swimsuit - I started swimming again, in addition to my hockey & treadmill walking.

    A month or so later, the snow had melted and I was able to get back out on my bicycle - in addition to swimming, hockey & treadmill walking.

    Another month later, I had moved out of the Obese BMI category into Overweight - I started the C25K program, in addition to swimming, hockey, biking and treadmill walking (when the weather is bad)

    I started on Jan 2nd. Today is May 30th and I've lost 50 lbs. Along the way, I made an impulsive decision - so...I'm also training for a Try-a-Tri in August. Having that concrete date & exercise goal is fantastic motivation.

    Good luck, and keep moving!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I started at 220. I used to go to the gym 5 times a week and just vary the machines I used - stepper, treadmill, cross trainer, summit trainer etc - and I also had 2 personal training sessions a week involving lots of weight lifting and strength training.

    Then I started introducing classes and now do Zumba, spinning, aerobics, step, LBT, boxercise..... I probably do 7 workout sessions a week as some days I do 2 classes.

    I weigh 157 now.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I started at 224lbs.

    I walk on average about 30 miles a week so that helps me a lot when it comes to exercise. I did do the 30 Day Shred twice and lost a good portion of the weight but I find that my will power to working out doesn't help a lot so I just skitter around with workouts now, I do whatever takes my fancy. At the moment I am doing Just Dance 4 sweat mode on the Wii and it's a pretty good workout, alongside that I am doing the 30 day squats and 30 day crunch challenge :)
  • Amyy1982
    Amyy1982 Posts: 369 Member
    I started at 232lbs - the first month I just focused on my food, then I started doing Zumba 3x a week (DVD's), now I'm doing the 30 day shred and I walk a few times a week.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I started at 211. leslie sansone, 30ds, gym if i can. i just do whatever keeps me moving every day. leslie sansone is the easiest and ive had great results with her dvds.
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I started here at 235. The gym bored me back then so I did fitness video games at home and I loved them! Zumba on Wii, Wii Fit, I had the board thing, it was great for getting me started. Then I moved on to DVDs by Denise Austin, dabbled in some by Jillian Michaels, and LOVED tae bo and kickboxing. Once that got boring (although I do some DVDs still) I joined the gym, had two free sessions with a trainer and I've been doing cardio (30-45 mins) about 4 times a week now, and weights 2-3x/wk. Initially though, I started out doing just cardio because weights intimidated me. Once I saw how weight lifting changes my body, I was on board and learned what I could so I wouldn't feel silly.

    It was just a thing of challenging myself more as I got used to each form of exercise. Plus, I get bored easily :tongue:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I started at 234. I lost 60 lbs by doing Jillian Michael's DVDs (probably 6 days a week) and c25k (5 days a week). I've been stuck around 174 for quite a while but doing some serious lifting did get me from a size 12 to a size 10.
  • apcartwright
    apcartwright Posts: 27 Member
    I go to deep water work out and aquasize, and occasionally will get on the tread mill for 20 minutes with a little weight lifting. I also try to walk 20 or so minutes on my lunch break. I stared the beginning of March and I am 29 lbs lighter and have lost 4 inches on my waist and 3 on my hips and feel fantastic. I never used to drink water and find now I am hungry if I don't drink enough, This sight has also made me think about making me make healthier fruit and veg. choices along with portion size and cut the cheese way down. Good luck hopefully one of these will help. I have done the wii work outs and the biggest loser but right now I am hooked on the deep water workout.
  • Shaunda_marie
  • pegluv79
    pegluv79 Posts: 1 Member
    What is Gazelle?
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    Started out at 250 pounds. Mainly just did Wii games(Just Dance in particular) for a few hours a night. I played with my husband and friends so it was more fun than anything. About two months ago I started running as well. I run 5 days a week.

    I am currently 159 pounds.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I started around 240, I think (5'11"). Initially I walked on the treadmill only for about 30-40 min, but I started to have some feet problems. I switched to the elliptical and the bike. I could only do the elliptical for 10 minutes at first, but I started adding 5 minutes a week to it and was up to 30 minutes in no time. I did a combo of the bike, elliptical, treadmill (running and walking) for a really long time and just recently I added in weight training and I LOVE it. My only regret is I didn't start sooner.

    ETA: My starting weight was actually 281, but I didn't start regular exercise until I was about 240. Now I'm about 212.
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    I started at 257 (in January) with the following routine, which I have now maintained for five months:

    Sun long walk (60-120 minutes)
    Mon Nautilus machines after work
    Tues shadowboxing class in the evening
    Weds rest
    Thurs one hour with trainer before work
    Fri rest
    Sat one hour with trainer in the morning

    I now weigh 221, so it's definitely working! (As a side note, I aim for 1808-2000 calories per day.)
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I did I started at 234. I began eating at a 20% deficit from my TDEE then I started walking. I ran for a short time, until I discovered lifting and that is what I have been doing ever since.

    I started lifting October 1 2012 and still lifting now. My results would have been better but I took 2 months off for medical reasons.

    I lift 4x a week upper/lower split and try to incorporate cardio on days I don't lift, I hate cardio so that is an area I need to work on.
  • jesssi1984
    jesssi1984 Posts: 17 Member
    I started mid-feb topping out at 252, I've made it down almost 20lbs in 3months. I joined the gym, hit the trail with my bicycle, and run around with my kid. My goal is about 100 lbs away, by next spring. I started running c25k 7wks ago, and went from struggling to run a minute to being able to run a mile. Which helps with biking on the trial - I hit 12.3 miles yesterday in the hot sun. Looooove it! Haha! Good luck to you!