Any Ladies who started at or are around 230 lbs.?



  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I started around 265, doing Zumba and Jillian Michaels circuit training workouts. By the time I started Turbo Fire I was 208, when I finished I was down to 184, now I'm doing a combo of Turbo Fire, Jillian Michaels and Strength Training, down to 176 (as of 5/20)
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    I started at 217 and i'm down to 166, eat right, work out and know that one day of bad eating is going to mess you up.The real key is to move your butt and keep moving it.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    i did the 30 day shred and walked
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I started at 217 and i'm down to 166, eat right, work out and know that one day of bad eating is going to mess you up.The real key is to move your butt and keep moving it.

    I don't think one day will mess you up too much, that's just me though.
  • sdurrahMpls
    sdurrahMpls Posts: 75 Member
    Started at 270 lbs doing couch to 5k every other day. Got a gym membership at 249 and added spin classes and weight training with free weights. I've eaten upwards of 1800 calories consistently per day, and work out 6 days per week between weight training and varying forms of cardio. I'm at 185.5 lbs now and shooting for 150.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Started at 285, currently 184 I go to the gym at least 6 days a week. I alternate between the treadmill, elliptical, bike or stairs. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I work on strength training. I decided today that in June I will try c25k!

    This has been a two and a half year process for me and for six months I did not monitor my calories.
  • Darcyw4
    Darcyw4 Posts: 44
    i started @ 307 - down now to 253. I am over the poundage that you are looking for but here are some things that I do:
    walking (3 to 10 miles depending on weather. I am in North Dakota so its hit or miss. :) )
    biking (5 to 20 miles see above)
    Body pump x2 a week (i am going to try to get up early on Fridays for the AM class so x3/week)
    dog walking
    cleaning (there are people that dont consider cleaning as an "exercise" but when I clean, I also dance and am moving furniture. yes, I move furniture every time because we have 6 dogs so I have to make sure to get all of the dog hair. ha)
    dancing (mostly with my mop/broom or dogs)
    wii games
    fitness videos on YouTube when the weather is poopy outside and I am stuck int he house
    **I am a firm believer that no matter what size you are, you can move. I hope you find something that works for you! :) I wish you the best of luck!
  • mistyme
    mistyme Posts: 26
    I think I started MFP when I was about 212 but I think I was 220 at my heaviest. I basically got on the elliptical at the gym and stayed on it for an hour most days of the week. I got better at it and got bored, so I started to walk/jog a 5 mile route near my house. Slowly I incorporated more jogging. Now I run the 5 miles 2 or 3 days a week. I also joined a Crossfit styled gym for strength training, and have gone consistently 3 days a week. My husband and I also like to hike so we try to do that once a week. I pretty much have embraced an active lifestyle and haven't really looked back. I enjoy my 6 day a week workouts. :smile:
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I'm 5'41/2", and started this time @ 227.8...which was only 1 lb off my all time highest weight (pregnancy weights not in the mix). Last weigh in I was 221.4.

    Currently, my main work out is "running". It's kind of modified, I'm working up to a full run, I'm doing a 2 minute run, 2 minute walk. After a few weeks, then I'll bump it up to 3 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. Today I did 25 minutes, 1.3 miles.

    In between - when I get the chance (like now, when I finish this post...) and I'm alone, I'll crank some music up & dance as well. That's my fave, and I don't log that into my daily "count".

    A friend of mine started me of on running...and who would have thought the chick who tried to get out of gym class growing up would now be actively going outside & running?!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I started at 234 and it took me around 13 months to lose right at 100(give or take a lb).

    I do the following-

    Running intervals on hills or treadmill at 7.5-9% incline for 60 minutes 3 times a week.

    Ab classes and upper body weight classes- 3-4 days a week for 30 minutes each class

    Rush Fit or something similar- 1-2 days a week along with yoga for 30 minutes.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I started at 285 in January, down to 233. Once the weight started coming off, I did Leslie Sansone DVD, then added in my stationary bike started with 5 minutes a day, slowly increased it a minute or two every week.

    Now I ride about 30-70 minutes a day, doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, and Leslie Sansone Walking DVDs. Have also started some very basic weight training at home.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    SW: 220
    CW: 165
    GW: 135-140?

    My routine? I follow my calories (I am currently at 1550, because I'm off due to injury).

    When my toe wasn't broken:

    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday - 75 minute fitness/taekwondo classes.
    It's always been my intention to exercise between those days, but I hardly do. Maybe a walk once a week.. but the classes really REALLY kick my butt (I miss it and can't wait to get back, hopefully next week as it's been 6 weeks)..
    And I was eating 1800 cals. Scale weight was moving very slowly, but my inch loss went through the roof... and honestly, I'd rather see inches gone rather than lbs on the scale.

    **Edited - I lost my first 20 lbs by diet only. I figured if I could figure that out first, I'd stick with it longer. From 20-35lbs lost, I walked a few times a week. Around 35lbs lost, I started tkd (in January)
  • breezylee75
    breezylee75 Posts: 101 Member
    I am 236, I started at 280, give or take. Thrilled to be fitting in size 16 jeans and 1X shirts, down from size 22-24 jeans and 2-3X shirts. First I just started walking on the treadmill, or out with the dogs. It took me a while, but I got bored and started doing classes at the Y. I decided to start the C25K program, and am almost finished! Like a lot of the other posters, I just try to be more active in general. When I'm at home, I try to stay away from the computer and tv. clean, organize, etc. At work, I go to the gym on lunch and walk for 30-40 minutes, and try to get up often and move around. I am planning on starting a lifting program very soon, just don't know how much I can do working two jobs right now. I think the most important thing is to change things up, especially when you find yourself dreading your daily workout. :)

    Oh and my goal weight is 150, but not so much worried about the scale as I am about how I feel and how my clothes fit. :)
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I started running (Couch to 5k) and doing Les Mills Body Pump classes around 230. I am down 25 pounds and now doing Insanity. Now I am focusing on incorporating activity into daily lifestyle - biking to the train station, standing desk at work, etc. I'd like to increase my weight training too.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    I started at 230.
    I like to mix up my exercise. At first I did a lot of elliptical, about 40 minutes/day. Then I added stationary bike and walking. This summer, I bought a bicycle and have been riding that. I go to Zumba Toning once a week. On days when I don't bike, I do stretching and work with 3-5 lbs weights.
    I have osteoarthritis in both knees, and I am just waiting for my DH to retire so I can have them both replaced.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    starting weight was 278
    current weight is 175 and holding. i fluctuate 10 pounds either way. I focus more on gaining muscle now than losing weight.

    in 2010 when i started i went to the gym 6 times a week for 2 hours a day. all of it was cardio machines and resistance machines 3 times a week.

    now i run a bootcamp/crossfit type class with my boyfriend. we do that 4-6 days a week and are training for the "rugged maniac race".
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Sw - 285
    Cw - 245
    Gw - ???? right now, I'll be happy when I see 199.99999, LOL.

    I started at 295 and I'm currently 229, and I'm still unsure what I'm going to do after 199.9999999999. I never thought that I'd be there and I'm really close....

    Isn't it crazy? It used to seem sooooooooo far away! :drinker: <- those are celebratory protein drinks
  • LauraBalyk
    LauraBalyk Posts: 219 Member
    I am starting at 265 with hopes to one day be at 180 !! feel free to add me !
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I'm 5'2 and started at about 228 about 10 months ago. I am currently at 178. My goal weight is somewhere around 130, but we will see as I get closer to that.

    My routine is kind of sporadic to be honest. I started doing the elliptical for 30 minutes. Then I did it for 60 minutes.

    Now a days I mix it up every week. I have a bootcamp class once a week. I jog. I do zumba. I do online workout videos. I honestly will do anything to burn calories. I try to do something at least 5 times a week and I keep track of my activity with my heart rate monitor.
  • icicles818
    icicles818 Posts: 19 Member
    i started about 223...and I currently weight about 195. I do a lot of workout videos, simply because it fits my lifestyle and I can always keep up with it. I do have a Kinect but don't use it as much. I mix up the workouts with Kickboxing..which I love, Zumba, Cardio Conditioning by Bob Harper incorporates weights, and I just added in Yoga. I have taken breaks here and there, but after 5 months I'm still sticking with it and down about 30lbs. It hasn't been quick, but its consistent.