Fast Metabolism Diet - anyone following



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Winnjn5 wrote: »
    Firstly, thank you to all the responders who woke me up from my post vacation slide into "woo" acceptance. To the OP, Dr. Oz has nothing but his pocket-book in mind when it comes to what he pitches. That doesn't mean that everything he says is garbage, but it does mean you can't trust him as a go-to source.. especially when a book and supplements are for sale in relation to whatever diet or what-have you.
    The problem with this diet, and ALL diets is that you might lose weight quickly, but you will put it back on and then some when you are done. I actually found this post because I was wondering more about this approach, but as I read I realize this is not a magic pill. As with many of these diets, there is a shred of truth tossed in, which is why we are all susceptible to the con (intention or no, it IS a con). Insulin resistance and sluggish metabolisms ARE a thing, but if you have either, you are going to feel like crap, and you are going to be hungry all the time. Hence, you are not going to want to do the necessary exercise or calorie reduction to lose weight. If you think you have either, have your doctor run blood work. The best way to speed things up is to suck it up and get 3 days of VIGOROUS exercise a week. I'm not talking a stroll with the dog, I'm talking winded and sweaty. For me it's running (which I swore I would never do, but it's the most bang for my exercise buck). As for eating, make sure you are eating ENOUGH. The reason groups like weight watchers are so successful, is that they understand that weight loss is a long term balancing act. You have to eat enough calories to not make your metabolism shut down and go into starvation mode, but few enough to create a calorie deficit.
    The bottom line, is that whatever you do needs to be a permanent change in order to be sustainable. This diet is not.

    OP may have left the plantation....since this thread was from the beginning of January.

  • karawilliamson93
    I am starting on Haylie Pomroy's Fast Metabolism Diet tomorrow morning for 28 days. It has challenges. I was wondering if anyone else on here is doing that program.
    I have created my menu and grocery list for the week.

    I'm starting it too! Feel free to message me
  • karawilliamson93
    My terrible SIL is starting this today. I told her "good for you" because she's terrible.
  • karawilliamson93
    This post is old haha sorry