First Apartment with boyfriend - any advice?



  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    pretty sure he didn't say that. Please show me where he says that.

    like they had remotes back in the day
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    Wow, the people saying keep your money separate are kind of cynical. If you're confident in your relationship there is no reason to keep money and bank accounts separate. Plus when you are splitting bills with separate accounts, it will always feel like one of you is paying the other. Kind of weird in my opinion...but that's just me. I'm confident in my relationship. My boyfriend had NO problem whatsoever starting a joint account with me.

    What my honey and I did before we moved in together was have a good long discussion about bills, housework, all that... I to the cooking, laundry, and usually all the vacuuming/mopping. He does dishes and cleans the kitchen. We split litter-box-scooping duty and cleaning the bathroom.

    For us, sharing the bathroom is the hardest thing! We get up at about the same time and leave for work about 30 minutes apart. He spends the first 15 minutes in the bathroom showering, then I shower for the next 15. 10 minutes later he's in the bathroom for another 20 minutes so I had to move my moisturizer and stuff like that to the bedroom. This brings me to my tip - compromise is one of the biggest keys to happiness and harmony in a relationship. If it's one-sided, it won't work.

    Good luck!!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    pretty sure he didn't say that. Please show me where he says that.

    like they had remotes back in the day

    God has always had a remote, and ever shall he.
  • Mariannewww
    Mariannewww Posts: 67
    Don't get a joint account
  • Mariannewww
    Mariannewww Posts: 67
    How do you think god gets embarrassing bodies on after corro? He isn't getting off the sofa hen he can do everything - he is remoting the **** out of that
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    You are nervous because you are entering into a terrible sin. Sin means it is bad.

    You might be struck with lightning, but I don't know if God still does that.

    "If he likes it, then he better put a ring on it." -- Beyonce.

    Agreed! check out statistics on Divorce rates among people who live together first. They are much higher. If he doesnt care enough to marry you then you are setting you up for heart break.

    I am not a statistic...but my hubby and I lived together for three years before we maried (even had a kid first - SHOCKING, I know) but we are celebrating 21 years next month. So, statistics are averages..just saying.

    Statistics are so mean

    Just making sure someone appreciated this.

  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    Everything thing that he does will eventually annoy you, even though you love him to bits.

    1) leaving dishes with scraps of breakfast cereal in the sink (so its super hard to wash!)
    2) leaving washing on the floor, even though there is a wash basket RIGHT FRICKIN THERE!!
    3) his hobby(s) take up entire household, whilst yours are shoved in a corner, and the moment you dare to leave your yoga ball out your 'taking up the whole house'
    4) its like having a 3rd child, although this child you get to do more adult fun things with.

    Ill leave my list there, i love my hubby to the end of the world an back, with or without the annoying traits :D

    Holy crap, have you been spying on my apartment? Except it's not just his hobbies, it's just him lol 2/3 of the couch, 2/3 to 3/4 of the bed, 2/3 of the closet, 2/3-3/4 of the food.........seriously there have been big meals that I cooked that I got one small serving of and the rest he ate. And yes, he is a 40-year-old child. I have to constantly remind him to wipe his mouth when he is eating or when he is done, wash his sticky hands after eating (because for example, he can't use just fingertips or 2's the whole hand or nothing LOL) and don't get me started on *bathroom habits* and *laundry* IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN
    I love him to pieces, but I don't want kids because I've already got him...I couldn't handle more!! LOL
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Wow, the people saying keep your money separate are kind of cynical. If you're confident in your relationship there is no reason to keep money and bank accounts separate.

    The more money you have the more reasons to keep it seperate. Keep your money seperate.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    You are nervous because you are entering into a terrible sin. Sin means it is bad.

    You might be struck with lightning, but I don't know if God still does that.

    "If he likes it, then he better put a ring on it." -- Beyonce.

  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Don't get a joint account

    You should mention it a third time, because I don't think she saw it the first time when you were dooming her relationship.

    By the way love bitter people they make the simplest things in life seem fun :-)
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    Everything thing that he does will eventually annoy you, even though you love him to bits.

    1) leaving dishes with scraps of breakfast cereal in the sink (so its super hard to wash!)
    2) leaving washing on the floor, even though there is a wash basket RIGHT FRICKIN THERE!!
    3) his hobby(s) take up entire household, whilst yours are shoved in a corner, and the moment you dare to leave your yoga ball out your 'taking up the whole house'
    4) its like having a 3rd child, although this child you get to do more adult fun things with.

    Ill leave my list there, i love my hubby to the end of the world an back, with or without the annoying traits :D

    Hmmm... starting to wonder if my boyfriend is leading a secret life on the opposite side of the big pond because that's totally what he does... :laugh: Though he keeps his dirty laundry hidden in a pile at the bottom of his wardrobe and then complains that I only ever wash my own stuff.
  • Mariannewww
    Mariannewww Posts: 67
    Don't get a joint account

    You should mention it a third time, because I don't think she saw it the first time when you were dooming her relationship.

    By the way love bitter people they make the simplest things in life seem fun :-)

    I was posting it as a response to the person who said it was cynical - nothing to do with being bitter I would rather someone had told me how difficult it can be to sort out if things go wrong - dooming the relationship? Not quite but hyperbole seems to suit
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Wow, the people saying keep your money separate are kind of cynical. If you're confident in your relationship there is no reason to keep money and bank accounts separate. Plus when you are splitting bills with separate accounts, it will always feel like one of you is paying the other. Kind of weird in my opinion...but that's just me. I'm confident in my relationship. My boyfriend had NO problem whatsoever starting a joint account with me.

    What my honey and I did before we moved in together was have a good long discussion about bills, housework, all that... I to the cooking, laundry, and usually all the vacuuming/mopping. He does dishes and cleans the kitchen. We split litter-box-scooping duty and cleaning the bathroom.

    For us, sharing the bathroom is the hardest thing! We get up at about the same time and leave for work about 30 minutes apart. He spends the first 15 minutes in the bathroom showering, then I shower for the next 15. 10 minutes later he's in the bathroom for another 20 minutes so I had to move my moisturizer and stuff like that to the bedroom. This brings me to my tip - compromise is one of the biggest keys to happiness and harmony in a relationship. If it's one-sided, it won't work.

    Good luck!!!

    We don't pay each other, unless we are making a really big purchase, like our boat. One pays rent and utilities, the other pays groceries, insurance and funds IRAs.

    As for sharing the bathroom, we shower together if we both want to take a shower in the morning. It hurries him along, so we both get clean in less time (and water consumption) than he would take on his own.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    All the god stuff is a joke right? People don't actually force their belief system like that on people in this day and age do they?

    Bible says if you sleep with a squid you get smitten in the knees but I'm yet to come back from the beach walking like John Cleese...

    You sleep with squid?
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Totally normal! I've been living with my boyfriend off and on since about the 3rd day we've known each other (3 1/2 years ago now). I moved in with him at his old place, then he bought a new place and fixed it up while I stayed in the old place, and tomorrow, I'm moving in to the new place. It can be scary - I know him VERY well and we have lived together, but I'm still nervous - but you'll do great. People have very different opinions about whether it's important to live together or not, but I'm a firm believer (and am a very traditional conservative girl). Would rather find out earlier rather than later that I can make it work living with someone (especially in 650 ft2!).

    I echo what everyone else has said - be sure you have somewhere close by to get away - Starbucks, the gym, a place you can walk, whatever. There will be times you fight and need to take a breath of fresh air, but I think you'll find it to be very rewarding (and telling) :) Good luck!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Many responses already but I thought it would be good to add my own opinion.

    That is normal considering it is your first time moving out and first time moving in with someone who isn't your family. This would be scary and it is something that I have personally done.

    My best personal opinion to make things work is to be honest and forthcoming. If there is an issue from either person it is best to calmly discuss the issue or problem and find a solution that benefits the home regardless of the person that it benefits. Keep finances separate until after you get married (not saying that you will, this is just experience talking here) and ensure that you both have certain 'rule' or standards that you live by. Like how long can the dishes sit in the sink before it's too long and other things like that.

    And also find some personal space that you can do your 'me' time in and where it doesn't interfere with his 'me' time.

    Fights and disagreements will happen, like any relationship it is going to be give and take and lots of hard work to keep it all together.

    Best of luck in your new home together :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Who's going to be the first to fart in front of each other? You or him?

    NO NO NO - no farting in front of your significant other. Burping is bad too. My advice (before I saw that post) was exactly this: do not get too comfortable that you scratch inappropriate stuff or fart in front of him. lol

    Why not? I mean I still find it a little odd that he always decides he needs to talk to me while I'm on the crapper, but I've got the whole animal brigade in there anyways. You're having sex you see each other naked you get your fluids all over each other why not let it rip if you have to and damn scratch away sometimes you just gotta itch. Maybe avoid smelling your fingers afterwards if you want to be polite, but dont worry he loves you.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Steer clear of the midwest. They get a little uptight when black women start stealing all their white men.

    Hey! I live in the midwest, and I'd be perfectly happy for a black woman to steal me. Alas, I've met all 7 of the black women in Minnesota and there was no chemistry.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    It will be fine.
    Has your Mother explained your role?
    Cooking, cleaning, laundry, getting your man a beer?

    Has his Father explained his roles?

    Car repair, jar opener, general maintenance, back rubs, foot rubs, purchasing tampons, preparing meals when you are tired from work, taking out the trash, telling you youre gorgeous every second of the day, leg shaver, giving you oral service at any time with no complaints?
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Keep your money separate, and your bathroom business private.