Partially hydrogenated oils....WTF!!!!!



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    See Table 2, the study you posted is included and see if it differs from the others included‎

    It's a good article and doesn't contradict the aussie study. Optimal health choice is grass finished, while tastiest choice is grain. Neither one is particularly bad. Manufactured trans fat is a different story.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So I've doing some reading on partially hydrogenated oils. So far what I have read is that ANY oil that has been hydrogenized in any way is pretty much the worst thing a person can eat. Plus all partially hydrogenated oil =trans fat. Fine so I just won't buy foods that have trans fat, no big deal. Right? Well here's the kicker, even if the lable on the box says 0 trans fat that doesn't mean it's completely trans fat free. The reason being is that the USDA says as long as something is .5 or less per serving it doesn't have to be listed.
    You can know if a food has trans fat by reading the ingredients on the box. If it says partially hydrogenated oil, of any kind, then it has trans fat. It may only be trace amounts per serving, but if you eat more then a serving then it adds up.
    When I went grocery shopping this morning I was angry and astounded at how many pkged foods have partially hydrogenated oil in them. Several of these foods I buy on a regular basis, INCLUDING, Flintstone vitamins ( threw an almost full bottle in the trash when I found out ) and El Paso refried beans. I am very angry because I've been under the assumption that many of the things I have been buying were at least somewhat healthy. From now on I will be checking everything that I put in my shopping cart.
    And what makes me more angry is that the food industries can and are getting away with this, not to mention all the other garbage thats being put into our food. It's one thing for a person to not care about what they eat and eat whatever they want , but when a person is trying to eat healthy and make sure their children are eating healthy as well, it's almost impossible when the food industry is hiding the poison and advertising it as healthy.

    If anyone does not know the health dangers of trans fat and partially hydrogenated oils, please look it up. It will certainly change your mind about what you buy and what you eat.

    Stay away from grass fed beef too, higher in trans fats than grain fed beef

    I believe you have that backwards. You want to go for grass-fed beef. Cows naturally eat grass, eating grains is unnatural, and it makes them sick, which is part of the reason they preemptively pump them full of antibiotics (that, and to stop them from getting sick in the overcrowded populations of factory farms).

    Grass-fed beef that is raised naturally with no antibiotics or growth hormone is ideal, but that's not cost effective for the food industry. It takes four years to raise a beef cow, but with growth hormone they can do it in 6 months, which results in a bigger, fattier cow, and leads to the beef-eaters gaining weight, and developing illnesses and early puberty in kids due to the hormones, and also antibiotic resistance due to ingesting antibiotics in the meat.

    If nothing else, get organic meat. It costs more, but when you weigh that against the costs of illness and obesity, it's worth it.

    Please make up your mind, if you want all trans fats to be banned, i'm unsure why you would say grass fed beef is better, as it is higher in trans fats

    They want to ban artificial transfats, like the stuff in margarine. I guess I should have been more specific. Most people when they talk about transfats are talking about things like hydrogenated oils and things that are modified and manufactured. Transfat in beef that is raised naturally is not going to hurt people. Eating food that is one molecule away from plastic is not so good for people.

    I will take the transfat in grass-fed beef over the hormones and antibiotics in grain fed beef, and I will take butter over margarine because I like to eat real food, not artificial crap that is manufactured in factories.

    What about ingesting something that is one molecule away from explosive gas? Is that good or bad?

    So you were fear mongering when talking about all trans fats being bad?

    Yes, you're right, that's what I was trying to do. You caught me, transfats are perfectly safe. They don't increase LDL or decrease HDL, they don't increase the risk of heart disease and strokes, and they certainly don't contribute to diabetes.

    So go for it, eat as much processed and fast food as you want, and let it forever remain a MYSTERY why people are getting fatter and sicker, because obviously it's just fear mongering saying that it might have SOMETHING to do with the **** we're eating. These over-zealous healthy food and clean eating freaks just want to take all the pleasure out of the crappy foods that are killing people, because they just taste so damn good, how can they possibly be bad?

    I'm done with this conversation. People who care will do the research for themselves, and people who don't, will pay for it later.

    Perhaps you should do some research free of confirmation bias?

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    And what makes me more angry is that the food industries can and are getting away with this, not to mention all the other garbage thats being put into our food.
    They get away with it because of people who buy stuff without reading the label. Eh? Eh? Say no more?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I didn't read it, but does it say who funded the study by any chance? Food and beverage companies fund most of the studies that, not surprisingly, deem their product as safe.
    Yeah, we should expect food safety studies to be funded by bicycle manufacturers...